epig, gaul, kalm, led, rhod
- cystitis, urinary
- renal calculi
- rumbling in bowels
- rheumatism
- pleurisy
- sciatica
- prostate
- sexual excitement
- inflammation
- epigastric pain
- vomiting
- ravenous appetite
- burning skin, erythema, < cold bathing
- rheumatism
- shifting pains
- nausea
- slow pulse
- heart
- neuralgia
- pains shoot downwards
- continuous fever
- bodyache
- stiffness, drawing in eyes
- bending forward agg (dios)
- backache
- pain along ulnar nerve
- wakes early
- rheumatism
- complaints go upwards
- coldness
- heat agg
- punctured wounds, insect bites
- parts icy cold, esp if injured
- acne, red pimples on forehead and cheeks
- cough, double inspiration, sobbing breath
- anal fissures
- gout
- sprains
- itching of feet and ankles
- alcoholism
- ecchymosis
- feet in cold water amel
- rheumatism
- gouty
- worse before a storm, rough weather
- ciliary neuralgia
- orchitis
- sleeps with legs crossed
- tinnitus
- toothache
- pleuritis, sharp pains
- warmth amel