acon, act-s, adon, cimic, clem, hell, puls, ran-b, ran-s, staph
- a/f exposure to extreme cold or heat - shock
- fear, fright, anxious
- restless, moaning, weeping
- childish, trifles agg
- formication - numb, swollen, tingling
- bright red hemorrhage (ferr-p)
- fear of death (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- sudden onset (bell)
- thirsty (cham)
- small joints - wrists, ankles
- oppressed breathing
- motion agg
- touch agg
- exertion agg
- heart
- urinary
- rheumatism
- anasarca, edema
- headache from occiput around temples to eyes
- dypnea
- desire to take a deep breath (bry)
- nightmare
- confused, wild feeling (lil-t)
- rheumatism
- cramps, jerks, spasms
- painful effects (cham)
- dream of impending evil
- loquacity (hyos)
- waving, opening and shutting sensation (cann-i, glon)
- aching in eyeballs (ruta)
- transverse pains (bell)
- acne in young women
- left-sided inframammary pain
- spine sensitive (agar, ther)
- stiff neck and upper back (rhus-t)
- worse during menses
- glands
- orchitis (puls)
- skin eruptions - esp near occiput
- urinary
- sleepiness
- neuralgia
- open air amel
- conjunctivitis (euphr)
- toothache < tobacco
- urine flow interrupted (con)
- washing agg (sulph)
- unconscious (op)
- stares without seeing
- sooty nostrils
- involuntary movements (zinc)
- serious brain disease
- 4-8 p.m.
- general muscular weakness
- slow, thoughtless (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- wrinkled forehead
- falling of lower jaw (bry, mur-ac [Acids/Muriaticum])
- jelly like stools, involuntary (aloe)
- urine suppressed (stram)
- sighing frequently (ign)
- shrieks (apis)
- cannot be fully aroused (arn)
- dropsy (apoc)
cycl, kali-s [
sil, sul-ac [
- mild, gentle
- weeping > consolation
- obesity (calc)
- bland, thick, yellow-green discharges (stann)
- craves open air, < closed places
- complaints changeable (ign)
- cr cold, ice cream (phos)
- irresolute
- thirstless (ip)
- lies with head high, arms over head
- fat food agg, averse to butter
- menses delayed, late, scanty
- pleurodynia
- alcoholism
- sciatica
- herpes
- chest complaints - external and internal
- backache - esp inner scapula
- change of weather <, esp cold air
- itching eruptuons on palms (anac)
- corns
- chapped fingers, palms
- a/f anger with reserved displeasure
- indignation
- anger with trembling and loss of voice
- throws things
- sexual thoughts (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- fears loss of self-control (arg-n [Metals/Nitricum], gels)
- easily offended, insulted (cham)
- sense of injustice (caust)