Iridaceae consists of flowering plants, some of which are attractive, ornamental shrubs. Crocus sativus, or saffron, is used as a medicinal herb and also for flavoring in food
croc, iris, iris-t
- sick headache (gels)
- glands - thyrid, pancreas
- profuse, acrid, sour secretions (rob)
- critical, censorious (nux-v)
- greasy taste, fatty stool, oily nose (hydr)
- sudden onset (kali-bi)
- vision affected with headache (cycl, lac-d)
- headache with vomiting or diarrhea (sang)
- tinnitus (chin)
- psoriasis (phos)
- periodic, 2-3 am (kali-bi)
- hot weather < (aloe)
- ropy saliva (epiph)
- appendicitis
- dry mouth (nux-m)
- deathly sensation in stomach (tab)
- homesick (caps)
- burning in mouth and throat
- worse on waking (lach)