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Symptoms & Signs common to rubiaceae in general
- periodicity - same hour, or every other day agg.
- fevers - malarial, puerperal, tubercular, eruptive fevers, high fever, pyemia
- worse from loss of fluids, blood
- abuse of quinine, iron
- apoplexy nervous
- wind <, uncovering <, even single part
- talking agg.
- sexual excesses, ailments after
- sensations - emptiness, hollow sensation, flabby feeling, surging in head
- a/f excessive joy
- ideas abundant, clearness of mind night
- mind, desires numerous, various things insane
- greed, cupidity eating, in
- fear driving him from place to place
- anxiety with palpitation
- startled on falling asleep
- headache - < morning in bed, emotions <, touch <, noise <, closing eyes >
- stomach, coldness, chilliness
- stomach disordered - indiscretions in diet <, fruits <
- diarrhea - taking cold after, or in hot weather, night <
- overeating agg.
- craves sweets
- fever - afternoon
- shaking chills, with nausea, thirstless
- fever accompanied by - anxiety, moaning, restlessness, dry cough, pains, shivering
- thirst - during heat, sweat
- sweat < or gives no relief, during motion <, with weakness, falls asleep during
- sweat stains yellow
- scalp sensitive, brushing hair agg.
- headache - migraine, flickering vision
- face pain - inflammatory, < noise, periodic
- metrorrhagia, active, gushing, motion <
- metrorrhagia - bright red, with exhaustion, profuse, protracted
- respiration, difficult forenoon
- pregnancy - labor pains, convulsive, spasmodic, eclampsia, puerperal convulsions
- retained placenta, with hemorrhage
- sciatica < touch
- ear, noises in singing
- appetite increased, hunger after eating
- asthma - periodical, < excitement, expiration <, in children
- cough with weeping
- red, brick dust sand in urine
- toothache - periodic, jerking, < night, > eating
- skin, erythema nodosum
Specific features of cahin not prominent in other rubiaceae
- vertigo with nausea < going up stairs
- inflammation of eyes, with fluent coryza
- nose, acrid excoriating discharge in daytime
- plums taste bitter
- coldness in esophagus
- nausea > after stools
- pulsation in abdomen after eating
- abdominal pain < bending backward
- itching of anus evening in bed
- urging to urinate - after coffee, or with erection
- kidney, pain extending to testes
- drawing pain in testes and spermatic cord during urination
- sleepiness, then dim vision on waking
- cough from 7 p.m. till 1 a.m., or tickling at 3 a.m.
- lumbar backache > lying bent backward
- weariness or heaviness of feet < after eating
- yawning with nausea
- weakness from riding in a carriage
- sweat in the evening, even while at rest
Specific features of chin not prominent in other rubiaceae
- delusion he is tormented
- feels hindered at work
- a/f loss of fluids- emaciation, dullness
- exaltation of fancies after going to bed
- theorizing in the evening
- everything seems unattractive
- objects seem unworthy
- vertigo, falls back
- headache - every morning, shaking head >
- food tastes bitter only when swallowing
- hunger at unusual times
- averse to food when thinking of it
- poor appetite, returns after a mouthful
- flatulent distension of abdomen not relieve by eructations
- flatulence after fruit
- heartburn < milk
- stool lienteric, after fruit
- involuntary urination at night in children
- cough < lying with head low, > head high
- sensation of lump in middle of chest
- fever - only during daytime, burning with prickling all over and distended blood vessels
- sweats on parts lain on
- cold, clammy sweat with hemorrhage
Specific features of chin-ar not prominent in other rubiaceae
- diarrhea after eggs
- straining of heart from violent exertion
- palpitation when leaning back
- flickering in left eye
- excoriation of wings of nose
- chilliness when drinking
- headache after fright or fear
- eyelids hard
- hemorrhage oozing from tonsils
- gangrene of uvula
Specific features of chin-s not prominent in other rubiaceae
- vertigo with buzzing in ear
- lachrymation from light
- vision dim > looking sideways
- periodic squint, every other day
- black spots in vision, moving as the eye moves
- nausea after chill, lasting till next chill
- respiration difficult from pressing on spine
- sudden, paroxysmal palpitation on waking
- backache, waking him around midnight
- chill anticipating, each paroxysm of chill comes two hours earlier
- fever with pain in spine
- fullness of legs during fever
- profuse sweat during morning sleep
Specific features of coff not prominent in other rubiaceae
