summary: of the liliaceae, veratrum alb has a very prominent symptom: despair of social position. there is in aloe a strong fear of being born into a less fortunate position in the next life, and being compassionate to all etc "fraternized with the whole world". nuph - sympathy for suffering animals. the theme of rebirth, birth, death, fear of suffering....meditation, religious mania are prominent in liliaceae. in the acute situation, there is extreme anxiety and despair, great sensitivity to their position in society and also sympathy for the suffering for others, and in situations like these, eg, a demotion, disgrace, exile, being unaccepted in a group or the prospect of old age, death etc leads to physical symptoms like vertigo, great prostration with loss of fluids, diarrhea, vomiting, vertigo, dehydration and desire for juices. also situations of birth, infertility, pregnancy, puerperium, old age, incurable disease and suffering, impending death. in chronic situations, they may spend a lot of time and energy trying to be useful in society, taking care of the elderly, working for groups etc...and gain respect, prominence and acceptance, and can be quite strong in their views.
generalities: discharges, secretions gelatinous; faintness, weakness and prostration - dehydration from loss of fluids. faint on rising, esp after stool. better lying with head low. desire juices. sausages agg. prostration after menses. worse from getting wet when sweating. stool amel after. fever agg. after post-diphtheric
mind: animation agg.; delusions - incurable disease, or is sick, blind etc, being doomed, doubtful of soul's welfare; haughty in mania; indifference, apathy in typhoid; mental alternating with physical symptoms; mania, hysteria, insanity - puerperium, climacteric, imagines she is pregnant, or has amorous desires; imaginary complaints during pregnancy
vertigo: looking steadily agg. ; with vomiting
head: looking steadily or fixedly; occiput going up, or forehead going down. mental exertion agg, and averse to.
face: discoloration red when lying, becomes pale on rising
nose: coryza from flowers, rose cold
mouth: redness tongue tip. dryness of mouth with thirstlessness.
git: nausea > eructations, < motion, thinking of food, < before stool. cold sweat with vomiting. chill during stool. constipation or diarrhea - with cramps. passes stool instead of flatus - insecurity or urge to stool but passes flatus. seasonal diarrhea - summer, autumn etc. hemorrhoids like grapes.
gut: kidneys, acute inflammation. urine, cloudy when passed, or forms an iridiscent cuticle. involuntary urine in typhoid, or in old men with enlarged prostate
back: weakness, tired feeling in spine cervical region
chest: palpitation heart menses agg. suppressed
extremities: coldness of hands in the evening; cramps fingers and legs in cholera; cold sweat; pain in ring finger
female: cold sweat during menses, esp painful menses; tendency to abortion; pain in uterus from jar; complaints during lactation. profuse menses after exertion
fever: alternating perspiration; sweat in axilla
skin: coldness icy spots; warts withered
Specific features of aletris not prominent in other liliaceae
convalescence, ailments during
Specific features of all-c not prominent in other liliaceae
dreams of being near water, high waves or being let down into a well
getting feet wet agg
seasonal hayfever, august
anxious, dull, confused or sad during coryza
thirsty in coryza, with increased or lost appetite
Specific features of all-s not prominent in other liliaceae
cough < bending head
salivation after eating
increased appetite and increased thirst
Specific features of aloe not prominent in other liliaceae
death, presentiment of, predicts the time
contradictory and alternating states
activity alternating with exhaustion or indolence
trembling - from noise, music etc
desires to uncover
anus relaxed, involuntary stool - with flatus, or from walking, or in bed - even solid stool which may be unnoticed
warm, wet, sultry weather amel
food and drinks, oysters agg.
midnight, agg. after, two am. until five am.
head pain, closing eyes amel. partially.
liver region sensitive to touch and pressure
gurgling noises, stool before
abdominal pain > being forward, > open air
irritability abdomen cutting in, with
pain in abdomen with urging to stool
constipation urging passes flatus only
diarrhea in old people, with colic
diarrhea after beer
bloating, flatulence, and loud, sputtering stool
with pain, irritable, averse to company
burning or excoriation of anus after stool, or from hot flatus
piles large, swollen, painful, better cold water.
