ail, cedr, quass
- great weakness (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- skin livid, purplish (am-c)
- hemorrhagic diathesis
- sore-throat, swollen purple
- diarrhea, dysentery
- stupor, with sighing (op)
- confused mind (bapt)
- suffused, dilated eyes
- neck tender and swollen (lach)
- sleep heavy, disturbed, unrefreshing
- large blisters filled with dark serum
- typhoid states (rhus-t)
- periodicity (chin)
- malaria
- neuralgia (spig)
- stings, bites (led)
- headache - numbing
- pain around eyes, radiating, shooting
- scalding lachrymation
- pain extends up the limb
- shingles (ran-b)
- numbness of limbs
- red eyes in fever (bell)
- cataract
- weak vision
- pain around liver region
- acidity, heartburn, gastralgia
- regurgitation of food (ferr, phos)
- dyspepsia after infectious disease
- cirrhosis of liver
- nocturnal enuresis (kreos, sep)
- yawning, stretching (amyl-n)
- cold extremities with cold sensation
- weakness, with hunger (sulph)