Graminae is the family of grasses. This family also called Poaceae, includes several important staple crops (cereals) such as wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, barley, oats, and millet. It also encompasses plants such as bamboos, palms, and foraging grasses. See images or family Graminae ...also called Poaceae
anan, arund, aven, lol-t, sacc-o, trit, zea
- skin disease
- painful swelling, then suppuration
- glands inflamed
- sharp pains like arrows in brain
- scalp - ulcers, tumors
- wart on eyebrow
- tip of nose - growths, boils
- tongue cracked on edges
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- urinary - urging, incontinence
- nails deformed
- offensive footsweat (sil)
- suppuration (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- hayfever
- itching and burning
- catarrhal states
- itching of nostrils
- cracks in tongue, corners of mouth
- cr acids
- diarrhea of nursing children
- brainfag, tired states
- sexual debility
- parkinsons (agar, mang)
- a/f morphine habit
- poor concentration
- burning on vertex (sulph)
- female complaints
- headache
- sciatica
- vertigo, must close eyes
- diarrhea
- trembling of all limbs
- calves pain, feel bound
- spasmodic movements
- acidity
- anal itching (cina, teucr)
- obesity in children (calc)
- cross, peevish children
- headache every week
- dyuria, irritable bladder, cystitis (canth)
- always blowing the nose
- calcluli in urine (berb, sars)
- incontinence of urine
- enlarged prostate
- urinary symptoms
- weak heart, scanty urine, edema
- edema of lower extremities
- enlarged prostate
- retention of urine
- renal calculi (berb)