do you feel more hot or cold? where in the body do you feel the heat or cold
observe if body is hot or cold, or if parts are cold/hot
is there any sweat. where do you sweat more
what brings on the sweat - movement, covers, eating and drinking, or specific time - while sleeping, on waking, falling asleep
observe if there is sweat, and where - covered parts, on uncovering a part, part lain on, one side only
how is your energy? to what extent is it affected? Any dullness, sleepiness
what could have brought on this fever - any exposure to cold or heat, emotions, etc?
what gives you maximum relief?
what things make you feel much worse?
do you have any pains or any other complaints
how is your thirst compared to normal - is there any change
do you feel more or less hungry than usual?
any problem with urine, stool - or any complaints during these, like feeling cold during stool
do you have any of the following - Headache, Dizziness, Faint feeling, Spasms or Jerks
do you have any of the following Gastric issues - Nausea/Vomiting, Diarrhea, Cramps or Pain in abdomen
do you have any of the following - ENT complaints - Earache or sounds, Cold or Cough, Hoarse or painful voice, Dry throat
Symptoms: Chill begins, Chill/ chilliness, Concomitants, Heat, Modalities, Region, Sleep, Sweat, Thirst, Time, Type
Drugs: acon, ant-c, apis, arn, ars, bapt, bell, bry, calad, caps, carb-v, cham, chin, cina, coff, eup-per, ferr-p, gels, hep, hyos, ign, ip, lach, lyc, merc, mur-ac, nat-m, nux-v, op, ph-ac, phos, podo, puls, pyrog, rhus-t, samb, sep, stram, sulph, tub, zinc
- Chill begins
- Chill/ chilliness
- chill, fever with for a long time (podo, pyrog)
- chilliness on putting the hands out of bed (arn, bar-c, bor, hep, nux-v, pyrog, stram, tarent, tub)
- chill, trembling and shivering, with (anac, ant-t, plat, sil)
- chill, uncovering, least (hep, nux-v, rhus-t, sil)
- chill, uncovering, undressing, amel. (apis, camph, ip, med, puls, sec, sep)
- chill, warm, stove, desire to be near (gels, mosch, rhus-t)
- chill, warmth, unbearable (apis, camph, ip, puls, sec, sep, staph)
- chill, water, from getting wet, when overheated (acon, calc, clem, colch, rhus-t, sep, sil)
- fever with shivering (arn, caust, gels, kali-i, nux-v, sulph)
- motion brings on chilliness (ant-t, apis, arn, chin-s, merc, nux-v, podo, rhus-t, stram)
- shivering, chilly from drinking (bell, caps, eup-per, nux-v)
- Concomitants
- abdomen, pain, cramping, griping (caps, carb-v, elat, rhus-t, rob)
- appetite, increased (chin, cina, phos)
- bladder, urging, ineffectual, fever, during (ars, canth, dig, hyos, nux-v, puls, rat, sars, sulph)
- bladder, urination, dysuria, fever, during (ant-c, cann-s, canth, cham, colch, dulc, nit-ac, nux-v, staph, sulph)
- bladder, urination, frequent, fever, during (arg-m, bell, kreos, lyc, merc, ph-ac, rhus-t, staph, stram)
- convulsions with intense heat (bell, cic, hyos, op, stram)
- coryza, fever in (bry, merc)
- cough, dry, fever, intermittent, before (eup-per, rhus-t, tub)
- cough, fever during (acon, ars, calc, con, ip, kali-c, nat-m, nux-v, phos, sabad)
- cough, fever, remittent, during (podo)
- cough, tickling dry, fever but no thirst, with (ars, con, phos, puls, sabad)
- dentition agg (acon, calc, cham, nux-v, sil, sulph)
- diarrhea, fever intermittent during (bapt, cina, nux-v, pyrog, rhus-t)
- distention of blood vessels (agar, bell, camph, chin, chin-s, hyos, led, puls)
- dropsy, urine suppressed, fever and debility (hell)
- dysentery, fever with (bapt, ferr-p, nux-v)
- ear, noises, fever, during (lach, tub)
- epistaxis, fever during (rhus-t)
- epistaxis, typhoid fever in (arn, bapt, crot-h, lach)
- eructations, fever in (lach, ran-b)
- eructations, sour, intermittent fever in (lyc)
- extremities, coldness, fever, during (carb-an, kali-ar, sep, stram)
- extremities, coldness, leg, fever, during (carb-an, eup-pur, meph, sep, stram)
- extremities, fullness, hand, veins of, fever, during (chin, hyos, led, meny)
- extremities, heat, foot, sole, fever, during (aesc, canth, cupr, ferr, graph, lach, sulph)
- extremities, heaviness, fever, during (calc, gels, nux-v, rhus-t, sulph)
- extremities, pain, aching, fever, during (puls, pyrog, rhus-t, tub)
- extremities, trembling, fever, during (zinc)
- extremities, weakness, foot, fever, after (nat-s)
- extremities, weakness, lower limbs, fever, catarrhal, during (sep)
- eye, glassy appearance, fever, during (bell, bry, glon, iod, op)
- eyes, burning heat, fever in (sep)
- eye, turned, upward, fever, during (hell)
- faint, fever during (arn, nat-m, phos, sep)
- faintness (acon, arn, bell, nat-m, nux-v, op, phos, sep)
