Anacardiaceae are flowering plants that produce a fruit. They are commonly known as part of the cashew or sumac family. Pistachio is considered to belong to this family.
anac, como, mangif, rhus-r, rhus-t, rhus-v
- ciliary neuralgia
- eyes feel large, esp right
- glaucoma
- sacro-iliac pain (aesc)
- throbbing pains
- heat <
- erysipelas
- leprosy
- deep ulcers with hard edges
- left breast pain
- joints, ankles
- hemorrhage
- choking sensation
- varicose veins
- itching palms (anac)
- sunburn
- swelling of earlobes, lips
- occipital headache
- burning of tongue
- yearly aggravation
- headache, head bent forward
- eyes swollen shut, < under right eye
- nose red and shiny
- vesicles undersurface of tongue
- whitish morning diarrhea, pain in hypogastrium
- itching from cold > hot water
- erysipelas, skin dark red
- gloomy, no desire to live