An acid is a chemical substance whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts. Acids are used as additives to drinks and foods, as they alter their taste and serve as preservatives. Phosphoric acid is a component of cola drinks. Acetic acid is nothing but vinegar. Carbonic acid is an important part of some cola drinks and soda. Citric acid is used as a preservative in sauces and pickles. Tartaric acid is an important component of some commonly used foods like unripened mangoes and tamarind. Citric acid is present in oranges, lemon and other citrus fruits. Oxalic acid is present in tomatoes, spinach, and especially in carambola and rhubarb (rheum); rhubarb leaves and unripe carambolas are toxic because of high concentrations of oxalic acid.
acet-ac, benz-ac, but-ac, carb-ac, chrom-ac, cit-ac, fl-ac, gall-ac, hipp-ac, hydr-ac, mur-ac, nit-ac, ox-ac, ph-ac, pic-ac, succ-ac, sul-ac, tart-ac
- anemia (chin)
- dropsy (apis)
- hemorrhage (carb-v)
- wasting, emaciation (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- worry about business (bry)
- salivation (jab)
- waterbrash
- dyspepsia
- thirsty except in fever
- diabetes (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- backache > lying on abdomen
- hectic fever with drenching sweats (tub)
- urine highly colored and very offensive (nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- gouty (colch)
- pains change place suddenly (puls)
- asthma
- dwells on past unpleasant things (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- swelling behind ears, mastoid region (caps)
- gums bluish, bleeding
- circumscribed redness of cheeks (sang)
- diarrhea offensive, like soapsuds
- achilles tendon
- ganglion, bunions, gouty deposits, nodes
- constantly fears trifles, apprehensive
- cramps in abdomen
- sleepless
- foul, profuse footsweat
- brittle nails (sil)
- acrid, burning
- ascending agg
- rapid motion agg
- ulcerative colitis
- band sensation (gels)
- painless (op)
- destructive (kreos)
- sensitive to odors (colch)
- sudden pains, come and go (sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur])
- craves tobacco (staph)
- constipation
- offensive breath (bapt)
- weakness (carb-v)
- scalp tender
- diphtheria (kali-bi)
- adenoids
- cancer of tongue (tab)
- symptoms come and go suddenly
- offensive discharges
- scurvy (carb-v)
- rheumatism
- hemorrhages
- dropsy
- sour taste
- cancer pains
- syphilitic
- glabella region bloated
- destructive process, ulcers, fistula, necrosis (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- moves about energetically
- destruction - bones, teeth, nails, hair
- inability to realise responsibility (cann-i)
- indifference to loved ones (sep)
- elated, gay, buoyancy
- cr spicy, cold water (phos)
- increased sexual desire (bufo, lyc)
- varicose veins (calc-f [Calcium/Fluorine])
- itching of orifices
- hot (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- right-side
- muscular soreness, bodyache
- eyelids inflamed, swollen
- menses amel
- joints
- poisoning (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- collapse
- convulsions
- paralysis
- spasmodic constriction in larynx
- suffocation, palpitation (naja)
- cyanosis, bluish (laur)
- fears everything (acon)
- jaws clenched
- brain feels on fire
- sinking at pit of stomach
- asthma (carb-v)
- angina pectoris, heart (ox-ac, tab)
- extreme weakness, suffering
- piles
- typhoid (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- involuntary stool, urine (hyos)
- paralytic effects
- aphthae, soreness (borx)
- vertigo < lying on right
- epistaxis (crot-h)
- foul breath (bapt)
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- margins of skin and mucous membranes
- splinter pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], rat)
- dark complexion (iod [Halogens/Iodine], sep)
- syphilis
- pains come and go rapidly (bell)
- aphthae, blisters, ulcers (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- fissure in ano
- offensive discharges
- irritable, hateful, vindictive (anac)
- sensitive to noise
- tongue cracked in center
- cr fat, salt, indigestible
- urine offensive, feels cold on passing
- warts (caust)
- pain in spots (kali-bi)
- paralysis
- worse thinking of complaints
- left-side
- pain in male organs
- aphonia
- angina pectoris
- lancinating pains
- slight touch agg (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- debility, nervous exhaustion
- young people who grow rapidly (calc)
- loss of vital fluids (chin)
- typhoid (carb-v)
- listless, indifferent, dazed
- hair gray early in life, falls (lyc)
- bores fingers in nose (cina)
- craves juices (verat)
- painless, non-debilitating profuse diarrhea
- diabetes
- seminal emissions (dios)
- weak feeling in chest (arg-met, stann)
- nervous system
- paralysis
- brainfag (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- heavy, tired feeling
- pernicious anemia (plb)
- lack of will power (anac)
- headache > bandaging (mag-m [Magnesium/Muriaticum])
- boils in ears, back of neck
- fear of exams (sil)
- urine scanty, anuria
- priapism
- worse in summer
- sleep agg (lach)
- hayfever (sang)
- sneezing (all-c)
- asthma
- itching of eyes and nose < draughts
- relaxed feeling in stomach
- craves stimulants, alcohol (sulph)
- hurry
- tremor and weakness
- gangrene from injuries (kreos)
- purpura, hemorrhage (crot-h)
- very sour eructations (rob)
- coldness in stomach (elaps)
- respiration rapid with motions of accessory muscles, larynx
- bruises, livid skin (arn)
- scars turn red blue and pain
- lying on affected side amel
- diarrhea
- heel pain
- thirsty
- dark, coffee grounds stools < night
- green vomiting