Tree of Classified Drugs
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Animals Minerals Fungi & Lichens Nosodes Plants
- childish (bar-m [Barium/Muriaticum])
- sexuality (canth)
- mental retardation
- convulsions, < night in sleep
- laughs, titters (hyos)
- lack of control (anac, ust)
- depravity (syph)
- glands, lymph nodes (anthr)
- suppuration
- addiction (op)
- anger, rage (mosch)
- deceitful (tarent)
- licks lips, or movements of tongue (lach)
- toothache
- hears sounds
- orbital neuralgia
- pain in left scapula
- burning palms (phos)
- warm sweat
(nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum], vesp)
- stinging
- effusions (hell)
- puffy swelling
- rosy red
- right-side
- cold applications amel
- shrieking
- rapid, violent effects
- asthma
- bronchitis (coc-c)
- obesity
- tubercular (ther)
- tendons
- rage (lyss)
- rheumatism
- stiffness, contracture (caust)
- malaria
- drinking agg
- headache
- constipation
- cough
- sticky discharges (kali-bi)
- sensitive fauces
- urinary calculi (lyc)
- dysuria
- menorrhagia with clots
- foreign body in eye (acon)
- vertigo
- cold sensation
- itching and burning
- restless
- salivation
- urinary
- eyes feel enlarged
- nausea
- sensation of thread (valer)
- leucorrhea
- indelible stains (mag-c)
- dysentery (canth)
- eating and drinking agg
- liver
- shy, bashful (puls)
- blushing (amyl-n, ferr)
- hydersensitive (ign)
- cough with eructations, waterbrash
- company agg - sensitivity
- dwells upon unpleasant things (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- deafness
- bleeding - nose, teeth
- leucorrhea - bluish
- menses too early, from any slight accident
- asthma
- sleepless from anxiety (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- cramps in hands
- hysteria
- prostration
- dayblindness
- sweats, debilitating
- yawning
- spasmodic effects
- tongue swollen
- cyst in center of tongue
- dysmenorrhea
- amenorrhea with abdominal discomfort
- contempt of self, feels inferior (bar-c)
- complaints alternating sides
- washes hands often
- sore-throat
- rheumatism
- breasts - milk
- forgetful, absent-minded
- breasts < before menses
- dreams of snakes
- headache - with profuse urine (gels)
- horror of shut places
- milk agg
- constipation
- chilly
- tight bandaging amel
- nausea, vomiting (sang)
- motion sickness (cocc, petr)
- whooping cough (dros)
- child suffocates, turns blue (cupr, samb)
- wants to bathe in ice-cold water
- full of fancies
- eyestrain
- chokes while eating
- vivid dreams
- hysteria
- temper tantrums - scolding
- fainting fits
- coldness
- laughter (cann-i, nux-m)
- cr black coffee, stimulants
- increased sexual desire
- diabetes
- asthma
- cold agg - air feels too cold
Sea Creatures
- shy, bashful (puls)
- blushing (amyl-n, ferr)
- hydersensitive (ign)
- cough with eructations, waterbrash
- company agg - sensitivity
- dwells upon unpleasant things (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- deafness
- bleeding - nose, teeth
- leucorrhea - bluish
- menses too early, from any slight accident
- asthma
- sleepless from anxiety (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- cramps in hands
- convulsions
- red face
- sharp pains
- cancer
- contradiction agg
- acne
- breasts
- unsteady gait
- herpes zoster of left-side
- axillary glands enlarged
- prolapse of uterus
- increased sexual desire
- empty, hollow feeling (sep)
- leucorrhea
- benign breast tumor
(nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum], nux-v, sabad)
- female complaints
- ptosis, drooping, pot-belly
- averse to sex
- yellow-brown saddle across nose
- miserly, fear of poverty
- indifference to loved ones
- exercise amel
- consolation agg
- occupation amel
- enuresis
- cough
- lachrymation (euphr)
- incontinence of urine with cough (caust)
- irritated eyes - rubs them
- bronchitis
- kidneys
- sneezing (all-c)
- cold extremities (calc)
- sore, tender feet (med)
- edema (dig)
