Symptoms: Concomitants, Direction, Discharge, Modalities, Sensation, Sneezing
Drugs: all-c, ars, bell, bry, calc, eup-per, gels, hep, iod, kali-i, nat-m, nux-v, phos, puls, sang, sil
- Concomitants
- Direction
- right-side (lyc, sang, brom)
- left-side (all-c)
- right to left (lyc)
- Discharge
- acrid (ars, all-c)
- bland (puls)
- thick, sticky (puls, kali-bi)
- fluent (all-c, euphr, kali-i, merc, nat-m, nux-v)
- crusts, clinkers, plugs (phos, kali-bi, sil)
- Modalities
- open air amel (all-c, puls)
- worse from both cold and heat (merc)
- changeable weather (hep)
- a/f getting chilled or wet (all-c, hep)
- better from external heat, covers (rumx, sil)
- Sensation
- dryness (sang, wye)
- blocked, lump, must blow nose (teucr)
- Sneezing
- all-c
- profuse, acrid watery discharge
- profuse lachrymation (euphr)
- loud, hearty sneeze - raises up and sneezes
- coryza, left
- worse evening
- a/f getting feet wet
- odors <
- worse in warm room, open air > (puls)
- ars
- acrid, excoriation, fluent but feels stuffed
- sensitive to odors, which <
- anxious
- feels weak
- bell
- a/f cutting hair (nux-v)
- neck stiff
- headache (bry)
- fever
- bry
- violent attack, with fever or headache - esp if discharge suppressed
- extends to sinuses or chest (kali-i, sil)
- a/f being overheated
- chilly (ars, merc)
- night < (kali-i, merc)
- > open air (all-c, kali-i)
- hoarseness of voice (hep, phos)
- calc
- headache from suppression of coryza (bry, kali-bi)
- oppression of chest with coryza
- copious urine
- voice hoarse, esp morning
- taste wanting
- sudden discharge
- changeable discharge
- eup-per
- coryza in old age
- coryza with sweat
- hoarseness of voice
- gels
- seasonal coryza
- changeable weather < (hep)
- excoriating discharge (ars, all-c)
- burning in nose
- headache
- weakness (ars)
- thirstless (puls)
- hep
- changeable weather
- worse uncovering head (nat-m)
- coryza with hunger
- eyes inflammed from cold, < morning
- bloody postnasal discharge
- taste wanting
- iod
- clear, copious, excoriating discharge
- discharge < open air, blocked in warm room
- postnasal catarrh
- annual coryza with asthmatic breathing
- periodic attacks of coryz
- obstinate coryza with soreness beneath nose and on margins of nose
- kali-i
- frontal sinusitis
- copious discharge with stuffing of head
- greenish-black discharge
- excoriating discharge (ars)
- nat-m
- coryza from uncovering the head (hep)
- coryza > sweating
- taste wanting
- fluent discharge
- paroxysmal sneezing, or ineffectual esp morning
- cr salt
- crack in center of lower lip
- blisters on lips
- nux-v
- a/f haircut (bell)
- irritable, impatient
- discharge in warm room, stuffed in open air
- nose blocked at night, flows during day
- face hot
- lachrymation (all-c, euphr)
- chilly (hep, merc)
- sore-throat (merc, phos)
- fluent alternating with blocked nose
- discharge in morning after rising
- worse after eating
- worse in dry, cold weather (hep)
- phos
- fluent coryza flows into fauces and rattles while breathing
- coryza > motion, walking
- coryza > washing
- voice painful, hoarse, esp evening (carb-v, hep)
- worse evening (all-c)
- sore-throat
- lachrymation
- one-side coryza/catarrh
- adherent green crusts, sore on detaching
- puls
- worse warm room (all-c)
- worse evening (all-c)
- bland greenish or yellow discharge
- a/f cutting hair (bell)
- coryza > walking in open air (all-c)
- coryza < chilled when overheated (sil)
- taste wanting (nat-m)
- sang
- coryza followed by diarrhea
- right side, excoriating
- frontal sinusitis - middle of forehead
- flowers < (all-c)
- lachrymation (all-c, euphr)
- night <
- sil
- frontal sinusitis - middle
- a/f chilled when overheated (puls)
- fluent in the daytime, otherwise no discharge
- periodic attacks
- nose, rawness
- hard, dry crusts high up in the nose in the morning