Symptoms: Age and Stage of life, Build and appearance, Causation, Clinical, Color, Concomitants, Flow, Odor, Pains, Position/ Motion, Time
Drugs: apoc, bell, cact, calc, calc-p, cham, chin, cinnm, coc-c, croc, crot-c, erig, ferr, ham, ip, kreos, lac-c, lach, mag-m, mill, murx, nux-m, nux-v, phos, plat, puls, sabin, sec, sep, thlasp, thuj, trill-p, verat, vinc
- Age and Stage of life
- old, scrawny women (sec)
- climacteric (bov, lach, laur, nux-v, sec, sep, sulph, trill-p, ust)
- plethoric young girls (acon)
- little girls (cina)
- women who menstruated very early, or with history of abortion (sabin)
- aged women (calc, cham, hydr, ign, lach, mang, merc, phos, sep)
- Build and appearance
- Causation
- anger or vexation (cham, ip, kali-c, staph)
- fright (acon, bell, calc, nux-v)
- dancing (croc, erig, sec)
- excitement (calc)
- coition after (arg-n, arn, ars, hydr, kreos, sep, tarent)
- stool after (ambr, am-m, lyc)
- Clinical
- fibroids (calc, calc-p, hydr, lyc, merc, nit-ac, phos, sabin, sil, sul-ac, sulph)
- bleeding tendency (crot-h, lach, phos, sul-ac)
- Color
- blackish (am-c, crot-h, elaps, mag-c, sec, sul-ac)
- bright red (acon, bell, erig, mill, sabin)
- with clots (apoc, coc-c, sabin)
- bright red with clots (arn, bell, ip, sabin, ust)
- clots mixed with dark liquid blood (bell, elaps, sabin, sec)
- Concomitants
- loss of voice (alum, carb-an, cocc)
- hysteria (verat)
- weakness, desire to lie down (bell, ip, nit-ac)
- faintness (acon, apis, chin, cocc, helon, ip, lach, sep, sulph, trill-p)
- nausea (apoc, caps, ip)
- increased desire (plat, sabin)
- convulsions (bell, chin, hyos, sec)
- dysuria (coc-c)
- Flow
- steady
- gushing (ip, lac-c, phos, sabin)
- comes in hot gushes, and ceases suddenly (bell)
- hot (arn, bell, bry, lac-c, puls)
- passive flow
- clotted, expelled in paroxysms (ferr, puls, ust)
- watery (chin, ferr)
- thick (coc-c, croc)
- paroxysmal (bell, cham, chin, nux-v, puls, rhus-t, sabin, ust)
- stringy (arg-n, croc, lac-c, ust)
- sudden onset (ars, bell, cinnm, ip, sec)
- Odor
- clotted, and offensive (kreos, sec)
- dark, stringy and offensive (croc)
- pungent (kali-c, kreos)
- Pains
- backache (calc-p, trill-p)
- bearing down (murx, sep)
- uterus feels sore (murx)
- painless (bov, calc, croc, ham, mag-c, mill, nux-m, plat, sabin, sec, ust)
- Position/ Motion
- Time
- morning (borx, bov, carb-an)
- night (am-c, am-m, bov, coca, cycl, mag-c, mag-m, zinc)
- apoc
- with nausea and fainting
- blood expelled in large clots
- climacteric
- bell
- bright red, and hot gushes
- badly smelling hemorrhages
- comes and ceases suddenly
- cact
- with heart symptoms
- menses early, dark as pitch
- sense of constriction
- worse from motion
- calc
- from mental excitement or physical exertion
- cold, damp feet
- girls who grow fast
- calc-p
- with violent backache, esp lumbar
- maybe bright at first, then dark
- prolapsus in debilitated persons
- copious menses, < exertion
- cham
- lying on back <
- worse from anger
- restless
- offensive, putrid blood
- chin
- loss of fluids, with nervous erythism
- dark clots and abdominal distension
- profuse menses with pain
- menses thin, with clots
- ringing in ears, cold, faintness, wants to be fanned
- convulsive, twitches, jerks
- cinnm
- complaints from overlifting, strains
- profuse, bright red menses
- sudden onset
- cold extremities and pallor
- sleepy or no desire for anything
- bearing down sensation
- coc-c
- large clots escape while passing urine
- clots form rapidly and vagina becomes packed
- menses black and thick, with clots
- metrorrhagia with clots and dysuria