- increased clotting, thrombosis
- aphasia, speech
- vision
- right-side
- memory, absent-minded
- vivid dreams
- perversions
- sexual
- thirst for little,often
- rapid effects
- yellowness
- right-side
- sepsis
- purpura, hemorrhage
- yellow fever
- decreased clotting
- otorrhea
- acidity
- cold in stomach
- dreams of falling
- cr buttermilk, cold, oranges
- lungs
- slow onset
(hep [Calcium/Sulphur], lyc, nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- loquacity, wandering
- left to right
- sore-throat
- sun agg
- climacteric
- discharges amel
- decreased clotting
- hemorrhage
- jealousy, sexual
(kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- heart
- wronged
- spiritual
- suicidal
- hay-asthma
- conflict, duality
- neglected duty
- veins
- hanging part <
- bursting
- liver
- desquamation
- kidneys
- lower extremities
- periodic
- malaria (cedr)
- damp agg (dulc, nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- enlarged or heavy sensation
- very chilly
- heel pain
- spleen
- heart (naja)
- convulsions, spasms
- shrieks with pain (cact)
- gasping, breathless
- coldness of skin
- radiating pain (spig)
- occipital headache
- chorea (agar)
- sexual complaints
- twitching of facial muscles
- grinds teeth at night
- involuntary movements
- unsteady gait
- lymphatics red (bufo)
- restless hands (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- cunning, deceitful (mosch)
- rapid, violent action
- music amel, dancing (sep)
- threatening (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- rubbing amel
- ungrateful
- guided by whims (mosch)
- bright colors >
- burning pains (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- cellulitis (lach)
- restless
- bluish (lach)
- indurated
- itching of genitals
- puffy, swollen
- bones
- toothache
- orange
- noise agg (coff)
- motionsickness (cocc)
- vertigo
- tubercular
- closing eyes <
- spine sensitive (agar)
- left-side
- sensitive skin of thighs
- anemia (chin)
- dropsy (apis)
- hemorrhage (carb-v)
- wasting, emaciation (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- worry about business (bry)
- salivation (jab)
- waterbrash
- dyspepsia
- thirsty except in fever
- diabetes (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- backache > lying on abdomen
- hectic fever with drenching sweats (tub)
- urine highly colored and very offensive (nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- gouty (colch)
- pains change place suddenly (puls)
- asthma
- dwells on past unpleasant things (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- swelling behind ears, mastoid region (caps)
- gums bluish, bleeding
- circumscribed redness of cheeks (sang)
- diarrhea offensive, like soapsuds
- achilles tendon
- ganglion, bunions, gouty deposits, nodes
- constantly fears trifles, apprehensive
- cramps in abdomen
- sleepless
- foul, profuse footsweat
- brittle nails (sil)
- acrid, burning
- ascending agg
- rapid motion agg
- ulcerative colitis
- band sensation (gels)
- painless (op)
- destructive (kreos)
- sensitive to odors (colch)
- sudden pains, come and go (sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur])
- craves tobacco (staph)
- constipation
- offensive breath (bapt)
- weakness (carb-v)
- scalp tender
- diphtheria (kali-bi)
- adenoids
- cancer of tongue (tab)
- symptoms come and go suddenly
- offensive discharges
- scurvy (carb-v)
- rheumatism
- hemorrhages
- dropsy
- sour taste
- cancer pains
(coca, sil)
- syphilitic
- glabella region bloated
- destructive process, ulcers, fistula, necrosis (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- moves about energetically
- destruction - bones, teeth, nails, hair
- inability to realise responsibility (cann-i)
- indifference to loved ones (sep)
- elated, gay, buoyancy
- cr spicy, cold water (phos)
- increased sexual desire (bufo, lyc)
- varicose veins (calc-f [Calcium/Fluorine])
- itching of orifices
