anthr, carc, diph, lepromin, lyss, maland, med, psor, pyrog, ringworm, syph, tub
- cancer - or family history
- perfectionism (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- cr chocolate
- loves thunder and lightning
- dancing (sep)
- knee-chest position (med)
- blue sclerae
- cafe-au-lait spots on body
- leprosy (sec, sulph)
- skin disease (hydroc)
- nerve conditions (anac)
- painless ulcers
- shame, disgust (sulph)
- hatred
- forsaken, outcast (hura)
- nervous system
- abnormal sexual desire (bufo, hyos)
- fear of becoming mad (lil-t)
- emotions and bad news agg (tarent)
- hypersensitive senses (phys)
- constant spitting (tab)
- swallowing difficult, but urge to
- worse thinking of fluids, seeing running water
- worse dazzling or reflected light
- euptions like pocks (ant-t)
- a/f vaccination (thuj, mez, sil)
- chapping of skin in winter and from washing (sep)
- bone-like protuberance
- sycotic, h/o gonorrhea (thuj)
- warts (staph)
- hairy
- delusion behind him
- superstitious
- sore feet
- burning
- desire for air, fanning - esp in fever (carb-v)
- active in the evening
- better at seashore
- sleeps in knee-chest position
- offensive
- chilly
- itching
- fears poverty
- despair
- never well since
- hunger - esp at night
- itching eruptions (sulph)
- flexures (graph)
- circular eruptions (tell)
- relapsing complaints (sulph)