- fear, fever during (acon, ambr, ars, bar-c, ip, sep)
- feet, coldness, fever during (arn, lach, stram, sulph)
- glands, enlarged, fever, during, over body (bell, kali-c, sep)
- hearing acute (acon, bell, calc, caps, con, ip, lyc, nux-v)
- legs, fevers, in < (pyrog, rhus-t, tub)
- palpitation (ars, calc, nit-ac, puls)
- throbbing headache (bell, eup-per, glon, nat-m, rhus-t)
- trembling (ars, calc, camph, cist, eup-per, kali-c, lach, mag-c, mygal, sep)
- fever, burning heat, furious, delirium, with (bell, canth, stram, verat)
- fever, burning heat, pricking over the whole body, with (chin, gels)
- dry burning heat at night, with sleeplessness (bar-c, cham, graph, hyos, phos)
- dry burning heat, with anxiety (acon, apis, ars, bar-c, bry, rhus-t)
- fever, alternating with, shuddering (ars, mag-s, mosch)
- fever, desire to be fanned in place of thirst (carb-v)
- Heat
- burning heat, within and without, body turning hot (bell)
- dry heat, sweat absent (ars, bell, bry, cact, gels, nux-m)
- fever, bed, driving him out of bed at night (graph, merc)
- fever, bed, feeling of heat in bed, yet aversion to uncovering (coff, merc)
- fever, chill absent (apis, ars, bell, bry, cham, gels, rhus-t)
- fever, internal heat, burning (ars, bell, brom, caps, hyos, mez, mosch, sec)
- fever, internal, with external coldness (acon, ars, camph, mosch, sul-i, verat)
- fever, shivering, and perspiration with heat (nux-v, podo, rhus-t, sulph)
- fever with shivering (arn, caust, gels, kali-i, nux-v, sulph)
- Modalities
- fever, after < (ars, bell, chin, hep, nux-v)
- fever after exertion (am-m, brom, fl-ac, pyrog, rhus-t, sep)
- fever, anger, paroxysms brought on by (acon, cham, cocc, coloc, ign, nat-m, nux-v, petr, sep, staph)
- fever, burning heat, sleep, during (gins, samb, thuj)
- fever, covers, warmth < (apis, chin, ign, mur-ac, nat-m, op, puls)
- fever, covers, warmth > (bell, nux-v, puls, pyrog, rhus-t, stram, stront, tub)
- fever, drinking agg. (bar-c, calc, cham, cocc)
- fever, intolerance of both cold and warmth (cocc, cor-r)
- motion brings on chilliness (ant-t, apis, arn, chin-s, merc, nux-v, podo, rhus-t, stram)
- shivering, chilly from drinking (bell, caps, eup-per, nux-v)
- sleep < (calad, mez, op, samb)
- sleep > (calad, phos, sep)
- vomiting, amel. (acon, dig, puls, sec)
- washing agg. (am-c, rhus-t, sep, sulph)
- washing, amel. (apis, bapt, fl-ac, puls)
- winter agg. (calc, carb-v, chin, nux-m, puls, rhus-t, sulph, verat)
- Region
- Sleep
- awakes, fever from (bar-c, nit-ac, phos)
- chill after first sleep (lyc)
- chill on waking, as often as he wakes (arn)
- deep sleep during chill (bell)
- deep sleep in afternoon, after heat (cina)
- dry burning heat at night, with sleeplessness (bar-c, cham, graph, hyos, phos)
- dry burning heat with sleeplessness (cham, phos)
- dry heat at night during sleep (bov, bry, gins, ph-ac, samb, thuj, viol-t)
- falls asleep while answering (bapt)
- fever, afternoon, sleep, after (bor, calad, ferr, nat-m)
- fever, afternoon sleep, after (calad)
- fever, afternoon sleep, after (calad)
- fever > after sleeping (phos, sep)
- fever at night after sleep, with glowing cheeks (cina)
- fever, burning heat, sleep, during (gins, samb, thuj)
- fever, dry heat at night in sleep (ph-ac)
- fever, heat comes on during sleep, cold feet and sweat on waking (samb)
- fever in sleep, body hot, foot cold (samb)
- fever, morning on waking (aeth, arn, camph, chel, eup-per, lac-c, petr, sep, sulph)
- fever < or > by sleep (calad)
- intense heat after sleep (cina)
- intense heat after sleep (op)
- long-lasting heat, with sleep (chin)
- perspiration, profuse, sleep, during (podo)
- perspiration, sleep, on going to amel. (ph-ac)
- profuse sweat during sleep (phos)
- restlessness alternates with sleepiness or stupor
- sleep < (calad, mez, op, samb)
- sleep > (calad, phos, sep)
- sleepiness, fever, paroxysms, after (podo)
- sleepiness in septic fevers (stram)
- sleepiness, sweat, with (rhus-t)
- sleepless during heat (puls)
- sleepless from sweat (ars, sulph)
- sleepless in low fevers (stram)
- sleeplessness, chill, with (mur-ac)
- sleepless with fever (hyos)
- sweat during afternoon sleep (nat-m)
- sweat on face during sleep (sep)
- sweat on falling asleep (ars)
- sweat on falling asleep (sulph)
- sweat only while awake (samb, sep)
- sweat on waking (samb, sulph)
- thirst on waking at night (calad)
- weakness and perspiration while awake and dry, burning heat while sleeping (samb)
- Sweat
- dry heat at night, with sweaty hands when put out of bed (hep)
- fever, burning heat, sweat, even when bathed in, with red face (op)
