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Symptoms & Signs common to acids in general
- injuries, strains, falls, stab wounds, fractures
- aggr from cold drinks and water, or by cold food
- cold, wet applications agg.
- anxiety felt in the stomach and abdomen
- lack of self-confidence
- anemic
- generalities, scurvy, scorbutus
- weakness, prostration
- generalities, food and drinks, stimulants desires
- sensation of constriction, being bandaged etc
- burning in the back in places, or along the spine
- eating <, feels weak, exhausted after eating
- eructations amel but may be ineffectual
- great thirst
- generalities, perspiration give no relief
- headache - over left eye, > wrapping up
- aphthae, excoriated red or fissured tongue...bites tongue
- gums white, or bleed easily, have ulcers
- diarrhea with much weakness (ph-ac, no weakness)...offensive stool
- gangrene
- sloughing ulcers
- carbuncle
- boils on back
- paronychia, felon
- warts
- sleepless at night
- face looks sallow, sickly
- urging to urinate at night
- palpitation at night
- swallowing difficult
- diabetes mellitus
- very offensive leucorrhea
- urging to urinate at night
- palpitation at night
- dry cough, expectoration in the morning only - spits dark blood
- cold sweat on palms
- impaired circulation - blackness, gangrene - or paleness of red parts
- jerks, spasms
- paralysis of organs
- inflammation of mucous membranes
- rubbing, massage amel
- weakness from emissions - sexual desire much increased or lost
- weakness of muscles, prostration
- coryza in sore-throat
- ineffectual efforts to sneeze
- warts, condylomata
- ulcers, decubitus, slough, indolent, offensive
- sweats after eating, or at night
Specific features of acet-ac not prominent in other acids
- anemia and dropsy
- ascites with scanty urine
- lying on abdomen >, or on knee-chest
- red cheeks, or one cheek red and hot
- restless hands in sleep
- swelling of one foot
- surgeries, anesthesia <
- averse to cold food
- desires sausages
- green vegetables <
- headache from coffee, narcotics
- anxiety about his family
- always borrows and finds trouble
- fears - being approached, water
- sleepless - in liver complaint, or with sadness
- sadness - sighing or plaintive weeping
- diarrhea - in dropsy, in emaciated children, at night
- stomach < cold drinks - sense of lump
- gastric ulcer, cancer
- constant inclination to clench teeth
- diabetes, with weakness
Specific features of benz-ac not prominent in other acids
- offensive, highly colored urine
- gouty tendency
- heart alternating with rheumatism
- housemaid's knee
- tendons - contracture, synovitis, ganglia
- sleepless from palpitation
- kidneys pain < breathing deeply
- stools frothy, white
- urine smoky, brown like beer
- pain in urethra when not urinating
- retention of urine
- chest, clothing agg.
- noise in ear, synchronous with pulse
- chill begins in knee, or < before stool
- awkwardness of fingers
Specific features of carb-ac not prominent in other acids
- band sensation in forehead
- pain over right eye, or above right eye
- headache < strong tea, > tobacco
- offensive discharges - nose, from ulcers (ankle)
- constipation with bad breath
- extremeties, felon, onychia, paronychia with sloughing
- vomiting while riding in a carriage
- injuries - fingers tips crushed
- abdomen, flatulence old people
- face, pale around mouth
- bee or insect stings - swellings of face, tongue etc
- menses difficult to wash off
- nausea < during breakfast
- coryza with fluent discharge in cold room
- throat, glazed appearance
- urine, color greenish dark
Specific features of fl-ac not prominent in other acids
- sensation as if fanned, or draught of air
- alopecia areata
- teeth - caries, rapid decayed, dark discoloration, sordes, sensitive, dentition
- nail complaints
- coldness in eye or ear, as if cold air blew in
- desire to wash face in cold water
- motion in open air amel.
- premature old age
- sexual complaints - troublesome erections at night, or sudden impotency, increased desire in old man
- pains in fibroid tissue, ligaments
- urination involuntary in daytime
- perspiration of hand in ophthalmia
- painful varices of lower limbs < warmth
- fever > washing
- headache, pain follows sutures
- ear, discharges excoriating
- dry, cracked skin of fingers
- extremeties, felon, onychia, paronychia cold application amel.
