The Primrose family consists of plants that are often found near water, or moist soil. The Evening Primrose belongs to another family of plants. For more details on the Primrose family
anag, cycl, prim-f, prim-o, prim-v
- great itching and tingling
- expulsion of splinters
- warts
- great hilarity, laughing
- sick headache
- cramp in ball of thumb and fingers
- urine in split stream
- eruptions on palms, hands and fingers
- ulcers and swelling on joints
- anemia
- salty saliva
- sleepy, morose, lassitude
- cough without waking in children
- terrors of conscience (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- neglected duty (ign)
- flickering before eyes with headache (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- weeping, desire to be alone
- sneezing with itching in ears
- disturbed vision with gastric problems
- flickering of various colors
- cr lemonade (bell)
- diarrhea < coffee
- menses blackish, profuse, clotted (mag-c)
- hiccough - worse pregnancy
- burning, sore pain in heels
- acne in young women
- menses amel
- eczema esp index fingers and thumbs
- dermatitis, moist eczema, eryipelas
- intermittent complaints
- right-side
- blisters (bufo, canth)
- paralyzed sensation
- palms dry and hot
- eruptions between fingers
- itching < night
- rheumatic pains (rhus-t)
- skin complaints with fever
- neuralgia
- migraine
- rheumatism
- sensation of band around head (carb-ac)
- vertigo
- uriine smells of violets (terb)
- right axillary muscles painful
- shoulders feel tired, heavy