- fever, chill, with, heat and perspiration (jab, mez, nux-v)
- fever, evening in bed, with sweat (bor, bov, calc)
- fever, shivering, and perspiration with heat (nux-v, podo, rhus-t, sulph)
- sweat > (ars, lyc, rhus-t)
- sweat on forehead (ant-t, ip, mag-s, sars, staph, verat)
- sweat with shivering (nux-v)
- Thirst
- dry burning heat at night, without thirst (apis, ars)
- fever, burning heat, thirst for cold drinks, with (acon, phos)
- fever, burning heat, thirst, with unquenchable (ars, bell, colch, hep, phos)
- fever, desire to be fanned in place of thirst (carb-v)
- fever, dry heat at night, without thirst, veins of arms and hands swollen (chin, sumb)
- thirst, little and often, for (acon, ant-t, apis, ars, bell, chin, hyos, lyc, rhus-t)
- cough, tickling dry, fever but no thirst, with (ars, con, phos, puls, sabad)
- Time
- continued fever, night, temperature running very high (bell, bry, hyos, rhus-t, stram)
- dry heat at night during sleep (bov, bry, gins, ph-ac, samb, thuj, viol-t)
- febrile heat only during the day only (ail, ant-t, bell, berb, carb-v, eup-per, ox-ac, sep, sulph, thuj)
- fever, afternoon, lying down, after (bry, carb-an, chel, coff, mag-m, nicc, puls, sul-ac, sulph, zinc)
- fever, afternoon, sleep, after (bor, calad, ferr, nat-m)
- fever, evening, after lying down (acon, asar, bar-c, bry, carb-ac, chel, coff, hell, mag-m)
- fever in forenoon with chilliness (ars, bapt, cham, kali-c, sil, sulph, thuj)
- fever, morning on waking (acon-c, aeth, camph, chel, eup-per, lac-c, petr, sep, sulph)
- fever, remittent, morning (arn, bry, mag-c, podo, rhus-t, sulph)
- Type
- consumption tuberculosis, fever in (bapt, chin, ferr-p)
- continued fever, abdominal, with icteric skin (cham, chin, crot-h, lyc, merc, nat-s, sulph)
- continued fever, congestive (arn, bry, gels, glon, lach, sang, verat)
- continued fever, congestive, with, paralysis of lungs (ant-t, ars, carb-v, lyc, mosch, phos, sulph)
- continued fever, congestive, with threatened cerebral paralysis (hell, lach, lyc, op, ph-ac, phos, tarent, zinc)
- continued fever, hemorrhagic (carb-v, crot-h, lach, mill, phos, sul-ac)
- continued fever, night, temperature running very high (bell, bry, hyos, rhus-t, stram)
- continued fever, with complete stupor (hell, hyos, lyc, op, ph-ac, stram)
- fever, intermittent (ant-c, bapt, chin, cina, eup-per, ip, lyc, nat-m, nux-v, puls, pyrog, rhus-t, sep, zinc)
- fever, painful (bry, canth, rhus-t)
- fever, painless (ph-ac, phos)
- fever, relapsing (ars, calc, ferr, psor, sulph, tub)
- fever, remittent (acon, ars, bell, bry, cham, gels, merc)
- fever, remittent, morning (arn, bry, mag-c, podo, rhus-t, sulph)
- fever, stupid form (bapt, carb-v, hell, hyos, mur-ac, op, ph-ac)
- high fever, hyperpyrexia (acon, bapt, chin-ar, iod, mur-ac, phos, pyrog, sulph, verat-v)
- insidious fever (acet-ac, ars, chin, cocc, colch, con, sec, sulph, tub)
- acon
- key - great fear and anguish, a/f extreme emotion or exposure, severe and sudden complaints, oversensitive esp to pain
- high fever (bell)
- burning thirst for cold drinks
- fear during fever
- one cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold
- sweats on side lain on, or not lain on
- feels faint (sep)
- shaking chill and fever evening in bed after lying down
- a/f anger, vexation
- cough during fever
- dry heat at night, with anxiety
- chill from slightest movement of bed clothes
- chill < touch
- face or ear pain during chill
- ant-c
- key - digestive disorders, white coated tongue, cracks in lips, thirstless, corns and callosities, sentimental, bathing <
- fever, sun, in heat of, walking in
- fever, gastric
- mind, sadness, chill, before
- chill, disordered stomach
- chill, eating, indiscretions, in
- chill, exposure, cold bathing, too frequent
- chill, shaking, noon
- chill, predominating, noon
- perspiration, cold, morning
- stomach, thirst, perspiration, after
- extremities, coldness, foot, icy cold, chill, during
- fever, vomiting, during [agg.]
- teeth, grinding, chill, during
- head, heat, chilliness, during
- chill, external, stool, during desire for
- fever, succession of stages, perspiration, during heat, followed by dry heat
- perspiration, cold, motion, on
- fever, succession of stages, perspiration alternating with chilliness
- extremities, shrivelled, fingers, perspiration, during
- chill, internal, coldness, in blood vessels
- fever, burning heat, sparks
- perspiration, intermittent
- bladder, urination, dysuria, fever, during
- apis
- key - hot, thirstless, edematous swellings, stinging pains, shrieks, urticaria, urinary complaints
- worse 3-4 p.m.
