alum, arg-met, arg-n, ars, aur, bism, cadm, cob, cupr, ferr, indium, lith, mang, merc, nicc, osm, pall, plat, plb, sel, stann, stront, tell, thall, titanium, uran-n, vanad, zinc
- confusion of identity
- suicidal (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- morbid impulses (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- slow, chronic complaints
- nervous system (plb)
- constipation - stool soft (plat)
- itching of skin
- paralytic, slowing down (cocc)
- potatoes agg
- tip of nose cracked, red
- regurgitation (ferr, phos)
- swallowing difficult (bar-c)
- cartilages
- starchy expectoration
- mental exertion agg
- emaciation
- public speaking
- incoordination, lack of control
- trembling of affected part (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- a/f anticipation, waiting for time to arrive (med)
- public speakers, voice (arg-met, lyc)
- cr sweets, salt, cheese
- splinter-pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- mucopurulent discharges from inflamed part
- flatulence, loud
- hot, wants cold air (tub)
- fears heights, narrow places
- hurry, impulsive
- gastritis
- desires company (phos)
- neuralgia
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- toothache > cold water (coff)
- cancer
- abdominal colic, must bend backward (dios)
- vomiting
- feels like a criminal
- eruptions or itching on hairy parts
- backache
- weak knees
- footsweat between toes
- sexual (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- anemia
- flushing, redness (bell)
- slow motion amel (puls)
- right shoulder pain (sang)
- rheumatism
- eructations of food (phos)
- eating agg
- dreams pursued by bulls
- migraine headache
- backache
- seminal emissions (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- urine offensive
- itching toes
- rheumatism
- heart disease
- weak vision
- gouty
- ringworm
- destructive, necrosis, syphilis (aur [Aurum/Metals], syph)
- suppuration, abscesses, glands
- salivation, taste metallic, offensive
- sweats - profuse, offensive, no relief
- weakness, debility, trembling from exertion (stann)
- sensitive to heat and cold - both aggravate
- offensive - discharges, breath, sweat
- loss of will-power (anac)
- answers slowly - or in a hurry
- morbid impulses, rash (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], nux-v)
- great thirst with moist mouth
- worse at night (mez)
- worse lying on right side
- cough
- sick headache
- weak vision, eyes
- hiccough
- milk agg
- periodic
- eczema
- hairfall
- foul sweat
- nail fold attached to nail
- glaucoma
- cough
- laryngitis
- craves appreciation, flattery
- neuralgia
- female complaints
- superiority, egotism
- contemptuous (verat)
- sexual
- gradual onset and decline of pains
- constipation with soft stool
- blue lining of gums
- fears being murdered
- abdominal colic
- drawn inward, pulling
- cramp, constriction
- immoral
- cr fried
- paralytic effects, esp extensors
- nervous system
- weakness
- hollow empty sensation (phos)
- falls into chair, legs give
- tubercular (tub)
- gradual onset and decline of pains (plat)
- thick, green sputum (puls)
- rheumatic pains
- chronic sprains (carb-an, nat-c)
- stenosis of esophagus
- sick from pains (cadm)
- effects of surgery
- edema of ankle
- ringworm and eczema
- otorrhea
- back very sensitive
- offensive discharges
- complaints develop slowly
- cr apples (ant-t)
- pruritus ani
- sciatica
- neuralgia (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- hairfall (syph)
- paralysis (zinc)
- formication (sec)
- nervous system
- cyanosis of extremities
- lupus
- tubercular
- giddiness with vertical hemiopia
- premature ejaculation
- restless legs
- suppressed eruptions
- nervous system (hell)
- convulsions, paralysis (cupr)
- feels like a criminal (cob)
- repeats the questions, stares
- automatic motions
- shrieks (apis, hell)