Plants of this family are found especially in the southern hemisphere, esp Africa and Australia. The Thymelaeaceae are mostly trees and shrubs, with a few vines and herbaceous plants.
daph, dirc, mez
- craves tobacco (staph)
- sudden jerking in different parts
- offensive breath, sweat
- parts of body feel separated (bapt)
- tongue coated on one side only (mez)
- urine like rotten eggs
- cold feeling on buttocks
- sleepless (coff)
- dreams of cats
- starting on falling asleep
- salivation
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- neuralgia
- depression
- palpitation
- dyspnea
- skin complaints
- bones
- neuralgia > near hot stove
- teeth - caries, pains (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- chilly, sensitive to air (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- eruptions after vaccination (sil, thuj)
- pains shoot upward (led)
- headache < talking
- eruptions with thick, leathery white scabs, sticky liquid under
- bores fingers in ear (cina, nat-p [Natrum/Phosphorus])
- mouth waters
- intolerable itching, with chilliness
- ulcers with fiery areolas