The buckwheat family consists of small plants that have many nodes on their stems - thus the name poly'gonum (many knees). Read about the buckwheat family
fago, polyg-avic, polyg-pers, polyg-punc, polyg-sag, rheum, rumx
- itching of skin > cold water
- offensive discharges
- postnasal catarrh with itching
- itching in and around ears, eyes
- acid, hot, scalding eructations
- throbbing
- yellow leucorrhea with itching
- renal colic
- renal calculi
- gangrene
- amenorrhea
- piles
- flatulent colic
- hips feel drawn together
- ulcers on lower extremities (card-m)
- climacteric
- renal colic
- lancinating pains along spine
- itching of hard palate
- burning of inner right foot and ankle
- children with diarrhea (podo)
- sour odor - child, sweat, diarrhea
- cold sweat on face, esp around mouth and nose
- constant, profuse headsweat (calc)
- dentition (cham)
- restless and irritable (cina)
- impatient and vehement (nux-v)
- capricious
- colic, worse uncovering (mag-p [Magnesium/Phosphorus])
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- uncovering agg (rhus-t)
- pains, numerous and varied, changeable
- cough from tickling in throatpit (dros)
- cold air, exposure, inspiration agg
- uncovering agg, must cover completely (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- intense itching of skin (fago)
- lymph nodes
- meat <
- copious mucous discharges
- morning diarrhea (sulph)
- tubercular (tub)
- itching < undressing (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- left chest