- hot (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- right-side
- muscular soreness, bodyache
- eyelids inflamed, swollen
- menses amel
- joints
- poisoning (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- collapse
- convulsions
- paralysis
- spasmodic constriction in larynx
- suffocation, palpitation (naja)
- cyanosis, bluish (laur)
- fears everything (acon)
- jaws clenched
- brain feels on fire
- sinking at pit of stomach
- asthma (carb-v)
- angina pectoris, heart (ox-ac, tab)
- extreme weakness, suffering
- piles
- typhoid (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- involuntary stool, urine (hyos)
- paralytic effects
- aphthae, soreness (borx)
- vertigo < lying on right
- epistaxis (crot-h)
- foul breath (bapt)
(ars [Arsenic/Metals], calad)
- margins of skin and mucous membranes
- splinter pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], rat)
- dark complexion (iod [Halogens/Iodine], sep)
- syphilis
- pains come and go rapidly (bell)
- aphthae, blisters, ulcers (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- fissure in ano
- offensive discharges
- irritable, hateful, vindictive (anac)
- sensitive to noise
- tongue cracked in center
- cr fat, salt, indigestible
- urine offensive, feels cold on passing
- warts (caust)
- pain in spots (kali-bi)
- paralysis
- worse thinking of complaints
- left-side
- pain in male organs
- aphonia
- angina pectoris
- lancinating pains
- slight touch agg (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- debility, nervous exhaustion
- young people who grow rapidly (calc)
- loss of vital fluids (chin)
- typhoid (carb-v)
- listless, indifferent, dazed
- hair gray early in life, falls (lyc)
- bores fingers in nose (cina)
- craves juices (verat)
- painless, non-debilitating profuse diarrhea
- diabetes
- seminal emissions (dios)
- weak feeling in chest (arg-met, stann)
- nervous system
- paralysis
- brainfag (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- heavy, tired feeling
- pernicious anemia (plb)
- lack of will power (anac)
- headache > bandaging (mag-m [Magnesium/Muriaticum])
- boils in ears, back of neck
- fear of exams (sil)
- urine scanty, anuria
- priapism
- worse in summer
- sleep agg (lach)
- hayfever (sang)
- sneezing (all-c)
- asthma
- itching of eyes and nose < draughts
- relaxed feeling in stomach
- craves stimulants, alcohol (sulph)
- hurry
- tremor and weakness
- gangrene from injuries (kreos)
- purpura, hemorrhage (crot-h)
- very sour eructations (rob)
- coldness in stomach (elaps)
- respiration rapid with motions of accessory muscles, larynx
- bruises, livid skin (arn)
- scars turn red blue and pain
- lying on affected side amel
- diarrhea
- heel pain
- thirsty
- dark, coffee grounds stools < night
- green vomiting
- larynx
- throat
- neuralgia
- obesity
- eyelids red edges
- dry spasmodic cough at night
- worse 3 am
- weak and tired
- worse before and during menses
- slow reaction
- obesity
- weak heart, palpitation
- dirtiness
- chilly
- wheezing, breathless
- heaviness
- snuffles, noseblock at night
- epistaxis, menorrhagia
- clenching teeth together agg
- sore-thoat
- 3 a.m. agg
- wakes choking from sleep (lach)
- washing agg (sulph)
- fainting
- snake-bite (led)
- thrombosis (vip)
- edema
- ulcers
- aphonia (caust)
- breathing deeply agg (bry)
- exhaustion
- rheumatism of shoulders (ferr)
- chest and lung complaints
- vertigo
- gouty
- bronchitis
- nodosities of joints of fingers
- facial paralysis (caust)
- tottering gait
- rose-colored sediment in urine
- cough with green expectoration
- malaria (eup-per)
- neuralgia
- bilious headache (sang)
- pain in mastoid, occiput - rt side
- whooping cough (dros)
- vertigo on rising (bry)
- hysterical
- nervous
- neuralgia
- headache
- insomnia
- heart
- emphysema
- cough
- profuse secretions
- pleurisy - left side
- inflammation of eyes and edema of face
- catarrhal pnuemonia and influenza
- emphysema
- cough
- profuse secretions
