bell, caps, dub, dulc, hyos, lycpr, mandr, physal, sol-n, stram, tab
- acuteness of senses
- congested hot head, cold extremities
- delirium
- dilated pupils, visual effects
- erect posture amel
- exposure of head, haircut agg
- fever, intense burning heat
- hot hemorrhages
- in sleep, jerking, grinds teeth
- jar, touch agg
- pain causes delirium, redness
- redness, congestion, inflammation
- right side
- strawberry tongue (arum-t)
- sudden effects (acon)
- sun <
- throbbing
- burning pains (canth)
- homesickness (carb-an, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- dirtiness (am-c, sulph)
- peevish (cina)
- mastoid
- otorrhea
- stomatitis
- craves stimulants (nux-v)
- dysentery
- thirsty
- tip of tongue burns
- explosive cough
- pain in distant parts on coughing
- chill in back > external heat
- shudders on drinking
- pharyngitis
- sees red spots before eyes
- vertigo with pale face
- goitre
- silly, nonsensical (paris)
- conjunctivitis (euphr)
- hoarse voice
- staggering gait
calc, kali-s [
- wet weather, dampness agg (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- complaints from getting chilled
- change of temperature agg (ran-b)
- paralytic effects (gels)
- icy coldness (camph)
- eruptions at menstrual period
- ringworm esp scalp
- noseblock < cold rains
- thirst for cold drinks (phos)
- diarrhea < wet weather
- must urinate when chilled
- warts on hands (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- rheumatism alternates with diarrhea (abrot)
- suspicious
- jealousy
- sexual, uncovers self
- talkative
- twitchings
- picks at things
- typhoid
- involuntary stool
- cough, spasmodic, dry
- sleepless
- will not be covered
- rheumatism
- influenza
- bodyache
- hayfever (all-c)
- bursting headache begins in occiput
- right side
- restless
- desire for sleep
- periodicity
- convulsions
- hydrophobia
- urinary irritation (apis)
- urinary calculi (berb, sars)
- languor, weakness
- talkative (hyos)
- facial paralysis (caust)
- jar agg
- stiff limbs
- incontinence of urine, enuresis (kreos, sep)
- excoriation between fingers and toes
- pustules
- tetany (cic, nux-v)
- spasms
- mania
- meningitis
- restless
- formication (sec)
- contraction of extremities
- delirium (bell)
- night terrors (stram, kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- alternating effects
- fear of dark, animals - dogs (calc)
- expression of terror
- nightmare (borx, cina, kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- shrieking (apis)
- desire for light and company
- brilliant eyes (bell)
- praying, religious
- violent action
- chorea, gyratory, graceful motions
- hallucinations (anac, cann-i)
- objects look large
- urine suppressed
- hands on genitals
- pain in left hip
- high fever (bell)
- vertigo
- hiccough
- salivation
- heart and arteries
- collapse
- profuse cold sweat
- open air amel (carb-v, puls)
- vomiting (ip)
- uncovering abdomen amel
- seasickness
- renal colic, left side
- palpitation
- trembling limbs
- sleepless
- cancer