Mercury is the silvery, liquid metal - called quicksilver. It is a very powerful toxin when absorbed into the body. It has been used to treat disease over the ages, and it's effects have been well-documented and studied. For current information on Mercury, visit the US Environment Protection Agency - Mercury. Study it with the other Metals
cinnb, merc, merc-c, merc-cy, merc-d, merc-i-f, merc-i-r, merc-s
(merc-s [
- ciliary neuralgia
- face purple red
- pain from inner canthus around eye to temple
- bones of the orbit
- redness of whole eye
- pain at root of nose (kali-bi)
- warts on prepuce which is swollen
- ulcers, fiery looking
- coldness of joints
- warts bleed easily
- destructive, necrosis, syphilis (aur [Aurum/Metals], syph)
- suppuration, abscesses, glands
- salivation, taste metallic, offensive
- sweats - profuse, offensive, no relief
- weakness, debility, trembling from exertion (stann)
- sensitive to heat and cold - both aggravate
- offensive - discharges, breath, sweat
- loss of will-power (anac)
- answers slowly - or in a hurry
- morbid impulses, rash (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], nux-v)
- great thirst with moist mouth
- worse at night (mez)
- worse lying on right side
- rectal tenesmus
- acrid lachrymation (euphr)
- photophobia
- eyelids swollen, edematous (apis)
- acute inflammation and swelling (canth)
- sore-throat, pain to ear
- burning pains
- better from rest
- albuminuria in early pregnancy
- acute infections
- rapid prostration
- hemorrhage of dark fluid
- excitement, fury
- aphthae - gray membrane
- painful hoarseness (phos)
- kidneys
- profuse, cold sweat
- cyanosis
- deathly states (ars [Arsenic/Metals], carb-v)
- eustachian catarrh (kali-m [Kali/Muriaticum])
- skin flabby
- bilious attacks
- diarrhea with soreness of anus
- right to left (lyc)
- sore-throat
- greatly swollen glands
- breast tumors
- tongue coated thickly, yellow at base
- constant desire to swallow
- left to right (lach)
- sore-throat
- tends to hawk
- stiff muscles of throat and neck
- coryza and dull hearing
- tongue stiff at base, pains on moving
- aphonia
- sneezing < sunlight
- early morning diarrhea
- burning, acrid
- breathless
- hydrothorax
- sore tip of tongue