amyl-n, arg-n, glon, kali-n, nit-ac, sang-nit
- blushing, flushing
- one-sided effects
- migraine headache
- feels hot then icy cold
- throbbing
- palpitation
- anxiety as if something would happen
- incoordination, lack of control
- trembling of affected part (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- a/f anticipation, waiting for time to arrive (med)
- public speakers, voice (arg-met, lyc)
- cr sweets, salt, cheese
- splinter-pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- mucopurulent discharges from inflamed part
- flatulence, loud
- hot, wants cold air (tub)
- fears heights, narrow places
- hurry, impulsive
- extreme irritability (bry)
- congestive headaches (bell, meli)
- surging of blood to head or heart (lach)
- throbbing, pulsating
- confusion, cannot recognize places (petr)
- worse from sun, sunstroke (nat-c)
- heavy head, but cannot lay it down
- cannot bear collar (sep)
- suppressed discharges, hemorrhages
- left-side
- sudden dropsical swellings over whole body (samb)
- asthma (cann-i)
- gastroenteritis
- tubercular - exacerbation
- scalp very sensitive
- vision clouded
- diarrhea < eating veal
- menses profuse, black, with backache
- thirsty, but so breathless, cannot drink
- better drinking sips of water (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
(ars [
- margins of skin and mucous membranes
- splinter pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], rat)
- dark complexion (iod [Halogens/Iodine], sep)
- syphilis
- pains come and go rapidly (bell)
- aphthae, blisters, ulcers (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- fissure in ano
- offensive discharges
- irritable, hateful, vindictive (anac)
- sensitive to noise
- tongue cracked in center
- cr fat, salt, indigestible
- urine offensive, feels cold on passing
- warts (caust)
- nasal polyp (sang)
- pharyngitis (wyeth)
- watery coryza with burning (all-c)
- rawness and soreness in posterior nares (arum-t)
- ulcer on side of tongue
- pressure behind center of sternum
- tickling cough
- deep, hoarse voice