- male organs - perspiration offensive, pungent
- aversion to family members
- irritability, sends the nurse home
- scars, cicatrices itching or painful, sore
- skin, red spots after desquamation
- diarrhea with excessive appetite
Specific features of hydr-ac not prominent in other acids
- convulsive effects - fits in children, cough, spasmodic contraction of fingers and toes, tetanic rigidity
- spasms with cyanosis
- insanity, madness with insensibility, painlessness
- gurgling noises in esophagus when drinking
- palpitation with heart pain
- sudden and prolonged faints
- convulsive cough, whooping
- fear to go to sleep
- shrieking on waking
- protruding tongue in brain complaints
- respiration, asthmatic, nervous, periodical
- skin, coldness marble, like
- sleepiness during convulsions, or convulsions in sleep
- teeth clinched firmly at night
- throat, choking, in asthma
- throat, paralysis esophagus
- vertigo, objects seem to move
Specific features of lac-ac not prominent in other acids
- rheumatic pains in chest
- extremities, joint pain < motiong
- pain in upper limbs < warmth
- weakness, prostration in diabetes mellitus
- eructations while smoking
- nausea - morning on waking, and when hawking
- urine color brownish red
- diabetes with gouty symptoms
Specific features of mur-ac not prominent in other acids
- paralytic and paretic effects - involuntary stool or urine, jaw drop, tongue paralysed
- anus - piles, pain, swelling, soreness, easy prolapse, worse wiping, > warmth
- tongue - heaviness, atrophy, psoriasis, feels long, thick, heavy etc
- moaning - in fever, with sweat, or in sleep
- sweats on falling sleep
- bladder, urination unconscious, urethra insensible urine and stool
- ear wax, brown red or dark
- face red - sudden, or when unconscious
- midnight, agg. about
- rubbing, massage with hand amel.
- a/f exposure to sun or ailments from sunburn
- sliding down in bed
- weariness - < standing, or < evening
- delusions of emptiness
- memory weakness, for what he has said
- mouth - scurvy, gums bleed, bluish ulcers
- perspiration of foot, evening in bed
- perspiration on falling to sleep
- sleepiness - lying inclination to lie down, motion >
- rectum, constipation stool recedes
- speech wanting from paralysis of organs
- vertigo < lying on right side
Specific features of nit-ac not prominent in other acids
- cracks in corners of mouth, commisures
- loosening clothing amel.
- head, hat aversion to
- sharp pains, stitching in part affected
- anxiety from nightwatching
- anguish from loss of his friend
- cursing, curses, desire to blasphemy, profanity
- biting cheek talking or chewing when
- rectum pain, like a splinter
- electric like shocks on falling asleep
- cracking noises in ear when chewing
- craves fats and rich food, which <
- craves herring
- craves lime, slate pencils, earth, chalk, clay etc.
- hemorrhage after exertion
- riding on cars or wagons >
- ear pain with sore throat
- extremeties, constriction of joints
- skin of hands cracked deeply, bleeding
- extremeties, trembling in the morning
- itching of vagina after coition
- drinking rapidly agg
- hearing, impaired riding in a carriage amel.