- pleurisy - left side
- inflammation of eyes and edema of face
- catarrhal pnuemonia and influenza
- menopause
- convulsions
- anxious
- palpitations
- heart
- periodic
- malaria, fevers
- depleted, weak
- extreme anxiety about health
- desquamation, psoriasis
- cancer
- emphysema
- nasal catarrh
- root of nose
- psoriasis
- conjunctivitis
- sore-throat - dark red, swollen
- cough with green expectoration
- miner's asthma
- joints stiff
- headache
- night-terrors
- valvular disease
- burning, acrid yellow leucorrhea
- warts on tongue, genitals
- climacteric hemorrhage
- frontal sinus
- suppressed discharges
- cancer of tongue
- fibroid
- liver cirrhosis
- alternate black and white stool
- parkinson's disease (agar, mang)
- breasts
- cracked nipples - with lancinating pains
- involuntary movements
(calc, sil)
- lacks confidence
- shy, bashful (ambr [Mammals/Sea Creatures])
- baldness (sel)
- premature senility (lyc)
- enlarged glands
- tonsils enlarged from every cold
- delayed or retarded development
- dwarfish
- indurated glands - tonsils, breasts
- tumors
- stunted growth
- ophthalmia
- glands enlarged, form chains
- increased sexual desire
- hypertension
- pain at lower esophagus < eating
- icy coldness of body with paralysis
- adenoids and tonsilitis
- anxious in fever
- hurry
- open air amel
- headache
- night-terrors
- valvular disease
- asthma of sailors < coming on shore
- larynx and trachea
- enlarged, hard glands - parotid, goitre, testes
- blond (puls)
- excoriating discharges
- profuse sweats (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- a/f being overheated (glon)
- warm, damp weather agg (carb-v)
- lying on left agg
- flapping alae naesi (lyc, phos)
- throat upwards
- guilty
- restless hands
- sleepless
- persecuted
- nightmare
- psoriasis
- convulsions
(bell, lyc, stram)
- timid - fear dark, dogs, injections
- cr eggs, cold, chocolate
- sweaty, esp head, palms
- obese, large features
- dependant
- sensitive to reprimands
- obstinate children
- strains, sprains from lifting (rhus-t)
- chilly
- menopause
- convulsions
- anxious
- palpitations
- heart
- hard, indurated
- veins
- fear of poverty
- dreams of unsuccessful efforts
(ruta, sulph, zinc)
- desire to travel
- worse from cold, change of temperature to cold
- rheumatic complaints
- cr salt bacon, smoked foods
- bones - delayed healing
- sweats on head and neck
- delayed development
- schoolgirls headache
(hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- boils and pus
- sibling rivalry
- feels unappreciated
- hot
- sensitive to reprimands
- anxious about health
- fear of poverty
- chilly
- suppuration
- anger
- impulsive
- oversensitive
- pus, boils
- chilly
(calc, calc-f [Calcium/Fluorine], sil)
- goitre
- ravenous appetite (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- fibroid with menorrhagia
- large, pliable glands - not hard
- otitis media
- cancer, sarcoma
- lipoma (bar-c)
- burning, stinging pain
(calc-p [Calcium/Phosphorus])
- old people
- debilitating disease
- indurated glands
- veins distended
- bluishness
- sprains and strains (ruta, rhus-t)
- ulceration and decomposition (carb-v)
- avoids conversation
- vertigo, then nosebleed
- hearing confused - cannot tell direction of sound
- tired easily - while eating, speaking, at menses (stann, cocc)
- cancer (aster)
- typhoid (petr)
- acne rosacea
- worse after shaving
- worse loss of fluids (chin, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
(dros, kali-c, phos)
- sluggish, fat, lazy
- ecchymoses, passive hemorrhage
- typhoid states (mur-ac [Acids/Muriaticum])
- head hot (arn, bell)
- wants to be fanned, air hunger
- never well since
- averse to darkness, fears ghosts
- warm, wet weather agg
- gums bleed easily
- indigestion, flatulence, eructations, dyspepsia (chin, lyc)
- offensiveness
- venous states, bluish, veins
- hoarseness in the evening, painless
- coldness of parts, breath, knees
