aur-m-n, borx, nat-ar, nat-c, nat-m, nat-p, nat-s
- fibroid
- liver cirrhosis
- alternate black and white stool
- fear of downward motion
- aphthae
- convulsions
- sudden noises < (asar)
- hair tangles (vinc)
- eye lashes turn in
- tip of nose red, swollen
- child screams when urinating (sars)
- dysmenorrhea
- pleurodynia
- eczema
- nails
- itching on back of finger joints
- heat of head
- nasal catarrh
- root of nose
- psoriasis
- conjunctivitis
- sore-throat - dark red, swollen
- cough with green expectoration
- miner's asthma
- joints stiff
- debility from summer heat
- sun <
- weak ankles
- worse mental exertion
- thunderstorm <
- sensitive to music
- headache
- nose enlarged morbidly, with eruptions
- weak digestion
- milk agg
- sore between toes and fingers
- better by boring into ears, nose
- acidity
- yellowness
- worms
- tongue coated yellow
- itching of nose (cina)
- greenish diarrhea
- itching of ankles
- feet cold in day, burn at night
(ars [
- worse in damp, wet conditions
- effects of head injury
- asthma
- liver
- meningitis
- skin eruptions in spring
- warts
- suicidal (aur [Aurum/Metals])
- photophobia
- bitter taste
- morning diarrhea with flatulence
- cough, holds chest
- itching on undressing
- itching between toes
- wart-like red bumps on body