Fungi include yeasts and molds. Having chitin instead of cellulose in their cell wall distinguishes them from plants, bacteria etc. They live in the soil, or on decompising matter, or as symbionts with other plants or animals. They are usually harmless in humans but when the imminity is weak, they can suddenly become more important in disease causation
agar, bol, bov, polyp-p, sec, sol-t-ae, stict, usn, ust
- chorea
- incoordination
- prophesies
- makes verses
- coldness, icy cold
- diagonal effects
- tubercular
- spine affected
- malaria
- nightsweats
- indented, yellow tongue
- nausea
- yawning
- stretching
- hot, dry palms
- backache
- edema
- hemorrhage
- stringy
- naive
- palpitation
- stammering (stram)
- skin eruptions
- awkward, drops things (apis, nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- enlarged sensation
- acne < summer
- tight clothing <
- old people (bar-c)
- urticaria on excitement
- malaria (bol)
- pain in shin bones
- face hot and flushed
- headache <10 to 3 p.m.
- burning
- hot
- blackness
- leprosy
- uncovering amel
- involuntary stool
- hemorrhage, petechiae (phos)
- menorrhagia
- abortion
- old age (carb-v)
- emaciation
- formication
- ravenous appetite (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- thirsty
- sleepless
- smokers
- cholera, diarrhea, collapse
- coldness externally
- prolapse of anus
- offensive
- rectal tumors
- dreams of pools of blood
- stiff neck
- bronchial catarrh
- coryza
- feels as if floating
- loquacity
- fullness at root of nose (kali-bi)
- joints
- sudden change of temperature agg
- headache (bell)
- sunstroke (glon)
- bursting sensation
- throbbing
- sexual
- hairfall
- nails
- masturbation (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus], staph)
- climacteric
- eyeballs ache, lachrymation
- menorrhagia
- sens of boiling water along back
- boils
- muscular contractions
- psoriasis