- poor vitality, general weakness, want of reaction (laur)
- worse from fat food, overindulgence, wine
- alcoholism (nux-v, sulph)
- anesthesia, diminished sensibility
- wasting of muscles
- rheumatism
- impotency
- sluggish, stupor
- neuritis
- tinnitus, deafness
- neuritis
- itching eruptions (sulph)
(ars [Arsenic/Metals], caust, ferr, hep [Calcium/Sulphur], lyc)
- obesity (calc, ferr, puls)
- fair complexion
- constipation
- chilly
- delayed menses (puls)
- anemia with red face (ferr)
- leucorrhea (sep)
- scars (fl-ac [Acids/Fluorine], sil)
- irresolute (bar-c, puls)
- startled easily (kali-p)
- apprehensive, despondency, indecision
- burning on vertex (lach, sulph)
- eyelids red and swollen, fissured
- eruptions behind ear
- deafness (nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- acidity, stomach pain > eating, warm milk, lying
- nails thick, black, deformed, sore (ant-c [Antimony/Sulphur])
- chapping, cracks in skin (cist)
- worse in winter, esp skin
- motion sickness (cocc)
- acidity, stomach ulcers (graph, kali-bi)
- emotions <
- loses way in streets (glon)
- illusions - being double etc (bapt)
- vertigo - felt in occiput
- skin eruptions - behind ears, cracks (graph)
- worse from eating cabbage
- diarrhea only in daytime
- must rise at night to eat (psor, phos)
- chapping of fingers in winter
- chronic sprains (carb-an, stront)
- skin cracks bleeding, itching
- worse from dampness (dulc, nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- hard, indurated
- veins
- fear of poverty
- dreams of unsuccessful efforts
(coca, sil)
- syphilitic
- glabella region bloated
- destructive process, ulcers, fistula, necrosis (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- moves about energetically
- destruction - bones, teeth, nails, hair
- inability to realise responsibility (cann-i)
- indifference to loved ones (sep)
- elated, gay, buoyancy
- cr spicy, cold water (phos)
- increased sexual desire (bufo, lyc)
- varicose veins (calc-f [Calcium/Fluorine])
- itching of orifices
- hot (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
(calc, calc-f [Calcium/Fluorine], sil)
- goitre
- ravenous appetite (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- fibroid with menorrhagia
- large, pliable glands - not hard
- otitis media
- cancer, sarcoma
- lipoma (bar-c)
- burning, stinging pain
- asthma of sailors < coming on shore
- larynx and trachea
- enlarged, hard glands - parotid, goitre, testes
- blond (puls)
- excoriating discharges
- profuse sweats (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- a/f being overheated (glon)
- warm, damp weather agg (carb-v)
- lying on left agg
- flapping alae naesi (lyc, phos)
- throat upwards
- mucous membranes
- nutrition
- indurated glands - tonsils, breasts
- tumors
- stunted growth
- ophthalmia
- acrid discharges
- hot
- coryza
- root of nose
- right to left (lyc)
- sore-throat
- greatly swollen glands
- breast tumors
- tongue coated thickly, yellow at base
- constant desire to swallow
- left to right (lach)
- sore-throat
- tends to hawk
- stiff muscles of throat and neck
- coryza and dull hearing
- tongue stiff at base, pains on moving
- aphonia
- ringworm
- hot
- hunger agg (anac)
(carb-v, coloc, petros)
- rheumatism
- sympathetic (phos)
- warts
- incontinence of urine
- paralytic effects
- rawness
- gradual, progressive conditions
- right-side
- anti-authority
- extreme anxiety about health
- desquamation, psoriasis
- cancer
- emphysema
- guilty
- restless hands
- sleepless
- persecuted
- nightmare
- psoriasis
- convulsions
(carb-v, nux-v)
- chest complaints
- asthma, pneumonia
- edema - esp above eyes
- heart
- ticklish feet
- stitching pains
- sore-throat
- deafness
- whitish discharges, coating
- imagines he must starve
- indurations
- bursitis, housemaid's knee
- aphthae
- fats agg
- sudden dropsical swellings over whole body (samb)
- asthma (cann-i)
- gastroenteritis
- tubercular - exacerbation