Specific features of colch not prominent in other liliaceae
oversensitive, senses hyperacute
unbearable - pains, odors, strong light, slight injury, striking toe against something, slight touch, emotions - rudeness
wildness from misdeeds of others
weeps from pains
fear of touch
loss of sleep agg
sudden collapse, or weakness
odors agg, loathing and nausea, even fainting - smell of cooking food, eggs, broth, fist etc. averse to rich, fatty food and especially pork, sausages
worse lying with head low
worse from touch, and from striking against anything
weakness after prolonged fever
weak but restless
wants to rest, averse to company or work
pains may be rheumatic, paralytic, and warmth, < cold air
suppressed sweat agg - causes lameness, paralysis
kidney complaints, inflammation - with heart problems
urine black
anxiety or dullness
does not answer, indifference or unconscious
faint on rising
flushes of heat with chilliness
evening agg
faint on rising
palpitation on sitting up, oppression of chest > bending forward
respiration difficult, > inspiration
specific seasons agg - joints worse summer, or cold, damp weather, autumnal dysentery
sweats much without relief
Specific features of conv not prominent in other liliaceae
ascending agg. high
Specific features of helon not prominent in other liliaceae
anemia, < after hemorrhages
mental occupation amel
sadness, with desire for solitude
averse to company, esp presence of strangers
flushes of heat < motion
dropsy in kidney disease, albuminuria
diabetes - sad, dull, irritability
Specific features of lil-t not prominent in other liliaceae
wild feeling
fear of saying something wrong
fear of insanity
religious despair alternating with sexual excitement
sexual irritability
walking floor, day and night, with uterine complaints
feels like screaming
tears her hair
sense of hurry, in mental work or feeling of imperative duties, and utter inability to perform them
insanity from failure in business
fear, anxiety or discouragement in business
hurry but purposeless, no ambition
wants to do several things at once
apathy, but cannot sit still
makes mistakes, uses wrong words
consolation agg
feels she has some organic disease no one understands
feels she must expiate her sins and those of her family
fear of falling
violent palpitation, > lying on back
sensation of lump in rectum, < standing
sexual desire, suppression of agg.
motion in open air amel.
faint in warm room
worse 5-8 p.m.
sensation of organs falling out, prolapse > crossing limbs or pressing hand on parts
menses < motion, walking
sweat of hands with prolapse of uterus
frequent urging to urinate with prolapse of uterus
fullness of chest < if urination delayed
Specific features of paris not prominent in other liliaceae
mocking sarcasm
vivacious prattling
loquacity changing quickly from one subject to another merely for the sake of talking
silly laughing
sense of weight or heaviness at neck
eyes difficult to close
sense of protrusion of eye
sensation as if eyeball drawn backward by a string into head
cough as from sulphur fumes
faint while meditating
reading aloud agg.
prostration from fruitless mental exertion
occipital headache
head feels enlarged
canine hunger at night during pregnancy
biting sensation in skin from perspiration
nightmare in cerebral complaints
anxiety from sensation of lump in throat
bones feel as if scraped after excitement
contractions during chill
Specific features of sabad not prominent in other liliaceae
craves hot food and drink
wants warm clothing
chill > warm room
desires sour and sweet, lemonade
averse to onions, garlic, wine
averse to food in fever
periodic chill, at same hour
fever with chill and restlessness, must stretch
delirium in intermittent fever
cough during chill
restless legs during heat
sensations - as if something knotted, or something hanging loose, bones feel scraped, internal prickling
as if blood had stagnated
trembling sensation
fears throat complaint is cancer
throat pain < cold drinks
many delusions, imaginations and feelings about the body - erroneous ideas as to the state of his, as if shrunken, diseased etc
with flatus, imagines she is pregnant
cheerfulness agg.
tongue coated thickly, mucus slime
coryza > warm room
sneezing during sweat
appetite wanting returns after eating a mouthful
thirst between chill and heat
wet weather amel
leaning against anything, head on table amel
frontal headache, right to left
skin itching, tickling after scratching
Specific features of sars not prominent in other liliaceae
urinary complaints - bladder inflammation from taking cold, or getting wet
pain at neck, painful urination with cries - esp at close of urine
urine stream feeble, must wait
urine dribbles or in drops when sitting, passes freely when standing
gravel, lithiasis, white sand in urine
kidney pain, right extending downwards
loosening clothes amel, esp at throat
cracks in nipples, or retracted nipples
itching in ear, not better scratching
skin complaints - cracks, chapping of hands and feet, or eczema on face
skin ulcers
averse to bathing
menses painful, faint with pain
legs heavy, tired during menses
leucorrhea < walking
amorous dreams, with emissions
pulse slow in the morning, fast in the evening
sadness, despairing - from pain etc
eructations while eating
nausea from thinking of food eaten
toothache < cold water
cold, wet applications agg
rheumatic pains < abuse of mercury
Specific features of squil not prominent in other liliaceae
fluent coryza during perspiration
cough with much expectoration, or dry at night
cough day and night
sudden cough in the morning
uncovering throat agg (rev, sars)
stitching, jerking pains in muscles
sitting bent agg
cancerous ulcers
Specific features of tril not prominent in other liliaceae
dragging, bearing down pains < walking.
faintness, fainting from uterine hemorrhage
fibroids with hemorrhage
anxiety at climacteric
sensation of falling apart, esp at hips
Specific features of verat not prominent in other liliaceae
delirium, from pains, religious, etc
feels he is distinguished, squanders his money, proud of his position, or despair
laughter, loquacity
talks about religious subjects
talks about misfortune
inconsolable over misfortune
a/f disappointment, disappointed love or shock
very ambitious, employs all means
cold extremities with diarrhea
cramps in feet with diarrhea
cold sweat during menses
dysmenorrhea with coldness
menses suppressed, convulsions during
lower limbs < warmth of bed, letting limbs hang out >
cold sweat on face, esp forehead
cold feeling in blood vessels, or in various parts
collapse with diarrhea and vomiting
exhausting secretions or discharges
convulsions, spasms with religious excitement
descending agg.