- warmth, covers, warm room <, intolerable
- chill begins in chest, abdomen or knee
- thirstless, or thirst for sips
- urination, urge - or suppressed urine
- washing > (bapt)
- sweat in gushes alternating with dry heat
- urticaria
- stupefaction in fever
- snoring in heat
- dyspnea during chill
- cold knee, or chill begins in knee
- shivering from motion
- extremities numb in heat
- burning heat with stinging pains
- heat of one side, coldness of another
- cheerful during sweat
- frontal headache
- cough before or after chill
- arn
- a/f injuries, sore, bruised, bed feels hard, typhoid, says he is well when very sick
- continued fever, petechial, foul breath, says nothing the matter with him
- extremities sore, bruised during heat
- anguish during fever
- moaning, groaning in fever
- intense heat of head and face - body cold
- putrid taste in fever
- fever with shivering
- chill , slightest movement of bed clothes
- chill on putting hand out of bed
- fever, dry heat in the morning on waking
- burning heat in one spot, which is cold to the touch
- shivering, chilliness from motion
- vomiting during fever
- faintness during fever
- congestive fever
- burning heat in nose in fever
- urine suppressed
- burning in spots on vertex
- shaking chill with heat of heat
- chill in pit of stomach
- chill on yawning
- chill at 4 a.m.
- chill on side lain on
- chill on waking, as often as he wakes
- hearing acute in chill
- chill > lying
- chill begins in extremities
- ars
- key - anxious, worse alone, restless, weak, offensiveness, burning, fastidious, suspicious, thrist for sips
- fever, burning heat outside, cold inside
- fever at midnight 12 - 2 a.m., or 1-2 pm
- restlessness alternates with sleepiness or stupor
- fear during fever
- bad taste
- burning heat with unquenchable thirst
- hears noises
- fever > sweat
- chill alternates with sweat
- chill anticipates
- craves warm drinks during chill
- chill as if water trickled down back
- emptiness in stomach during or after chill, increased appetite
- sweat appears long after heat has subsided, with renewal of earlier symptoms
- dry, tickling cough, no thirst
- veins - burning in heat, or cold in chill
- trembling during fever
- sweat on falling asleep
- sleepless from sweat
- continued fever, petechiae, foul stool, leathery dry tongue and great weakness
- bapt
- congested, besotted, dazed, feels scattered, offensive discharges, typhoid, coated tongue, aphthae
- fever, stupid form
- fever, washing amel
- hyperpyrexia
- falls asleep while answering
- fever in forenoon with chilliness
- continued fever before midnight
- diarrhea with sudden fever
- forcible vomiting with sudden fever
- fever in consumption or dysentery
- diarrhea in intermittent fever
- burning heat up back
- extremities sore, bruised during chill
- chill in hot weather
- critical sweat
- bell
- key - sudden, violent effects, narcotic stupor or manic excitement, congestion and redness, head affected most
- burning heat internally, and body turns hot
- fever - sweat absent
- covers >
- hearing acute in fever
- remittent fever
- fever in the afternoon or night only
- throbbing head
- furious delirium at night with fever
- head hot, body cold
- great thirst during heat
- spasms, convulsions
- sweat comes and goes
- sweats on parts lain on, or on covered parts
- a/f sun
- burning heat alternating with chilliness
- chill begins in both arms at once
- chill < warm drinks
- deep sleep during chill
- glands enlarged over whole body
- desire to urinate, or suppressed urine
- bry
- key - talks of business, dryness, motion <, stubborn, progressive complaints, effusions, cr warm
- rash receding in eruptive fever, or slow evolution of rash
- fever, burning 9-12 midnight
- dry heat at night on motion
- noise < - fear from noise
- wants to be quiet in any stage
- stitching pains in chest during fever
- warmth agg
- fever at night, with delirium
- congestive fever
- sighs with sweat
- sweat on closing eyes
- desire to close eyes during chill
- chill > warm drinks
- fever afternoon or evening, after lying down
- fever afternoon or evening, after lying down
- coryza in fever
- painful fever
- sweat absent in fever
- gastric fever
- thirst during heat
- sweat relieves pains
- sweat >
- chill begins in lips
- chill after a siesta
- sweats on forehead in chill
- sweats on parts lain on
- sweat from warm drinks
- calad
- key - dread of motion, startles from sleep, tobacco habit, itching and burning, sexual complaints
- fever < or > by sleep
- sweat sweetish, attracts flies
- sweat amel
- thirstless, but desire to drink
- fever, afternoon sleep, after
- urticaria
- fever, then sweat, then chilliness
- loquacity with sweat
- thirst on waking at night
- caps
- key - burning, redness, fat, chilly < drafts, heat >, unclean, stubborn
- whistling in fever
- chill/shivering from drinking esp cold water
- chill begins in back, between scapulae
- must have something hot to back
- fever from emotions, esp homesickness
- cold sweat on thighs during fever - in spots
- hearing acute (coff)
- griping in abdomen
- chill > warm bed, hot irons
- salivation during chill
- extremities drawn up during chill
- chill at 1030 a.m.
- chill < draft of air
- backache with chill
- fingertips cold during heat
- startles during heat
- carb-v
- fever, desire to be fanned in place of thirst, during heat
- fever with hemorrhages, pale face, severe headache, great heaviness of limbs and trembling of body
- continued fever with collapse
- fever from pain
- internal heat, body feels cold
- herpetic eruptions in fever
- cramping in abdomen during fever
- fever at 6 a.m.
