ars-i, bar-i, calc-i, iod, kali-i, merc-i-f, merc-i-r, sul-i
- indurated glands - tonsils, breasts
- tumors
- stunted growth
- ophthalmia
- acrid discharges
- hot
- coryza
- root of nose
- right to left (lyc)
- sore-throat
- greatly swollen glands
- breast tumors
- tongue coated thickly, yellow at base
- constant desire to swallow
- left to right (lach)
- sore-throat
- tends to hawk
- stiff muscles of throat and neck
- coryza and dull hearing
- tongue stiff at base, pains on moving
- aphonia
- ringworm
- hot
- hunger agg (anac)