- perspiration, single parts lain on
- skin, cracks, fissures deep, bloody
- skin eruptions discharging moist yellow
- bleeding condylomata
- fever with yawning during heat
- nausea after milk
- throat, sensation of bread crumbs
- pain as of splinter in nail of toe first
Specific features of ox-ac not prominent in other acids
- pain in left lower chest - sharp
- respiration, forcible expiration, jerking inspiration
- respiration, impeded, obstructed shooting in chest
- thinking of complaints < - cough, palpitation, headache, urge to stool or urine
- pain in small spots
- pain at umbilicus < night
- chronic inflammation of spinal cord
- pain under left scapula
- pain in heart, extending to shoulder left arm, and fingers
- hands numb and cold
- wrist as if dislocated, esp right
- hyperesthesia of retina
- sensation of streaming of blood
- head pain < wine
- neuralgic pain in testes
- nose red, shining
- heartburn in the evening
- stomach pain < touch
- throat, stricture of esophagus
- loss of vision, blindness, vanishing of sight
- voice hoarseness, paretic
Specific features of ph-ac not prominent in other acids
- sexual - sadness from masturbation or from emissions
- tired feeling in spine from sexual excesses
- ailments from disappointment, grief, homesickness - with drowsiness, dullness, silent
- answers unintelligible
- indifference or stupor in fever
- grows tall too fast , growing pains in legs
- necrosis of spine, with scoliosis
- desires juicy things
- milky discharges, secretions
- weakness, faintness from loss of fluids - nursing women etc
- burning in neck
- cough, from tickling behind sternum, < talking
- ear, noises > lying
- inflammation tibia
- extremeties feel light
- worse sunlight
- bones pain as if scraped
- head heavy from mental
- diarrhea, profuse stool without weakness, stool grayish white
- ulcers at joints
- urine like curdled milk
- urine profuse during menses
Specific features of pic-ac not prominent in other acids
- weariness < mental exertion
- seminal emissions from sexual excitement
- flatulence after stool
- heaviness, tired limbs while walking, or after exertion, walking while
- aching and burning of lower limbs posterior part
- burning in spine, or between scapulae < mental exertion
- back pain < motion, > passing flatus
- ear, meatus red, or boil
- convulsive movements of extremities on attempting to use them
- tingling of lips
- weakness, prostration - during headache, after urination
- complaints from studying, mental exertion
- throbbing headache - forehead above eye, < mental exertion, > open air
- easy erections, easy emissions < night, or with amorous dreams
- mental activity with bodily exhaustion
- insanity, madness erotic
- mouth dry tongue at night
- jaundice, icterus, etc.
- urine, color yellow dark
- vision dim after fine work, exertion of eyes
Specific features of sul-ac not prominent in other acids
- hurry in movements, occupation - aimless hurry, cannot do things fast enough
- trembling in entire body
- anger, morning in bed
- impatience about trifles
- anxious dreams about animals
- chill > walking in open air
- extremeties, ecchymoses
- eye pain as from a penetrating foreign body
- face red at climacteric period, or flushes of heat
- wounds inflamed, or with extravasations
- stool yellow like saffron
- violent cramping pain in abdomen, like lead colic
- gangrene from mechanical injuries
- itching of fingertips
- ulcers with black base, on lower limbs
- sensation as if face swollen
- menorrhagia - dark, liquid, acrid
- averse to fruit
- coffee <, in climacteric
- food, oysters <, cause diarrhea
- violent motion >
- pains appear gradually, disappear suddenly
- coryza, with hunger - but loss of taste
- nausea or hearburn in drunkards
- jerking in joints
common features of acids
- injuries, strains, falls, stab wounds, fractures
- aggr from cold drinks and water, or by cold food
- cold, wet applications agg.
- anxiety felt in the stomach and abdomen
- lack of self-confidence
- anemic
- generalities, scurvy, scorbutus
- weakness, prostration
- generalities, food and drinks, stimulants desires
- sensation of constriction, being bandaged etc
- burning in the back in places, or along the spine
- eating <, feels weak, exhausted after eating
- eructations amel but may be ineffectual
- great thirst
- generalities, perspiration give no relief
- headache - over left eye, > wrapping up
- aphthae, excoriated red or fissured tongue...bites tongue
- gums white, or bleed easily, have ulcers
- diarrhea with much weakness (ph-ac, no weakness)...offensive stool
- gangrene
- sloughing ulcers
- carbuncle
- boils on back
- paronychia, felon
- warts
- sleepless at night
- face looks sallow, sickly
- urging to urinate at night
- palpitation at night
- swallowing difficult
- diabetes mellitus
- very offensive leucorrhea
- urging to urinate at night
- palpitation at night
- dry cough, expectoration in the morning only - spits dark blood
- cold sweat on palms
- impaired circulation - blackness, gangrene - or paleness of red parts
- jerks, spasms
- paralysis of organs
- inflammation of mucous membranes
- rubbing, massage amel
- weakness from emissions - sexual desire much increased or lost
- weakness of muscles, prostration
- coryza in sore-throat
- ineffectual efforts to sneeze
- warts, condylomata
- ulcers, decubitus, slough, indolent, offensive
- sweats after eating, or at night
- anemia and dropsy
- ascites with scanty urine
- lying on abdomen >, or on knee-chest
- red cheeks, or one cheek red and hot
- restless hands in sleep
- swelling of one foot
- surgeries, anesthesia <
- averse to cold food
- desires sausages
- green vegetables <
- headache from coffee, narcotics
- anxiety about his family
- always borrows and finds trouble
- fears - being approached, water
- sleepless - in liver complaint, or with sadness
- sadness - sighing or plaintive weeping
- diarrhea - in dropsy, in emaciated children, at night
- stomach < cold drinks - sense of lump
- gastric ulcer, cancer
- constant inclination to clench teeth
- diabetes, with weakness
- offensive, highly colored urine
- gouty tendency
- heart alternating with rheumatism
- housemaid's knee
- tendons - contracture, synovitis, ganglia
- sleepless from palpitation
- kidneys pain < breathing deeply
- stools frothy, white
- urine smoky, brown like beer
- pain in urethra when not urinating
- retention of urine
- chest, clothing agg.