- had beautiful imaginations, vivid fancies
- joy or pleasant, happy surprises < - causes fear, sleeplessness, palpitation, headache
- fear or despair with pain - toothache, stomach pain etc - even fears death
- easy excitement - from reading, during fever
- oversensitive to noises, esp stepping
- headache from noise, esp stepping
- toothache > cold drinks
- throat pain < cold drinks
- thirst at night on waking
- rawness in larynx and hoarseness on waking
- trembling of hands when holding them still
- fever < heat of bed, but averse to uncovering
- faint from emotions
Specific features of ip not prominent in other rubiaceae
- children put fingers in mouth
- disposition to slander
- headache extends down - to tongue, or to shoulders and limbs
- headache from occiput extending down shoulders
- lachyrmation on opening eyes
- staring in the evening on waking
- coldness of ears during heat
- itching, tickling in posterior nares
- face turns blue - with cough, dyspnea, headache
- one side of face cold
- rash on forehead
- nausea - constant and not > vomiting, from rich food and pastries, < cold drinks, < stooping
- itching with nausea, must scratch till he vomits
- pain in navel - when coughing etc, clawing, stitching
- bloody urine in dysentery
- suffocative cough, child becomes stiff, turns blue in face
- spasmodic cough > cold drinks
- itching in chest, extending to nose
- anxiety in heart region > profuse expectoration
- pain between scapulae < motion
- chill from disordered stomach, indiscretions in eating
- weakness out of proportion to loss of blood, in hemorrhage
Specific features of mit not prominent in other rubiaceae
- inflammation of uterine cervix
- bladder symptoms, cystitis etc accompany uterine congestion, cervicitis, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia
- irritation at neck of bladder
- cramps with tendency to miscarriage (herbal medicine)
Specific features of yohim not prominent in other rubiaceae
- continued erections in the morning
- male, urethritis
- decreased libido in female
- flushes in region of heart
- waves of heat and chilliness, with tendency to sweat
- sleepless, thoughts of events of whole past life keep him awake
common features of rubiaceae
- periodicity - same hour, or every other day agg.
- fevers - malarial, puerperal, tubercular, eruptive fevers, high fever, pyemia
- worse from loss of fluids, blood
- abuse of quinine, iron
- apoplexy nervous
- wind <, uncovering <, even single part
- talking agg.
- sexual excesses, ailments after
- sensations - emptiness, hollow sensation, flabby feeling, surging in head
- a/f excessive joy
- ideas abundant, clearness of mind night
- mind, desires numerous, various things insane
- greed, cupidity eating, in
- fear driving him from place to place
- anxiety with palpitation
- startled on falling asleep
- headache - < morning in bed, emotions <, touch <, noise <, closing eyes >
- stomach, coldness, chilliness
- stomach disordered - indiscretions in diet <, fruits <
- diarrhea - taking cold after, or in hot weather, night <
- overeating agg.
- craves sweets
- fever - afternoon
- shaking chills, with nausea, thirstless
- fever accompanied by - anxiety, moaning, restlessness, dry cough, pains, shivering
- thirst - during heat, sweat
- sweat < or gives no relief, during motion <, with weakness, falls asleep during
- sweat stains yellow
- scalp sensitive, brushing hair agg.
- headache - migraine, flickering vision
- face pain - inflammatory, < noise, periodic
- metrorrhagia, active, gushing, motion <
- metrorrhagia - bright red, with exhaustion, profuse, protracted
- respiration, difficult forenoon
- pregnancy - labor pains, convulsive, spasmodic, eclampsia, puerperal convulsions
- retained placenta, with hemorrhage
- sciatica < touch
- ear, noises in singing
- appetite increased, hunger after eating
- asthma - periodical, < excitement, expiration <, in children
- cough with weeping
- red, brick dust sand in urine
- toothache - periodic, jerking, < night, > eating
- skin, erythema nodosum
- vertigo with nausea < going up stairs
- inflammation of eyes, with fluent coryza
- nose, acrid excoriating discharge in daytime
- plums taste bitter
- coldness in esophagus
- nausea > after stools
- pulsation in abdomen after eating
- abdominal pain < bending backward
- itching of anus evening in bed
- urging to urinate - after coffee, or with erection
- kidney, pain extending to testes
- drawing pain in testes and spermatic cord during urination
- sleepiness, then dim vision on waking
- cough from 7 p.m. till 1 a.m., or tickling at 3 a.m.