- fever in winter
- febrile heat only during day
- spleen painful during fever
- vertigo with fever
- fever, stupid form
- sweats at night during heat
- illusions during the heat
- extremities numb during the heat
- sweat followed by chill
- thirst before chill
- chill starts in extremities
- chill, icy coldness of body with cold breath
- coldness of knee during chill
- sudden sweat
- cold sweat on face
- cham
- key - irritable, angry, impatient, intolerant of pain, hot, sweaty and thirsty
- burning heat from 9 a.m. - 12 noon
- fever from pain or vexation
- dry burning heat with sleeplessness
- one cheek red, the other pale
- sweats on covered parts
- sweat on eating or drinking
- sweats on face during fever
- dentition
- no thirst in fever
- fever at midnight with sweat when lying on back
- fever in forenoon with chilliness
- one-sided fever, or posterior body
- weeps during chill
- chill with sweat
- hot breath during chill
- grinds teeth in chill
- chill begins in thighs
- chill < drinking warm
- chill < lying
- bitter vomiting during chill
- dysuria during fever
- chin
- key - malaria, hemorrhage or loss of fluids, debility, flatulence, cr fruits, oversensitive, makes plans, aircastles
- burning heat with pricking over whole body
- swollen veins of arms and hands
- long-lasting heat, with sleep
- increased appetite during fever
- eating amel
- afternoon fever
- motion <
- sweats on parts lain on
- thirsty during sweat
- chill alternating with sweat
- extremities sore, bruised during heat
- sweats from least covering
- sweats on neck
- cina
- key - spasms, irritable, cranky children, periodicity, worms, bores into nose, grinds teeth
- fever from worms
- fever, regular paroxysms
- appetite increased
- no thirst with fever
- vomits food during the head
- yawning during the head
- shaking chill on yawning
- intense heat after sleep
- deep sleep in afternoon, after heat
- fever at night after sleep, with glowing cheeks
- fever daily at same hour, with short breath
- sweats on forehead or nose - cold sweat
- shaking chill with hair standing on end
- diarrhea in intermittent fever
- coff
- key - sleepless, wide awake from thoughts and imagination, oversensitive to pain and noise
- fever after lying down
- constant shuddering with heat, with one cheek red and hot
- heat < lying in bed, but averse to uncovering
- fever 3-4 p.m., or 8 pm
- chilliness in back with fever
- chill from fingers and toes
- traumatic fever
- eup-per
- key - severe aching as if bones break, periodicity, cr ice cream, sore eyeballs, thirsty
- trembling during fever...esp in back
- desires warm drinks in fever or chill
- drinking hastens the chill, and causes nausea
- shivering from drinking cold water
- appetite increased after fever
- vomiting
- pulsating in head
- sweat > except headache
- chill 7-9 a.m.
- fever morning on waking
- chill with sweat
- nausea at close of chill, or bitter vomiting
- stiffness of upper limbs during chill
- pain under toenails in intermittent fever
- sweats on hand during chill
- during sweat, motion causes chilliness
- ferr-p
- key - flushing, congestion, bright hemorrhage, anemia, chest complaints
- epistaxis in fever
- urine retained in fever
- fever in tuberculosis or dysentery
- gastric fever
- cold sweat on hands during heat
- impulse to stretch during chill
- chill at 1 p.m.
- gels
- key - wants to be quiet, a/f anticipation or bad news, nervous system, thirstless, drowsy, trembling, paralytic heaviness
- fever, wants to be quiet in any stage (bry)
- burning heat with pricking over whole body (chin)
- chill 10 a.m.
- heaviness of extremities in fever
- continued, congestive fever
- remittent fever, afternoon
- diarrhea in intermittent fever
- fever with shivering
- fever, sweat absent
- chill in afternoon, with sweat
- sweat during coldness
- pain in limbs > sweat
- quiet during heat
- stitching in head during heat
- chill begins in lumbar region
- chill shaking hard, desire to be held down (lach)
- nervous chill
- chill on urinating
- chill up and down back
- chill with drowsiness
- chill 2-4 p.m.
- chill at noon, trembling and shivering
- chill, desire to be near warm stove
- vertigo during chilliness
- sensitive to noise during chill
- palpitation during chill
- hep
- key - chilly, oversensitive, hasty, impulsive, drafts <, sharp pains, suppuration, sweaty
- dry heat with sweaty hands when put out of bed
- chilliness on putting hands out of bed
- profuse sweat without relief
- sweats all night
- sweats, but covers
- sour vomiting during fever
- chill at 4 p.m. or 8 p.m.
- burning heat with unquenchable thirst
- multiple abscesses during fever
- voice weak during heat, irritation of larynx
- hyos
- key - ridiculous or foolish behavior, suspicious, involuntary discharges, movements, nervous system
- high fever at night
- chill in evening, continuing all night
- stupor
- fever, stupid form
- convulsions
- averse to company
- sensitive to noise
- blood vessels distended
- sleepless with fever
- chill starts in lumbar region
- loquacity during sweat
- illusions of fancy
- ineffectual urging to urinate
- thirst for little and often
- backache in sacrum during chill
- ign
- key - contradictory symptoms, moods changeable, fickle, emotions <, silent grief
- changing paroxysms
- fever < covers, warmth
- appetite increased after fever
- no thirst in fever
- violent chill with red face and thirst
- urticaria during fever or chill
- fever < coughing
- eating >
- fever, morning in bed
- a/f anger
- startled during heat
- vomits food during heat
- sweat < eating
- sweats on face only
- chill begins in arms, or abdomen
- ip
- key - persistent nausea, hemorrhage, desires things but knows not what, heat and cold <
- fear during fever, esp of death
- one hand or foot cold, the other warm
- one side of face cold, the other hot
- sweats on forehead in fever
- coldness of ear during heat
- nausea and vomiting during chill
- short chill, long heat, no thirst
- sweats on hand during chill
- chills up and down back
- sensation of foreign body in larynx
- cough during fever
- gastric fever
- chronic intermittent, spoiled
- sudden sweat
- impatience during heat
- hearing acute
- chill < external heat, covers
- salivation before chill
- fever alternating with chills at night, with sweat
- fever at 4 p.m.
