aur-m, aur-m-n, bar-m, kali-m, mag-m, merc-d, mur-ac, nat-m
- burning, acrid yellow leucorrhea
- warts on tongue, genitals
- climacteric hemorrhage
- frontal sinus
- suppressed discharges
- cancer of tongue
- fibroid
- liver cirrhosis
- alternate black and white stool
- glands enlarged, form chains
- increased sexual desire
- hypertension
- pain at lower esophagus < eating
- icy coldness of body with paralysis
- adenoids and tonsilitis
- sore-throat
- deafness
- whitish discharges, coating
- imagines he must starve
- indurations
- bursitis, housemaid's knee
- aphthae
- fats agg
- liver (chel)
- constipation - crumbling stool
- children cannot digest milk (nat-c)
- sea bathing agg
- profuse headsweat (calc, sil)
- loss of smell and taste
- must press with abdomen to urinate
- palpitation < sitting, > motion
- worse lying on right side (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- hard pressure amel (puls)
- feels friendless (sars)
- eustachian catarrh (kali-m [Kali/Muriaticum])
- skin flabby
- bilious attacks
- diarrhea with soreness of anus
- extreme weakness, suffering
- piles
- typhoid (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- involuntary stool, urine (hyos)
- paralytic effects
- aphthae, soreness (borx)
- vertigo < lying on right
- epistaxis (crot-h)
- foul breath (bapt)