- menses flow only evening and night, when lying down
- cannot pass urine until clots are removed or passed
- croc
- black and slimy blood
- dark, stringy hemorrhage
- clots with long strings
- worse least movement
- worse full or new moon
- blood has an offensive odor
- crot-c
- alternating with mania, laughing
- dark liquid blood
- erig
- with violent irritation of rectum and bladder
- prolapsus uteri
- bright red flow
- metrorrhagia and diarrhea
- worse from least motion
- abortion from exertion
- ferr
- menses pale and profuse
- glowing heat in face
- anemia with flushing
- with clots, expelled in paroxysms
- weakly women
- ham
- dark, profuse bleeding, with soreness in abdomen
- passive flow
- menses midway between period, only in daytime
- hemorrhage without clots
- bearing down pain in back
- ip
- steady flow, going through pads onto floor
- nausea and breathless, gasping
- steady flow of bright red blood which does not coagulate
- pain in navel
- profuse, bright red, gushing
- weakness, desire to lie down
- faintness (trill-p)
- uteruine prolapse after menses
- kreos
- severe burning pains, like a coal
- bleeding worse from coition
- menses flow more on lying down
- worse overexertion, lifting
- thin blood, with foul clots
- lac-c
- menses flows in gushes
- breasts painful, or sore-throat
- menses hot
- pains alternating sides
- lach
- climacteric
- complaints better during the flow
- hot flushes, faint spells
- worse tight clothing
- mag-m
- flow more at night, with hysteria
- more copious when sitting than when walking
- menses black, clotted
- cramps, backache, pain in thighs
- old maids
- mill
- bright red, fluid blood
- after great exertions
- congestive headache
- murx
- profuse menses with large clots
- increased sexual desire
- must keep legs crossed (sep)
- sore pain in uterus
- nux-m
- thick, fluid, dark blood lasting too long
- irregular and changeable menses (puls)
- nux-v
- menses always irregular, black blood
- urging to stool
- fainting spells
- all symptoms worse after menses, or new ones appear
- phos
- early and prolonged menses, though not profuse
- bleeding between periods
- increased sexual desire
- tall women
- plat
- thick, dark, fluid blood
- increased sexual desire
- puls
- after abuse of iron
- clots expelled in paroxysms
- very changeable
- hot blood
- sabin
- bright watery blood mixed with dark clots
- or dark blood with bright clots
- passes clots after rising, or slight movement
- profuse, bright, gushing and hot
- worse least movement, but is better from walking
- increased sexual desire (mosch, murx)
- climacteric
- women who menstruated very early, or with history of abortion
- sec
- burning pains
- passive hemorrhages in feeble, scrawny, cachectic women
- continuous oozing till next period
- bearing down pains
- with convulsions
- sudden onset
- sep
- with mania
- bearing down pains, must cross legs
- averse to coition in general
- climacteric
- thlasp
- violent uterine colic
- every alternate period very profuse
- sore pain in uterus on rising
- thuj
- trill-p
- sensation as if back and hips falling to pieces
- better tight bandages to back, hips
- gushing from least movement
- faintness, dim sight, palpitation
- obstruction and noises in ear
- after exhaustion by exercise
- fibroids
- menorrhagia at climacteric
- verat
- painful menses
- profuse and exhausting
- hysteria, mania
- with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
- menses preceded by headache
- increased sexual desire
- vinc
- passive hemorrhage
- long after climacteric
- fibroids
- continuous flow