Symptoms: Age and Stage of life, Causation, Character, Clinical, Concomitants, Food and Drink, Odor, Pain, Position, Season, Time
Drugs: acon, aloe, ant-c, apis, arg-n, ars, bapt, benz-ac, bry, chin, chin-ar, crot-t, gamb, graph, iris, jalap, jatr, mag-c, merc, nat-s, nux-m, nux-v, petr, ph-ac, phos, podo, psor, rheum, rhus-t, sulph, trom, verat
- Age and Stage of life
- children (acet-ac, aeth, benz-ac, cham, chin, ip, jalap, mag-c, rheum, stram, tub)
- weaning after (arg-n, chin)
- old people (bov, ant-c, ars, carb-v, gamb, nit-ac, phos)
- old women (kreos, nat-s)
- pregnancy (petr, phos, rheum, sep)
- school girls (calc-p, ph-ac)
- in old people, alternating with constipation (ant-c, bry, nux-v, op, phos)
- plethoric, robust people (acon)
- emaciated persons (calc, calc-p, iod, nat-m, phos, rheum, sil, sul-ac, sulph)
- Causation
- bad food (ars, zing)
- alcohol (aloe, crot-t, gamb, nux-v)
- anticipation (arg-n, gels)
- fear or fright (gels, op)
- anger (aloe, bry, cham, coloc, staph)
- Character
- Clinical
- dysentery (aloe, colch, merc, nux-v, terb)
- typhoid (hyos, phos)
- eruptive fevers (ant-t)
- in dropsy (acet-ac, apis, apoc, hell)
- in intermittent fever (bapt, cina, nux-v, rhus-t)
- tuberculosis (ars, carb-v, ferr, kali-i, phos, rumx)
- ulcerative colitis (kali-bi, merc-c)
- Concomitants
- weakness (ars, bapt, chin, mur-ac, sec, verat)
- vomiting (ars, arg-n, ip, verat)
- headache (aeth, agar, aloe, ambr, apis, con, glon, graph, ind, jatr, kali-n, stram, verat)
- coldness (carb-v, camph, verat)
- profuse sweat (acon, con, merc, rheum, sulph, verat)
- sudden fever (bapt)
- frequent urine (bism)
- abdominal colic (cham, coloc)
- gurgling before stool (acon, aloe, coloc, merc, olnd, podo, rat)
- shrieking, crying (acon, cham, jalap, rheum)
- heat of head (apis, arn, bell, bor, bry, hell, kali-br, ox-ac, rhus-t)
- Food and Drink
- eating (crot-t)
- sweets or sugar (arg-n, calc, crot-t, merc, ox-ac, sulph, trom)
- fruits (chin, calc-p, cist, lach, lith, lyc, rhod)
- drinking agg (arg-n, ars, caps, cina, crot-t, ferr, nux-v, phos, rhus-t)
- fish (chin-ar)
- cabbage, saurkraut (bry, petr)
- Odor
- Pain
- painless (bapt, chin, ferr, graph, phos, ph-ac)
- painful (aloe, ars, bry, cham, coloc, jalap, merc, merc-c, rheum, rhus-t, sulph)
- Position
- Season
- summer (bry, crot-t, gamb, kali-bi, podo)
- wet weather (dulc, nat-s)
- change of weather (dulc, ph-ac, psor)
- spring (bry, iris, lach, sars)
- Time
- morning (aloe, bry, kali-bi, lil-t, nat-s, podo, rumx, sulph)
- evening (bov, ph-ac, phos)
- forenoon (gamb, mag-c, nat-s)
- noon (ant-c, crot-t)
- afternoon (chin, chin-ar, psor)
- night (ars, chin, chin-ar, ferr-ar, iris, jalap, mag-c, merc, nux-m, puls)
- early morning (all-c, aloe, nuph, petr, podo, rhus-t, sulph)
- day only (nat-m, petr, phyt)
- acon
- with fear and restlessness (ars)
- stools of pure blood
- diarrhea with much urine and sweat
- after exposure to much heat or cold, or cold wind
- plethoric persons
- aloe
- insecurity at anus
- jelly like stool
- passes stool instead of flatus
- summer diarrhea
- stool slips out, no tenesmus
- pain before stool, relief after (nux-v)
- alternates with headache etc (podo)
- craves apples, juicy fruit
- ant-c
- constipation alternating with diarrhea, esp in old people
- worse from acids, sour wine, overeating
- slimy, flatulent stools
- hard lumps mixed with watery discharge
- mucus stools
- tongue coated thick white
- apis
- in dropsy
- anus seems open (phos, sec)
- arg-n
- worse from sweets, though craves it
- a/f anticipation
- flatulence
- green, spinach like stool
- ars
- anxiety and restlessness
- weakness
- vomiting and diarrhea at same time
- offensive stools
- stools blackish (lach)
- food poisoning, spoiled foods
- bapt
- very offensive (ars)
- extreme weakness (ars, mur-ac)
- with sudden fever
- rapid debility
- dazed, confused (petr)
- benz-ac
- frothy stool, like soap suds
- very offensive
- flatulence
- bry
- painful diarrhea
- morning diarrhea, after rising
- motion <, lying on back >
- at seashore (ars)
- taking cold in summer
- from icecreams
- suppressed eruptions (graph, petr, psor, sulph)
- chin
- worse from fruit or beer
- painless stools
- frothy, yellow, undigested
- weakness
- chin-ar
- worse eggs or fish
- in intermittent fever
- morning 6-10 a.m.
