arag, bapt, cop, derris, dolich, genist, laburn, lath, meli, phys, rob, senna, trif-p, trif-r
- nervous system
- bewildered, confused (bapt)
- incoordination, paralysis
- diplopia
- sore throat with nausea
- cramps of muscles in front of legs
- restless
- cracked lower lip
- confused, scattered feeling (arag)
- delirium (petr)
- offensive
- rapid onset and progress
- painless sore-throat
- prostration (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- besotted, congested face (gels)
- answers - then sleeps (arn, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- typhoid
- fever (pyrog)
- bodyache (arn, rhus-t)
- gags eating solids, can swallow only liquids
- worse from beer (kali-bi)
- sense of suffocation (lach)
- craves air (carb-v)
- chills (eup-per)
- worse humid heat, indoors
- urinary tract
- urticaria (urt-u)
- sharp sounds agg (asar)
- postnasal discharge
- food tastes too salty
- mucous colitis, diarrhea
- piles
- testes sensitive, swollen
- bronchitis (stann)
- neuralgia
- headache
- critical, censorious
- right-side
- itching without eruption
- piles
- sore-throat
- splinter sensation
- painful gums
- herpes zoster
- frontal headache
- vertigo
- motion agg
- open air amel
- eating amel
- waterbrash
- itching eruption on elbows, knees, ankles
- dropsy
- gastroenteritis
- vomiting and diarrhea
- paleness of face
- anesthesia
- convulsions
- meningitis
- weakness (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- stiff neck, painful
- vertigo (gels)
- sleepless
- nausea
- green urine
- painless
- paralytic effects - spastic
- exhausting diseases (zinc)
- yawning
- tingling and numbness of lips and tongue (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- rigidity of legs (phos)
- knock knees
- cannot extend or cross legs when sitting
- emaciation of lower limbs
- sits bent forward
- congestion, flushed, red (bell)
- hemorrhage
- convulsions
- head injury (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- pain and debility
- weak memory (anac)
- wants to run away, suspicious (hyos)
- sick headache
- epistaxis
- eyes heavy, vision blurred
- throbbing in anus (aesc, mur-ac [Acids/Muriaticum])
- constipation without urge for long (alum)
- worse wet weather
- 4 pm (lyc)
- nervous system (cur)
- tetanus, trismus
- paralytic effects (gels)
- polio
- very sensitive vertebrae (agar, ther)
- cannot raise eyelids (caust, sep)
- vision affected (jab, bell)
- myopia
- fever blisters around nose (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- conscious of heart beat, felt in head and neck
- limbs jerk on falling asleep
- acidity
- frontal headache
- very acrid eructations (sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur])
- green vomitus
- sourness (rheum)
- nymphomania (grat, plat)
- flatulent colic (raph)
- flatulent colic (cham)
- constipation
- strangury with burning in anus
- urine sediment
- mumps (jab)
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- stiff neck
- eruptions on scalp
- sore-throat with hoarseness
- chills with cough at night
- cramps in sternocleidomastoid
- mumps
- salivation < lying down
- taste of blood
- feels heart will stop (gels)
- anxious worse when alone (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- cold sweat on face (ant-t)