- lumbar backache > lying bent backward
- weariness or heaviness of feet < after eating
- yawning with nausea
- weakness from riding in a carriage
- sweat in the evening, even while at rest
- delusion he is tormented
- feels hindered at work
- a/f loss of fluids- emaciation, dullness
- exaltation of fancies after going to bed
- theorizing in the evening
- everything seems unattractive
- objects seem unworthy
- vertigo, falls back
- headache - every morning, shaking head >
- food tastes bitter only when swallowing
- hunger at unusual times
- averse to food when thinking of it
- poor appetite, returns after a mouthful
- flatulent distension of abdomen not relieve by eructations
- flatulence after fruit
- heartburn < milk
- stool lienteric, after fruit
- involuntary urination at night in children
- cough < lying with head low, > head high
- sensation of lump in middle of chest
- fever - only during daytime, burning with prickling all over and distended blood vessels
- sweats on parts lain on
- cold, clammy sweat with hemorrhage
- diarrhea after eggs
- straining of heart from violent exertion
- palpitation when leaning back
- flickering in left eye
- excoriation of wings of nose
- chilliness when drinking
- headache after fright or fear
- eyelids hard
- hemorrhage oozing from tonsils
- gangrene of uvula
- vertigo with buzzing in ear
- lachrymation from light
- vision dim > looking sideways
- periodic squint, every other day
- black spots in vision, moving as the eye moves
- nausea after chill, lasting till next chill
- respiration difficult from pressing on spine
- sudden, paroxysmal palpitation on waking
- backache, waking him around midnight
- chill anticipating, each paroxysm of chill comes two hours earlier
- fever with pain in spine
- fullness of legs during fever
- profuse sweat during morning sleep
- had beautiful imaginations, vivid fancies
- joy or pleasant, happy surprises < - causes fear, sleeplessness, palpitation, headache
- fear or despair with pain - toothache, stomach pain etc - even fears death
- easy excitement - from reading, during fever
- oversensitive to noises, esp stepping
- headache from noise, esp stepping
- toothache > cold drinks
- throat pain < cold drinks
- thirst at night on waking
- rawness in larynx and hoarseness on waking
- trembling of hands when holding them still
- fever < heat of bed, but averse to uncovering
- faint from emotions
- children put fingers in mouth
- disposition to slander
- headache extends down - to tongue, or to shoulders and limbs
- headache from occiput extending down shoulders
- lachyrmation on opening eyes
- staring in the evening on waking
- coldness of ears during heat
- itching, tickling in posterior nares
- face turns blue - with cough, dyspnea, headache
- one side of face cold
- rash on forehead
- nausea - constant and not > vomiting, from rich food and pastries, < cold drinks, < stooping
- itching with nausea, must scratch till he vomits
- pain in navel - when coughing etc, clawing, stitching
- bloody urine in dysentery
- suffocative cough, child becomes stiff, turns blue in face
- spasmodic cough > cold drinks
- itching in chest, extending to nose
- anxiety in heart region > profuse expectoration
- pain between scapulae < motion
- chill from disordered stomach, indiscretions in eating
- weakness out of proportion to loss of blood, in hemorrhage
- inflammation of uterine cervix
- bladder symptoms, cystitis etc accompany uterine congestion, cervicitis, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia
- irritation at neck of bladder
- cramps with tendency to miscarriage (herbal medicine)
- continued erections in the morning
- male, urethritis
- decreased libido in female
- flushes in region of heart
- waves of heat and chilliness, with tendency to sweat
- sleepless, thoughts of events of whole past life keep him awake