- scalp very sensitive
- vision clouded
- diarrhea < eating veal
- menses profuse, black, with backache
- thirsty, but so breathless, cannot drink
- better drinking sips of water (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- sleepless
- nervous, brainfag
- bashful
- offensive leucorrhea
- cancer pains
- vision
- desquamation
- dandruff
- yellowness
- hot
- slimy discharges
- orphaned, forsaken
- indelible discharges
- tubercular
- unrefreshing sleep - tired on waking
- acidity
- toothache, teething (cham)
- diarrhea like frog-pond scum
- worse before menses - coryza, sore-throat
- menses flow more at night, in sleep
- right shoulder (sang)
- effects of shock, blows, mental distress (arn)
- abdomen very heavy
- liver (chel)
- constipation - crumbling stool
- children cannot digest milk (nat-c)
- sea bathing agg
- profuse headsweat (calc, sil)
- loss of smell and taste
- must press with abdomen to urinate
- palpitation < sitting, > motion
- worse lying on right side (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- hard pressure amel (puls)
- feels friendless (sars)
- spasmodic, cramping pains
- neuralgia
- worse cold, better from external warmth
- pressure amel
- moaning, complains of pain
- toothache, teething (cham)
- abdominal colic (coloc)
- flatulence
- dysmenorrhea
- parkinson's disease (agar, mang)
- muscular weakness
- right-side
- urinary complaints
- diabetes
- leucorrhea
- menses dark
- pain between scapulae
- warts
(merc-s [Mercury/Sulphur])
- ciliary neuralgia
- face purple red
- pain from inner canthus around eye to temple
- bones of the orbit
- redness of whole eye
- pain at root of nose (kali-bi)
- warts on prepuce which is swollen
- ulcers, fiery looking
- coldness of joints
- warts bleed easily
- destructive, necrosis, syphilis (aur [Aurum/Metals], syph)
- suppuration, abscesses, glands
- salivation, taste metallic, offensive
- sweats - profuse, offensive, no relief
- weakness, debility, trembling from exertion (stann)
- sensitive to heat and cold - both aggravate
- offensive - discharges, breath, sweat
- loss of will-power (anac)
- answers slowly - or in a hurry
- morbid impulses, rash (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], nux-v)
- great thirst with moist mouth
- worse at night (mez)
- worse lying on right side
- rectal tenesmus
- acrid lachrymation (euphr)
- photophobia
- eyelids swollen, edematous (apis)
- acute inflammation and swelling (canth)
- sore-throat, pain to ear
- burning pains
- better from rest
- albuminuria in early pregnancy
- acute infections
- rapid prostration
- hemorrhage of dark fluid
- excitement, fury
- aphthae - gray membrane
- painful hoarseness (phos)
- kidneys
- profuse, cold sweat
- cyanosis
- deathly states (ars [Arsenic/Metals], carb-v)
- eustachian catarrh (kali-m [Kali/Muriaticum])
- skin flabby
- bilious attacks
- diarrhea with soreness of anus
- right to left (lyc)
- sore-throat
- greatly swollen glands
- breast tumors
- tongue coated thickly, yellow at base
- constant desire to swallow
- left to right (lach)
- sore-throat
- tends to hawk
- stiff muscles of throat and neck
- coryza and dull hearing
- tongue stiff at base, pains on moving
- aphonia
- sneezing < sunlight
- early morning diarrhea
- burning, acrid
- breathless
- hydrothorax
- sore tip of tongue
- burning, acrid yellow leucorrhea
- warts on tongue, genitals
- climacteric hemorrhage
- frontal sinus
- suppressed discharges
- cancer of tongue
- fibroid
- liver cirrhosis
- alternate black and white stool
- glands enlarged, form chains
- increased sexual desire
- hypertension
- pain at lower esophagus < eating
- icy coldness of body with paralysis
- adenoids and tonsilitis
- sore-throat
- deafness
- whitish discharges, coating
- imagines he must starve
- indurations
- bursitis, housemaid's knee
- aphthae
- fats agg
- liver (chel)
- constipation - crumbling stool
- children cannot digest milk (nat-c)
- sea bathing agg