fainting at sight of blood
fainting easily - from excitement, fright, slight wounds, pain or exertion
rapid emaciation with cold sweat and weakness
craves sour, salty, cold, ice. craves herring
averse to warm food
hot drinks amel
shocks from injury
lack of reaction
tobacco chewing agg
warm covering on head agg
abusive, scolding if irritated
a/f excitement
fright, the fear remains
anxiety, restless, mania
bites nails
broods in silence, or in a corner
critical, or is silent
death agony before
talks to absent people
disobedience in children
despair of recovery, in mania, or with suppressed menses
indifference, notices or wants nothing
mania, gluttony, industrious, kisses or embraces, shrieks, jesting etc
extremes of behaviour
liar, never speaks the truth
nymphomania before or during menses
unconscious, with eyes protruding, or face swollen
mental complaints in pregnancy
asthma > bending head back
inguinal hernia, protruding
abdominal pain after fruit
gall stones
pneumonia, typhoid in
weakness after stool
chill < drinking, or sense as if cold water is poured over on chest
chill at 6 a.m.
cough < crying
Specific features of verat-vir not prominent in other liliaceae
sunstroke, with prostration
sudden spasm, convulsions - with tetanic rigidity
mania - shrieks, strikes, loquacity, wild talk
strikes herself
hysterical weeping
refuses to take medicine
remains in bed, refuses to rise and dress herself, gives no reason
fears being poisoned
loquacity about one thing, will not listen
exalted opinion of her own ideas and opinions
faint on sitting up suddenly
lying flat amel
eclampsia, complaints in pregnancy
pricking pains
heavy pulse, throbbing, congestion
plethoric constitution
throbbing in head, or at neck
congestion of head when pains cease suddenly
hot swelling of knee
bladder inflammation with fever
chest paralysis from lung congestion
common features of liliaceae
summary: of the liliaceae, veratrum alb has a very prominent symptom: despair of social position. there is in aloe a strong fear of being born into a less fortunate position in the next life, and being compassionate to all etc "fraternized with the whole world". nuph - sympathy for suffering animals. the theme of rebirth, birth, death, fear of suffering....meditation, religious mania are prominent in liliaceae. in the acute situation, there is extreme anxiety and despair, great sensitivity to their position in society and also sympathy for the suffering for others, and in situations like these, eg, a demotion, disgrace, exile, being unaccepted in a group or the prospect of old age, death etc leads to physical symptoms like vertigo, great prostration with loss of fluids, diarrhea, vomiting, vertigo, dehydration and desire for juices. also situations of birth, infertility, pregnancy, puerperium, old age, incurable disease and suffering, impending death. in chronic situations, they may spend a lot of time and energy trying to be useful in society, taking care of the elderly, working for groups etc...and gain respect, prominence and acceptance, and can be quite strong in their views.
generalities: discharges, secretions gelatinous; faintness, weakness and prostration - dehydration from loss of fluids. faint on rising, esp after stool. better lying with head low. desire juices. sausages agg. prostration after menses. worse from getting wet when sweating. stool amel after. fever agg. after post-diphtheric
mind: animation agg.; delusions - incurable disease, or is sick, blind etc, being doomed, doubtful of soul's welfare; haughty in mania; indifference, apathy in typhoid; mental alternating with physical symptoms; mania, hysteria, insanity - puerperium, climacteric, imagines she is pregnant, or has amorous desires; imaginary complaints during pregnancy
vertigo: looking steadily agg. ; with vomiting
head: looking steadily or fixedly; occiput going up, or forehead going down. mental exertion agg, and averse to.
face: discoloration red when lying, becomes pale on rising
nose: coryza from flowers, rose cold
mouth: redness tongue tip. dryness of mouth with thirstlessness.
git: nausea > eructations, < motion, thinking of food, < before stool. cold sweat with vomiting. chill during stool. constipation or diarrhea - with cramps. passes stool instead of flatus - insecurity or urge to stool but passes flatus. seasonal diarrhea - summer, autumn etc. hemorrhoids like grapes.
gut: kidneys, acute inflammation. urine, cloudy when passed, or forms an iridiscent cuticle. involuntary urine in typhoid, or in old men with enlarged prostate
back: weakness, tired feeling in spine cervical region
chest: palpitation heart menses agg. suppressed
extremities: coldness of hands in the evening; cramps fingers and legs in cholera; cold sweat; pain in ring finger
female: cold sweat during menses, esp painful menses; tendency to abortion; pain in uterus from jar; complaints during lactation. profuse menses after exertion