ang, citr-v, jab, ptel, ruta
- cr coffee
- bitterness
- bones
- rancour, bitter feelings
- rheumatism
- paralysis
- stiff muscles and joints
- oversensitive
- jaw pain, cramp
- eructations with cough (ambr [Mammals/Sea Creatures])
- cracking in joints
- ulcers over bones
- facial neuralgia, right side
- yawning
- headache
- sleep disturbed
- salivation
- sweat greatly increased
- nausea
- hot flushes
- mumps
- exophthalmic goitre
- eye strain
- flushed face
- sighing
- dryness of skin
- liver
- lying on left side agg
- root of nose
- frontal headache
- salivation
- bitter taste
- tongue coated, papillae prominent
- stomach and liver complaints assoc with limb pains
- asthma
- nightmare
- eating sour things amel
- injuries
- strains
- flexor tendons
- deposits around joints
- lassitude
- vision, eye complaints
- bruised bones
- cancer of rectum
- prolapse of anus
- backache
- legs give out
- worse cold, wet weather