- noise in ear, synchronous with pulse
- chill begins in knee, or < before stool
- awkwardness of fingers
- band sensation in forehead
- pain over right eye, or above right eye
- headache < strong tea, > tobacco
- offensive discharges - nose, from ulcers (ankle)
- constipation with bad breath
- extremeties, felon, onychia, paronychia with sloughing
- vomiting while riding in a carriage
- injuries - fingers tips crushed
- abdomen, flatulence old people
- face, pale around mouth
- bee or insect stings - swellings of face, tongue etc
- menses difficult to wash off
- nausea < during breakfast
- coryza with fluent discharge in cold room
- throat, glazed appearance
- urine, color greenish dark
- sensation as if fanned, or draught of air
- alopecia areata
- teeth - caries, rapid decayed, dark discoloration, sordes, sensitive, dentition
- nail complaints
- coldness in eye or ear, as if cold air blew in
- desire to wash face in cold water
- motion in open air amel.
- premature old age
- sexual complaints - troublesome erections at night, or sudden impotency, increased desire in old man
- pains in fibroid tissue, ligaments
- urination involuntary in daytime
- perspiration of hand in ophthalmia
- painful varices of lower limbs < warmth
- fever > washing
- headache, pain follows sutures
- ear, discharges excoriating
- dry, cracked skin of fingers
- extremeties, felon, onychia, paronychia cold application amel.
- male organs - perspiration offensive, pungent
- aversion to family members
- irritability, sends the nurse home
- scars, cicatrices itching or painful, sore
- skin, red spots after desquamation
- diarrhea with excessive appetite
- convulsive effects - fits in children, cough, spasmodic contraction of fingers and toes, tetanic rigidity
- spasms with cyanosis
- insanity, madness with insensibility, painlessness
- gurgling noises in esophagus when drinking
- palpitation with heart pain
- sudden and prolonged faints
- convulsive cough, whooping
- fear to go to sleep
- shrieking on waking
- protruding tongue in brain complaints
- respiration, asthmatic, nervous, periodical
- skin, coldness marble, like
- sleepiness during convulsions, or convulsions in sleep
- teeth clinched firmly at night
- throat, choking, in asthma
- throat, paralysis esophagus
- vertigo, objects seem to move
- rheumatic pains in chest
- extremities, joint pain < motiong
- pain in upper limbs < warmth
- weakness, prostration in diabetes mellitus
- eructations while smoking
- nausea - morning on waking, and when hawking
- urine color brownish red
- diabetes with gouty symptoms
- paralytic and paretic effects - involuntary stool or urine, jaw drop, tongue paralysed
- anus - piles, pain, swelling, soreness, easy prolapse, worse wiping, > warmth
- tongue - heaviness, atrophy, psoriasis, feels long, thick, heavy etc
- moaning - in fever, with sweat, or in sleep
- sweats on falling sleep
- bladder, urination unconscious, urethra insensible urine and stool
- ear wax, brown red or dark
- face red - sudden, or when unconscious
- midnight, agg. about
- rubbing, massage with hand amel.
- a/f exposure to sun or ailments from sunburn
- sliding down in bed
- weariness - < standing, or < evening
- delusions of emptiness
- memory weakness, for what he has said
- mouth - scurvy, gums bleed, bluish ulcers
- perspiration of foot, evening in bed
- perspiration on falling to sleep
- sleepiness - lying inclination to lie down, motion >
- rectum, constipation stool recedes
- speech wanting from paralysis of organs
- vertigo < lying on right side
- cracks in corners of mouth, commisures
- loosening clothing amel.
