The Laurel or avocado family is very ancient, and it consists of woody plants and trees. Many of these plants are very fragrant, and some are used in foods - such as bay leaves, cinnamon.
camph, cinnm
- collapse (verat)
- icy coldness
- sudden sinking of strength (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- averse to covering (led, sec)
- shock (acon)
- convulsions
- nose cold and pinched (ant-t)
- eyes staring (stram)
- sleepless, with cold limbs (carb-v)
- congestive chill
- strangury, retention of urine
- cancer
- offensive
- hemorrhage (kreos)
- no desire for anything
- fingers seem swollen
- menorrhagia (ip, trill-p)