mag-c, mag-m, mag-p, mag-s
- orphaned, forsaken
- indelible discharges
- tubercular
- unrefreshing sleep - tired on waking
- acidity
- toothache, teething (cham)
- diarrhea like frog-pond scum
- worse before menses - coryza, sore-throat
- menses flow more at night, in sleep
- right shoulder (sang)
- effects of shock, blows, mental distress (arn)
- abdomen very heavy
- liver (chel)
- constipation - crumbling stool
- children cannot digest milk (nat-c)
- sea bathing agg
- profuse headsweat (calc, sil)
- loss of smell and taste
- must press with abdomen to urinate
- palpitation < sitting, > motion
- worse lying on right side (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- hard pressure amel (puls)
- feels friendless (sars)
- spasmodic, cramping pains
- neuralgia
- worse cold, better from external warmth
- pressure amel
- moaning, complains of pain
- toothache, teething (cham)
- abdominal colic (coloc)
- flatulence
- dysmenorrhea
- parkinson's disease (agar, mang)
- muscular weakness
- right-side
- urinary complaints
- diabetes
- leucorrhea
- menses dark
- pain between scapulae
- warts