- profuse headsweat (calc, sil)
- loss of smell and taste
- must press with abdomen to urinate
- palpitation < sitting, > motion
- worse lying on right side (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- hard pressure amel (puls)
- feels friendless (sars)
- eustachian catarrh (kali-m [Kali/Muriaticum])
- skin flabby
- bilious attacks
- diarrhea with soreness of anus
- extreme weakness, suffering
- piles
- typhoid (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- involuntary stool, urine (hyos)
- paralytic effects
- aphthae, soreness (borx)
- vertigo < lying on right
- epistaxis (crot-h)
- foul breath (bapt)
- fibroid
- liver cirrhosis
- alternate black and white stool
- fear of downward motion
- aphthae
- convulsions
- sudden noises < (asar)
- hair tangles (vinc)
- eye lashes turn in
- tip of nose red, swollen
- child screams when urinating (sars)
- dysmenorrhea
- pleurodynia
- eczema
- nails
- itching on back of finger joints
- heat of head
- nasal catarrh
- root of nose
- psoriasis
- conjunctivitis
- sore-throat - dark red, swollen
- cough with green expectoration
- miner's asthma
- joints stiff
- debility from summer heat
- sun <
- weak ankles
- worse mental exertion
- thunderstorm <
- sensitive to music
- headache
- nose enlarged morbidly, with eruptions
- weak digestion
- milk agg
- sore between toes and fingers
- better by boring into ears, nose
- acidity
- yellowness
- worms
- tongue coated yellow
- itching of nose (cina)
- greenish diarrhea
- itching of ankles
- feet cold in day, burn at night
(ars [Arsenic/Metals], thuj)
- worse in damp, wet conditions
- effects of head injury
- asthma
- liver
- meningitis
- skin eruptions in spring
- warts
- suicidal (aur [Aurum/Metals])
- photophobia
- bitter taste
- morning diarrhea with flatulence
- cough, holds chest
- itching on undressing
- itching between toes
- wart-like red bumps on body
- blushing, flushing
- one-sided effects
- migraine headache
- feels hot then icy cold
- throbbing
- palpitation
- anxiety as if something would happen
- incoordination, lack of control
- trembling of affected part (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- a/f anticipation, waiting for time to arrive (med)
- public speakers, voice (arg-met, lyc)
- cr sweets, salt, cheese
- splinter-pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- mucopurulent discharges from inflamed part
- flatulence, loud
- hot, wants cold air (tub)
- fears heights, narrow places
- hurry, impulsive
(bell, stram)
- extreme irritability (bry)
- congestive headaches (bell, meli)
- surging of blood to head or heart (lach)
- throbbing, pulsating
- confusion, cannot recognize places (petr)
- worse from sun, sunstroke (nat-c)
- heavy head, but cannot lay it down
- cannot bear collar (sep)
- suppressed discharges, hemorrhages
- left-side
- sudden dropsical swellings over whole body (samb)
- asthma (cann-i)
- gastroenteritis
- tubercular - exacerbation
- scalp very sensitive
- vision clouded
- diarrhea < eating veal
- menses profuse, black, with backache
- thirsty, but so breathless, cannot drink
- better drinking sips of water (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
(ars [Arsenic/Metals], calad)
- margins of skin and mucous membranes
- splinter pains (hep [Calcium/Sulphur], rat)
- dark complexion (iod [Halogens/Iodine], sep)
- syphilis
- pains come and go rapidly (bell)
- aphthae, blisters, ulcers (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- fissure in ano
- offensive discharges
- irritable, hateful, vindictive (anac)
- sensitive to noise
- tongue cracked in center
- cr fat, salt, indigestible
- urine offensive, feels cold on passing
- warts (caust)
- nasal polyp (sang)
- pharyngitis (wyeth)
- watery coryza with burning (all-c)
- rawness and soreness in posterior nares (arum-t)
- ulcer on side of tongue
- pressure behind center of sternum
- tickling cough
- deep, hoarse voice
- gouty
- bronchitis