- eating agg
- crot-t
- constant urging, then sudden evacuation
- alternates with skin eruptions
- watery stools with much urging
- stool always forcibly shot out
- worse least eating or drinking
- swashing in intestines
- summer agg
- gamb
- burning and tenesmus after stool
- stool forcibly shot out (crot-t)
- profuse watery summer diarrhea
- esp in old people
- rumbling and rolling
- painful flatulent distension after stool
- burning, smarting and dryness of tongue and throat
- worse from beer
- graph
- morning diarrhea, wakes with urging
- worse after menses
- headache, vomiting and cold sweat with diarrhea
- painless diarrhea
- suppressed eruptions
- iris
- burning right from mouth to anus, entire intestinal tract
- periodical nightly diarrhea
- painful, green diarrhea
- jalap
- child restless, screams all night - day is fine
- tongue glazed, smarting
- colic and diarrhea
- abdomen distended
- anus sore
- jatr
- profuse rice water stools, choleraic
- gurgling, loud noises
- abdomen distended
- coldness, cramps all over, nausea and vomiting
- mag-c
- green, frothy, like scum on frog pond
- bloody mucus stools
- milk passes undigested
- griping, colicky pains before stool
- artificial foods <
- sour stool, with tenesmus
- worse 3 a.m.
- merc
- cold evening air <
- worse at night
- worse walking, standing or lying amel
- in cold weather, autumn
- stool dysenteric, with tenemus
- cold, clammy sweat
- worse after stool
- nat-s
- morning diarrhea
- worse after breakfast
- flatulent, sputtering stool
- worse in wet weather
- involuntary stool
- nux-m
- from cold drinks in summer
- stools bright yellow
- cold damp weather <
- sleepiness
- faint after stools
- moist external heat amel
- worse getting feet wet
- worse from boiled milk
- worse in autumn
- extremities cold with diarrhea
- nux-v
- pains better after stool
- diarrhea during fevers
- diarrhea from alcohol, or when abstaining
- prolapse of rectum
- morning diarrhea, after a debauch
- after laxatives
- petr
- diarrhea from suppressed eruptions
- cabbage <
- alternates with cough
- ph-ac
- copious, without any weakness (apis, calc, graph, puls, rhod, sulph, tub)
- odorless
- involuntary stool < motion
- a/f fright
- rumbling and meteorism
- craves refreshing, spicy or effervescent things
- in schoolgirls (calc-p)
- phos
- anus feels open
- painless, copious, debilitating diarrhea
- grains like sago in stool
- morning diarrhea of old people
- podo
- sinking in stomach
- worse from bathing, esp washing head
- prolapse of anus or uterus
- changeable
- better lying on right side
- lying < or >, lying on back <
- headache alternates with diarrhea
- worse 4 a.m.
- gurgling before stool
- heat in rectum
- stool of dirty water, meal like sediment
- heat or pain up the back
- psor
- offensive stools
- mucus, bloody, dark stools
- skin eruptions, suppression
- appetite ravenous
- diarrhea after acute diseases
- worse change of weather
- nightly diarrhea, or morning driving out of bed
- rheum
- very sour stool
- walking only while
- increased salivation
- after unripe fruit
- painful diarrhea
- rhus-t
- stools of blood,slime and reddish mucus
- dysentery with tearing pain down thighs
- offensive stools
- frothy, painless stools - or painful
- nightly diarrhea
- drinking <
- in intermittent fever
- a/f getting wet
- better lying on abdomen
- motion amel
- cold, damp weather <
- sulph
- early morning diarrhea, drives out of bed
- stool offensive, seems to follow patient
- redness of anus, sore, burning
- sweats with diarrhea - feet, forehead etc
- skin eruptions, esp suppressed
- a/f alcohol, esp beer
- emptiness in stomach
- after acute disease
- without weakness
- trom
- dysentery
- worse from food and drink
- stool only after eating
- diarrhea after rising up
- much pain before and after stool
- sharp pain in left side shooting downward, during stool
- burning in anus
- verat
- very painful, watery stool, forcible evacuated
- cholera like stools
- great prostration
- vomiting with purging
- cold sweat on forehead
- cramps in extremities
- fainting, delirium, mania
- worse during menses