aeth, asaf, cic, con, oena, petros, phel, sumb, ziz
- children
- convulsions
- vomiting
- brainfag
- linea nasalis
- summer <
- exhaustion
- crying, uneasiness
- milk agg
- eyes drawn downwards
- eruptions on tip of nose
- regurgitation of food
- speechless from pain
- swelling of lymph nodes (bar-c)
- startled, jerks in sleep
- bones
- offensive
- flatulence
- hysteria
- syphilis
- extreme sensitiviness
- night <
- complaining
- otorrhea
- pushing out sensation
- regurgitation
- milk in breast, or lack of
- convulsions
- skin eruptions, large pustules - without itching, form crust
- hiccough
- frightful distortions, contractions of muscles
- violent, strange desires
- does absurd things, gestures
- confusion, stupid feeling
- sudden, spasmodic effects
- suppression
- touch agg
- paralytic effects
- complaints go upward (led)
- vertigo < turning eyes or head
- injuries - to glands (bellis)
- sexual abstinence (apis)
- hanging part >
- yellow nails
- cancer
- prostate (staph)
- trembling
- photophobia
- breasts before menses
- convulsions
- worse during menses, pregnancy
- leprosy
- icthyosis (sep)
- twitching
- yawning
- urinary
- itching piles
- gonorrhea
- perineum
- biting deep in urethra
- appetite or thirst - lost on eating or drinking
- offensive expectoration
- bronchitis, emphysema
- tubercular
- hectic fever
- vertex heavy, crushing
- ciliary neuralgia
- sticking pain through right breast extending to back
- pain between nursing
- cr acids
- hysteria
- neuralgia
- numbness on becoming cold
- insomnia
- fidgety
- comedones
- palpitation
- left side
- sensation of water drops on spine
- asthma
- chorea < sleep
- convulsions
- body seems pale, white, puffy
- cr acids
- leucorrhea
- restless legs
- tired feeling