Arsenic can be absorbed through the skin and lungs, but is usually taken in via the oral route from contaminated water. A minute amount of arsenic is required for normal tissue function, but more is very toxic. Arsenic poisoning can occur acutely or over time.
ant-ar, ars, ars-i, ars-s-f, aur-ar, calc-ar, chin-ar, kali-ar, nat-ar
- emphysema
- cough
- profuse secretions
- pleurisy - left side
- inflammation of eyes and edema of face
- catarrhal pnuemonia and influenza
- menopause
- convulsions
- anxious
- palpitations
- heart
- periodic
- malaria, fevers
- depleted, weak
- extreme anxiety about health
- desquamation, psoriasis
- cancer
- emphysema
- nasal catarrh
- root of nose
- psoriasis
- conjunctivitis
- sore-throat - dark red, swollen
- cough with green expectoration
- miner's asthma
- joints stiff