Mammals have some characteristic features such as a neocortex, presence of hair, and they nourish their offspring via the placenta (most mammals) during pregnancy and after birth, through milk from the mammary glands.
ambr, castm, lac-c, lac-d, meph, mosch
- shy, bashful (puls)
- blushing (amyl-n, ferr)
- hydersensitive (ign)
- cough with eructations, waterbrash
- company agg - sensitivity
- dwells upon unpleasant things (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- deafness
- bleeding - nose, teeth
- leucorrhea - bluish
- menses too early, from any slight accident
- asthma
- sleepless from anxiety (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- cramps in hands
- hysteria
- prostration
- dayblindness
- sweats, debilitating
- yawning
- spasmodic effects
- tongue swollen
- cyst in center of tongue
- dysmenorrhea
- amenorrhea with abdominal discomfort
- contempt of self, feels inferior (bar-c)
- complaints alternating sides
- washes hands often
- sore-throat
- rheumatism
- breasts - milk
- forgetful, absent-minded
- breasts < before menses
- dreams of snakes
- headache - with profuse urine (gels)
- horror of shut places
- milk agg
- constipation
- chilly
- tight bandaging amel
- nausea, vomiting (sang)
- motion sickness (cocc, petr)
- whooping cough (dros)
- child suffocates, turns blue (cupr, samb)
- wants to bathe in ice-cold water
- full of fancies
- eyestrain
- chokes while eating
- vivid dreams
- hysteria
- temper tantrums - scolding
- fainting fits
- coldness
- laughter (cann-i, nux-m)
- cr black coffee, stimulants
- increased sexual desire
- diabetes
- asthma
- cold agg - air feels too cold