- aching in thigh during fever
- lach
- key - loquacity, left side, sleep <, tight clothes <, choking, wants to be fanned slowly
- loquacity in fever
- remittent afternoon fever
- fever at 10 p.m., or morning on rising
- noises, roaring in ears
- eructations during fever
- chill, afternoon
- desire to be held down in chill
- sweat on closing eyes
- sweats on face during heat
- chill with sweat
- chills up the back
- chill < drinks
- sweat stains yellow
- chill begins in calves
- fever > eating
- heat of soles during fever
- cold feet in fever
- dry heat at night with delirium
- trembling during fever
- lyc
- key - right-side, 4-8 pm., frown, wrinkled appearance, thin, flatulent, demanding
- fever at 4-8 pm., or starts at 9pm
- sour eructations and vomiting in fever
- red sand in urine
- desires warm drinks
- stupor in fever
- on any motion, sweat disappears and heat comes on
- thirst after sweat
- one foot hot, the other cold
- sensitive, weeps in fever
- chill < covers
- chill after first sleep
- chilliness during urination
- one sided fever
- heat in flushes up spine
- just a long chill - no heat, sweat or thirst
- merc
- key - increased discharges, sweaty, worse from sweating, night agg, salivation, cannot bear heat or cold
- fever with chilliness alternating with heat, not perceptible to touch
- paroxysmal fever at night
- fever drives out of bed at night
- feeling of heat in bed, yet averse to uncovering
- motion brings on chilliness
- coryza in fever
- chill from draft of air
- creeping chill
- stools with chill
- long lasting sweat
- sweat stains yellow
- sweats without relief
- fever at noon
- pain in joints during fever
- urine odor acrid, pungent during fever
- frequent urine during fever and chill
- heat of head and ear during chill
- palpitation during chill
- dusuria in chill
- mur-ac
- key - extreme weakness, slides down in bed, involuntary discharges, aphthae, tongue shrunken, typhoid
- fever, stupid form
- unconscious, fever, during
- fever, continued fever, petechial, fetid stool, intestinal hemorrhage, sopor, so weak that he settles down in bed into a heap
- fever, continued fever, evening, 8 p.m.
- fever, covers, warmth <
- fever, coughing <
- fever, high hyperpyrexia
- mind, talk, indisposed to, perspiration, during
- perspiration, coldness, after
- chill, evening, warmth, during external
- chill, sides, side on which he lies
- face, pain, burning, chilliness, during
- sleep, sleeplessness, chill, with
- chill, time, 6 p.m., to 7 p.m.
- chill, chilliness, morning, rising, after
- chill, chilliness, hair standing on end, sensation of
- nat-m
- key - periodicity, sun <, cr salt, emaciation esp at neck, a/f grief, thirsty, morning <
- fever 10-11 a.m.
- herpetic eruptions, fever blisters
- intense heat with stupefaction and unconsciousness
- extremities numb during heat
- fever < covers
- thirsty during heat
- headache after heat
- sweat >
- chill from fingertips or tips of toes
- urticaria during chill
- fever alternating chills, with hot twitches
- fever > open air
- faintness during fever
- a/f anger
- nausea during fever, also vomiting
- sore, bruised aching in extremities
- throbbing in head, > sweat
- chill in afternoon, with sweat
- sweat during afternoon sleep
- cough during fever
- icy coldness in heart during chill
- yawning with chill
- nux-v
- key - irritable, constipation with ineffectual urging, fastidious, a/f sleep loss, excesses, alcohol etc
- a/f anger
- impatient
- wants to be quiet, averse to talking
- chilly from putting hand out of bed
- chilly < least motion - of arms, bedclothes, turning in bed
- draft of air <
- fever with chilliness, shivering and sweat
- thirst during heat
- wants covers
- warm drinks >
- feels chilly on drinking, and vomits
- chill anticipates
- sitting >
- coryza or cough in fever
- cramps or numb extremities
- limbs feel heavy
- one-side sweat
- restless legs in heat
- occipital headache
- urine red in fever
- op
- key - sleepiness, snoring, hot, congested, sweaty, heat <, tranquil and placid, constipation
- fever, burning heat even when bathed in sweat, with red face
- intense heat after sleep
- intense heat of head and face, body cold
- intense heat with stupefaction and unconsciousness
- convulsions with fever
- continued fever with complete stupor
- fever, stupid form
- restless from heat from bed
- cheerful during heat
- snoring during heat
- fever < warmth
- chronic intermittent fever in old people with coma
- fever > drinking cold water
- faint during fever
- speech lost in typhoid
- dryness of throat during heat
- eyes brilliant during sweat
- eyes appear glassy in fever
- weeps with sweat
- urine retained or suppressed in fever
- chill with drowsiness
- extremities twitch during chill
- ph-ac
- key - indifference, debility, placid, emaciation, painless, typhoid, thirstless
- urine smells putrid during fever
- fever, painless
- fever, stupid form
- fever, continued fever, with complete stupor
- extremities, weakness of upper limbs during chilliness
- fever, dry heat at night in sleep
- fever from vexation
- urine acrid, pungent during fever
- bladder, freq urination during fever
- tearing in joints during fever
- recurrent abscess, fever after
- face, heat on side not lain on
- face, heat, burning, and redness of left side
- mind, restlessness after heat
- throat pain during heat
- heat of hand during chill
- chill, chilliness in afternoon without subsequent heat
- palpitation of heart during chill
- pain in upper limbs during chill
- lumbar pain during chill
- chill, time, 4 a.m.
