aral, gins, hedera, hydrc
- asthma
- cough < lying down (crot-t)
- cough with rawness and burning behind sternum
- night-sweats (acet-ac)
- sensitive to draughts (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- acrid, copious nasal discharge (all-c)
- hayfever
- worse in first sleep
- acrid, offensive leucorrhea
- shooting between scapulae
- fever comes on during sleep (samb)
- sleepiness during headache
- hiccough
- lumbago
- sciatica
- tonsilitis (bell)
- stiff, contracted joints, rheumatism (caust)
- duodenal ulcer
- cataract
- bones
- depression
- leprosy (hura, sec)
- hypertrophy and induration of tissues
- profuse sweat (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- icthysosis, desquamation (sep)
- itching of soles
- pustules on chest
- itching and heat of vagina
- cancer of uterine cervix (aur-m-n [Aurum/Muriaticum/Natrum])