The spurge family consists of flowering plants nearly all of which produce a milky latex, which is sometimes toxic. More about the Euphorbia family
acal, crot-t, euph, hippom, hura, jatr, manc, ricin, still
- incipient phthisis, tubercular
- hemoptysis
- hard, racking cough
- weak in the morning, better later
- progressive emaciation
- burning in pharynx, esophagus
- spluttering diarrhea
- diarrhea
- summer complaint
- skin complaints
- alternating skin with internal complaint (sulph)
- burning in esophagus
- eyes raw, red, inflamed (arg-n [Metals/Nitricum])
- pain drawing backwards (paris)
- diarrhea - gurgling, shoots out - worse eating or drinking
- asthma, cannot expand chest
- cough < lying down (dros)
- skin feels hidebound
- intense itching, but scratching painful
- edema of eyelids
- rheumatic pains < rest
- tip of nose inflamed
- erysipelas < open air, > closed room
- cough in attacks, sleepy in between
- profuse sweat on forehead
- icy coldness in stomach (sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur])
- increased sexual desire
- wrist - sprained (act-s)
- weak hands, fingers
- joints
- chorea
- weakness after growing too fast (phos, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- leprosy (hydroc)
- tense vesicles
- skin feels tense, drawn together
- feels despised, forsaken, alone (mag-c)
- laughing - from pain, from chill
- desire to break things
- diarrhea - gurgling, noisy (elat)
- evacuations thick, albuminous, lumpy
- hiccough
- very easy vomiting
- cramps in calves, feet (camph, verat)
- icy coldness of body, esp legs
- cold applications amel
- eczema, with oozing and crusting (graph, rhus-t)
- sadness at puberty and climacteric
- loss of vision
- pain in thumb
- fear of becoming insane (calc, lil-t)
- hairfall after acute sickness (carb-v, fl-ac [Acids/Fluorine])
- icy extremities
- blisters as from scalds (canth)
- pemphigus (bufo)
- scanty milk in nursing women
- vomiting and purging
- gastroenteritis, cholera
- painless diarrhea, with painful cramps in extremities
- anus inflamed
- stools green, slimy, bloody
- emaciation
- fever
- rheumatism
- gloomy forebodings
- hoarseness, speaker's throat
- urine milky and thick
- eruptions on hands and fingers
- glands enlarged - neck
- syphilis
- worse damp