- extremities, heat, hand, chill, during
- extremities, shrivelled, fingers, perspiration, during
- perspiration, sleep, on going to amel.
- sweat, < after
- phos
- burnings, desire for cold drinks, hemorrhages, emptiness, hollow sensation, desires company
- heat with external coldness of body, then chill with external heat
- continued fever, hemorrhagic
- burning heat with thirst for cold drinks
- appetite increased during fever
- burning heat with unquenchable thirst
- burning in spine
- heat of hand during chill
- cold knee during chill
- urine with red or white sediment
- fever at 8 pm
- painless fever
- intense heat with stupefaction and unconsciousness
- dry, burning heat at night with sleeplessness
- fever > after sleeping
- profuse sweat during sleep
- fever > drinking cold water
- sweat > drinking
- fever from vexation
- fever with dry, tickling cough but no thirst
- paroxysmal cough after chill
- cough during fever
- throat pain during heat
- chill begins in abdomen
- chill down back
- chill > pressure
- vomits food after chill
- stiff lower limbs before chill
- diarrhea during chill
- podo
- key - early morning or forenoon, hot weather, dentition, diarrhea, washing <, thirsty, moaning
- cough, remittent fever, during
- fever, chill absent, morning, 7 a.m.
- chill, time, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
- fever, chilliness, with, continues long into the heat
- fever, shivering, and perspiration with heat
- fever, chilliness and shivering, motion from
- fever, remittent, morning
- sleepiness, fever, paroxysms, after
- loquacity, fever and chill during
- chill, warmth, bed, amel., but not by heat of stove
- back, heat, spine in, extending upward
- extremities, pain, elbow, chill, during
- extremities, pain, aching, wrist, chill, before
- back, pain, lumbar region, chill, before
- chill, lying, while (agg.)
- abdomen, pain, liver, chill, during
- back, pain, aching, chill, before
- chill, exposure, tropical countries
- spleen, painful, chill, during
- perspiration, profuse, sleep, during
- legs sweat
- puls
- key - thirstless, craves open air, weepy, changeable, warmth <, disturbed digestion
- fever at 2 pm. then chill at 4 pm
- intolerable burning heat, night in bed
- changing paroxysms, no two alike
- fever, burning hands that seek cold places
- veins distended
- long chill, little heat, no thirst
- numb fingers before attack in intermittent fever
- aching lower limbs during fever
- lachrymation in fever
- bad taste
- fever > washing
- fever > vomiting
- sweats on face during heat
- numb extremities during heat
- warmth <
- sleepless during heat
- averse to company during heat
- voice hoarse, or pain in larynx
- hands cold or hot during heat
- stomach cramps during heat
- moaning, groaning in fever
- fever without thirst
- thirst with chill
- chill < warm drinks
- chill turning over in bed
- chill after sunset
- chill from sacrum or buttocks
- chill, warmth unbearable
- chill > uncovering or open air
- numbness of foot with chill
- sweat all night, with loquacity
- sweat at night during stupid slumber
- sweats on uncovered parts
- pyrog
- fever with chilliness, which continues long into the heat
- aching in thigh during fever
- diarrhea in pernicious fever
- extremities, aching during fever
- leg aching in fever
- fever after exertion
- fever, chilliness on putting the hands out of bed
- chill begins between scapulae
- pain in thigh during chill
- pain in leg during chill
- chill felt in bones
- nightly chill
- chill, fever with for a long time
- chill, rigors, shaking
- bones, cold chilly feeling
- chill with sweat
- fingers shriveled during perspiration
- critical sweat
- rhus-t
- fever, painful
- fever, shivering, and perspiration with heat
- fever, sweat >
- fever, washing agg.
- fever, side, left, with coldness of right
- legs, fevers, in <
- chill, water, from getting wet, when overheated
- chill, water, working in, from
- chill, time, 9 a.m., to 10 a.m.
