Phosphorus is a highly reactive mineral almost always present only in the maximally oxidised state, and never in its elemental state of either white or red phosphorus..
am-phos, calc-p, mag-p, nat-p, ph-ac, phos
- gouty
- bronchitis
- nodosities of joints of fingers
- facial paralysis (caust)
- tottering gait
- rose-colored sediment in urine
- cough with green expectoration
- desire to travel
- worse from cold, change of temperature to cold
- rheumatic complaints
- cr salt bacon, smoked foods
- bones - delayed healing
- sweats on head and neck
- delayed development
- schoolgirls headache
- spasmodic, cramping pains
- neuralgia
- worse cold, better from external warmth
- pressure amel
- moaning, complains of pain
- toothache, teething (cham)
- abdominal colic (coloc)
- flatulence
- dysmenorrhea
- parkinson's disease (agar, mang)
- muscular weakness
- right-side
- acidity
- yellowness
- worms
- tongue coated yellow
- itching of nose (cina)
- greenish diarrhea
- itching of ankles
- feet cold in day, burn at night
- debility, nervous exhaustion
- young people who grow rapidly (calc)
- loss of vital fluids (chin)
- typhoid (carb-v)
- listless, indifferent, dazed
- hair gray early in life, falls (lyc)
- bores fingers in nose (cina)
- craves juices (verat)
- painless, non-debilitating profuse diarrhea
- diabetes
- seminal emissions (dios)
- weak feeling in chest (arg-met, stann)
all-c, ars [
- friendly, communicative
- sympathetic (caust)
- fears thunderstorm
- hemorrhage
- burning - palms
- hunger <
- tall, thin, gracile
- cr cold, ice cream, which amel
- liver
- hairfall
- typhoid or tubercular states