alst, apoc, condurango, olnd, stroph, vinc
- malaria
- diarrhea, painless
- empty sensation
- exhausting fevers
- anemia
- edema, dropsy, ascites
- pulse slow (dig)
- heart valves (naja)
- kidney, urinary (apis)
- sneezing
- snuffles (samb)
- vomiting
- amenorrhea
- menorrhagia at menopause
- worse cold drinks
- chilly
- thirsty
- painful crack in corner of lips
- cancer
- syphilis
- esophageal stricture
- vomiting
- ulceration, cracks (graph)
- paralytic effects
- slow perception
- melancholy
- constipation
- vertigo
- diplopia (gels)
- eruptions behind ear (graph)
- squint (hyos)
- hurried eating, hunger
- passes stool with flatus (aloe)
- easy chafing of skin
- itching of scalp
- palpitation with empty feeling in chest
- heart
- smokers (tab)
- urticaria
- asthma
- goitre (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- obesity
- face flushed
- averse to alcohol
- nausea
- eczema, offensive odor
- hair sticks together (borx)
- vertigo
- itching of scalp
- alopecia (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- red tip of nose
- sores in nose
- seborrhea, esp upper lip
- sore-throat
- menorrhagia
- skin easily sore (olnd)