- cough, chill before or during
- skin, eruptions, urticaria, fever, during
- skin, eruptions, herpetic, fevers, in
- sleepiness, sweat, with
- chill, motion arms of <
- chill, bed putting hand out of
- chill, chilliness, slightest movement of the bed-clothes
- chill, uncovering, least
- chill, warm, stove, desire to be near
- yawning, fever during
- abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, fever, during
- head, pain, heat, before the
- hearing, impaired, heat, during
- mind, thoughts, vanishing, of, chill, during
- chill, coughing <
- chill, predominating, afternoon
- chill, water, working in, from
- diarrhea, fever intermittent during
- ear, noises, ringing, chill, during
- extremities, restlessness, leg, heat, during
- fever, alternating with, chills, afternoon
- fever, burning heat, internal mostly, blood seems to burn in the veins
- fever, continued fever, night, temperature running very high
- fever, one sided, left
- fever, remittent, morning
- perspiration, sides, left
- bladder, urination, involuntary, chill, during
- chill, beginning in and extending from, body, right side of
- respiration, hot breath, chill, during
- sweat, face, except
- samb
- key - profuse sweat, fright, dropsy, urinary and respiratory complaints
- fever, heat comes on during sleep, cold feet and sweat on waking
- weakness and perspiration while awake and dry, burning heat while sleeping
- fever in sleep, body hot, foot cold
- profuse sweat, only while awake
- profuse sweat on waking
- dry cough in fever or chill
- sweat, but intolerant of covers
- heat of face, with cold feet
- dry, burning heat at night
- night sweats of phthisis on waking
- respiration difficult, sweat with
- profuse urine, heat of body with
- sep
- key - indifferent, tired, dragging, chilly, thirstless, chloasma
- faintness during fever
- fear during fever
- vertigo, tendency to fall during fever
- vision foggy in fever
- heat or pain in eyes during fever
- weakness of lower limbs in catarrhal fever
- a/f vexation
- restless leg during heat
- abdomen cramping during chill
- burning in stomach during heat
- extremities cold in fever
- white sediment in urine
- washing <
- fever > after sleep
- fever > drinking cold water
- fever, heat of sun
- febrile heat only during the day
- trembling during fever
- shaking chill at noon
- red face and cold feet at noon during fever
- stupefaction during heat
- hoarseness during heat
- sudden weakness during chill
- pain in dorsal back during chill
- numbness of fingers during chill
- chill with urination
- chill, warmth unbearable
- craves air in chill
- chill begins in throat
- chill starts in chest or abdomen
- sweat on waking
- sweat < motion
- sweat only when awake
- sweat on face during sleep
- stram
- key - mental symptoms prominent, praying, fears dark, being alone, animals, enlarged feeling, hallucination, night agg
- burning heat with furious delirium
- high fever at night
- head and face very hot, body cold
- burning heat except head and face, which are covered in sweat
- cold extremities in fever
- loquacity or singing in fever
- stupefaction or stupor during heat
- fever afternoon 4 p.m.
- convulsions
- sleepless in low fevers
- chilly during urination
- salivation during heat
- motion causes chilliness
- sleepiness in septic fevers
- cold sweat with mania
- thirst with sweat
- urine suppressed, or frqeuent urine
- chill down back
- fever > covers, chilly on uncovering
- thirst on waking
- sulph
- key - redness, hunger, 11 a.m., dirty, washing <, stooped, relapses, skin complaints
- fear in fever, while chilly
- fever 5 pm, or 8-9 pm
- sweat on waking
- fever, shivering and sweat with the heat
- washing <
- extremities heavy during fever (gels)
- fever at night on waking
- fever, morning on waking
- dry heat at night as if vapor rising to brain
- relapsing fever
- heat of soles in fever
- urticaria during fever
- bladder, ineffectual urging during fever
- chill begins in fingers and toes
- chill begins in nose
- sweat on falling asleep
- sweat unilateral, one sided
- profuse sweat in the morning on waking
- sleepless from perspiration
- strong smelling sweat
- febrile heat only during day
- feet cold in fever
- fever with shivering
- hyperpyrexia
- restless feet in fever (sep)
- itching or formication of feet
- perspiration at nihgt, during heat
- throat dry during heat
- voice hoarse
- salivation during heat
- chill esp noon
- involuntary urine during chill
- chill from slightest movement of bed clothes
- chill up and down back
- stools with chill
- tub
- key - emaciation, night sweats, enlarged glands, relapses, craves air, h/o tuberculosis
- chill, air craves
- cough, chill before
- chill, sweat, with
- heat, flushes, in, sweat, with
- nose, sweat, on
- sweat, coughing <
- fever, relapsing
- fever, intermittent, chronic, masked
- fever, chilliness, with, putting the hands out of bed, from
- fever, insidious fever
- legs, fevers, in <
- loquacity, fever during
- fever, covers, warmth >
- extremities, lameness, lower limbs, fever, during
- cough, dry, fever, intermittent, before
- ear, noises, fever, during
- fever, single parts
- fever, eating <
- cerebro spinal axis, fever, tubercular
- extremities, pain, aching, thigh, fever, during
- extremities sore, bruised during heat
- eye, pain, sore, chill, during
- extremities, pain, stitching, lower limbs, chill, during
- extremities, stiffness, lower limbs, chill, during
- back, stiffness, chill, during
- cough, dry, chill, before
- chill, creeping, night
- chill, time, 6 p.m., to 7 p.m.
- chill, bathing (see water)
- perspiration, motion, brings on chilliness
- chill, beginning in and extending from, nose
- face, discoloration, bluish, chill, during
- zinc
- key - nervous system, involuntary movements, spasms, restless feet, discharges amel, retrocessed eruptions
- continued congestive fever, with threatened cerebral paralysis
- fever, oscillating
- extremities trembling during fever
- hot breath during fever
- emptiness in stomach during fever
- foot icy cold during chill
- abdomen cold during heat
- chill from holding cold things
- shaking chill after vomiting
- loquacity during chill and fever
- eating amel
- chill begins in nose
- numb upper limbs in intermittent fever
- fever, night on waking
- chill, exposure during rains
- chill 4-8 p.m.
- chill > lying
- fever, lying down after