- head, hat aversion to
- sharp pains, stitching in part affected
- anxiety from nightwatching
- anguish from loss of his friend
- cursing, curses, desire to blasphemy, profanity
- biting cheek talking or chewing when
- rectum pain, like a splinter
- electric like shocks on falling asleep
- cracking noises in ear when chewing
- craves fats and rich food, which <
- craves herring
- craves lime, slate pencils, earth, chalk, clay etc.
- hemorrhage after exertion
- riding on cars or wagons >
- ear pain with sore throat
- extremeties, constriction of joints
- skin of hands cracked deeply, bleeding
- extremeties, trembling in the morning
- itching of vagina after coition
- drinking rapidly agg
- hearing, impaired riding in a carriage amel.
- perspiration, single parts lain on
- skin, cracks, fissures deep, bloody
- skin eruptions discharging moist yellow
- bleeding condylomata
- fever with yawning during heat
- nausea after milk
- throat, sensation of bread crumbs
- pain as of splinter in nail of toe first
- pain in left lower chest - sharp
- respiration, forcible expiration, jerking inspiration
- respiration, impeded, obstructed shooting in chest
- thinking of complaints < - cough, palpitation, headache, urge to stool or urine
- pain in small spots
- pain at umbilicus < night
- chronic inflammation of spinal cord
- pain under left scapula
- pain in heart, extending to shoulder left arm, and fingers
- hands numb and cold
- wrist as if dislocated, esp right
- hyperesthesia of retina
- sensation of streaming of blood
- head pain < wine
- neuralgic pain in testes
- nose red, shining
- heartburn in the evening
- stomach pain < touch
- throat, stricture of esophagus
- loss of vision, blindness, vanishing of sight
- voice hoarseness, paretic
- sexual - sadness from masturbation or from emissions
- tired feeling in spine from sexual excesses
- ailments from disappointment, grief, homesickness - with drowsiness, dullness, silent
- answers unintelligible
- indifference or stupor in fever
- grows tall too fast , growing pains in legs
- necrosis of spine, with scoliosis
- desires juicy things
- milky discharges, secretions
- weakness, faintness from loss of fluids - nursing women etc
- burning in neck
- cough, from tickling behind sternum, < talking
- ear, noises > lying
- inflammation tibia
- extremeties feel light
- worse sunlight
- bones pain as if scraped
- head heavy from mental
- diarrhea, profuse stool without weakness, stool grayish white
- ulcers at joints
- urine like curdled milk
- urine profuse during menses
- weariness < mental exertion
- seminal emissions from sexual excitement
- flatulence after stool
- heaviness, tired limbs while walking, or after exertion, walking while
- aching and burning of lower limbs posterior part
- burning in spine, or between scapulae < mental exertion
- back pain < motion, > passing flatus
- ear, meatus red, or boil
- convulsive movements of extremities on attempting to use them
- tingling of lips
- weakness, prostration - during headache, after urination
- complaints from studying, mental exertion
- throbbing headache - forehead above eye, < mental exertion, > open air
- easy erections, easy emissions < night, or with amorous dreams
- mental activity with bodily exhaustion
- insanity, madness erotic
- mouth dry tongue at night
- jaundice, icterus, etc.
- urine, color yellow dark
- vision dim after fine work, exertion of eyes
- hurry in movements, occupation - aimless hurry, cannot do things fast enough
- trembling in entire body
- anger, morning in bed
- impatience about trifles
- anxious dreams about animals
- chill > walking in open air
- extremeties, ecchymoses
- eye pain as from a penetrating foreign body
- face red at climacteric period, or flushes of heat
- wounds inflamed, or with extravasations
- stool yellow like saffron
- violent cramping pain in abdomen, like lead colic
- gangrene from mechanical injuries
- itching of fingertips
- ulcers with black base, on lower limbs
- sensation as if face swollen
- menorrhagia - dark, liquid, acrid
- averse to fruit
- coffee <, in climacteric
- food, oysters <, cause diarrhea
- violent motion >
- pains appear gradually, disappear suddenly
- coryza, with hunger - but loss of taste
- nausea or hearburn in drunkards
- jerking in joints