Known as the Daisy or Sunflower family commonly, and also as the Asteraceae family scientifically. It is a very large family of flowering plants. They include marigold, sunflower, lettuce, artichoke, sage, camomile etc. In homoeopathy, this family is especially valued for its injury remedies - arn, hyper, bellis, calend, mill and so on.
abrot, absinth, achyr, ambros, anthem, arn, art-v, bellis, calend, card-m, cham, cina, ciner, echin, erig, eup-per, eup-pur, gnaph, hyper, inula, lappa, mill, solid, tanac, tarax, tussil, wyeth
- marasmus, esp lower extremities (sanic)
- metastasis (lac-c)
- cruelty (anac)
- face, comedones, veins
- constipation alternating with diarrhea
- undigested stools
- vertigo
- confusion
- violence
- hayfever
- whooping cough
- diarrhea esp summer
- asthma
- lachrymation
- coryza
- cold things agg
- gooseflesh, coldness
- griping in abdomen
- convulsions
- puberty
- eye and vision complaints
- somnambulism
- sweat like garlic
- injuries
- cancer
- sprains
- getting chilled agg
- old gardeners
- left side
- eye complaints (euphr)
- cataract, corneal opacity
- injury to eye (led, symph)
- hemorrhage (ip)
- hematuria (canth)
- gonorrhea (thuj)
- dysentery
- malaria (chin)
- bone pains
- bilious vomiting (sang)
- gouty
- thirsty during chill
- diabetes
- bladder
- homesick
- impotency and sterility
- sciatica (coloc)
- numbness (plat)
- rheumatism
- dysmenorrhea
- gouty
- morning diarrhea (sulph)
- chronic bronchitis
- bearing down in uterus
- boils (bellis)
- skin eruptions
- polyuria
- female genitals
- styes (staph)
- jar agg (bell)
- hemorrhage
- injuries
- tubercular (tub)
- high fever (bell)
- piles
- cough
- chorea (agar)
- lassitude, tired
- hearing affected
- effects of poison ivy (rhus-t)
- liver
- mapped tongue (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- cancer of bladder
- jaundice (chel)
- heat on top of head
- restless legs (med, zinc)
- night-sweats
- knee pain
- gonorrhea (puls)
- urinary
- pylorus
- obesity