- nodosities of joints of fingers
- facial paralysis (caust)
- tottering gait
- rose-colored sediment in urine
- cough with green expectoration
(ruta, sulph, zinc)
- desire to travel
- worse from cold, change of temperature to cold
- rheumatic complaints
- cr salt bacon, smoked foods
- bones - delayed healing
- sweats on head and neck
- delayed development
- schoolgirls headache
- spasmodic, cramping pains
- neuralgia
- worse cold, better from external warmth
- pressure amel
- moaning, complains of pain
- toothache, teething (cham)
- abdominal colic (coloc)
- flatulence
- dysmenorrhea
- parkinson's disease (agar, mang)
- muscular weakness
- right-side
- acidity
- yellowness
- worms
- tongue coated yellow
- itching of nose (cina)
- greenish diarrhea
- itching of ankles
- feet cold in day, burn at night
- debility, nervous exhaustion
- young people who grow rapidly (calc)
- loss of vital fluids (chin)
- typhoid (carb-v)
- listless, indifferent, dazed
- hair gray early in life, falls (lyc)
- bores fingers in nose (cina)
- craves juices (verat)
- painless, non-debilitating profuse diarrhea
- diabetes
- seminal emissions (dios)
- weak feeling in chest (arg-met, stann)
(all-c, ars [Arsenic/Metals], carb-v)
- friendly, communicative
- sympathetic (caust)
- fears thunderstorm
- hemorrhage
- burning - palms
- hunger <
- tall, thin, gracile
- cr cold, ice cream, which amel
- liver
- hairfall
- typhoid or tubercular states
- constriction - of orifices
- spinal burning, weakness
- convulsions
- coldness during pains
- formication
- fasting amel
- sensitive to reprimands
- anxious about health
- fear of poverty
- chilly
- suppuration
- lassitude, desire to lie down
- emaciation
- bloody coryza
- feeble will power (anac)
(calc, fl-ac [Acids/Fluorine], puls, sanic, thuj)
- stubborn processes
- fistula
- suppuration
- scars - glassy
- splinter sensation
- anticipatory anxiety
- offensive footsweat
- chilly
- bones, teeth
- cr cold
- parkinson's disease (agar, mang)
- breasts
- cracked nipples - with lancinating pains
- involuntary movements
- anxious in fever
- hurry
- open air amel
(hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- boils and pus
- sibling rivalry
- feels unappreciated
- hot
- alcoholism (nux-v, sulph)
- anesthesia, diminished sensibility
- wasting of muscles
- rheumatism
- impotency
- sluggish, stupor
- neuritis
- tinnitus, deafness
- neuritis
- itching eruptions (sulph)
- malaria
- spinal sensitivity
- acute articular rheumatism
- gouty
- itching of anus
- kidneys
- tinnitus
- deafness
- dorsal vertebrae sensitive
- 3 p.m. <
(merc-s [Mercury/Sulphur])
- ciliary neuralgia
- face purple red
- pain from inner canthus around eye to temple
- bones of the orbit
- redness of whole eye
- pain at root of nose (kali-bi)
- warts on prepuce which is swollen
- ulcers, fiery looking
- coldness of joints
- warts bleed easily
- anger
- impulsive
- oversensitive
- pus, boils
- chilly
- desquamation
- dandruff
- yellowness
- hot
- slimy discharges
- urinary complaints
- diabetes
- leucorrhea
- menses dark
- pain between scapulae
- warts
- sneezing < sunlight
- early morning diarrhea
- burning, acrid
- breathless
- hydrothorax
- sore tip of tongue
(ars [Arsenic/Metals], thuj)
- worse in damp, wet conditions
- effects of head injury
- asthma
- liver
- meningitis
- skin eruptions in spring
- warts
- suicidal (aur [Aurum/Metals])
- photophobia
- bitter taste
- morning diarrhea with flatulence
- cough, holds chest
- itching on undressing
- itching between toes
- wart-like red bumps on body
- relaxed feeling in stomach
- craves stimulants, alcohol (sulph)
- hurry
- tremor and weakness
- gangrene from injuries (kreos)
- purpura, hemorrhage (crot-h)
- very sour eructations (rob)
- coldness in stomach (elaps)
- respiration rapid with motions of accessory muscles, larynx
- bruises, livid skin (arn)
- scars turn red blue and pain
- lying on affected side amel
- ringworm
- hot
- hunger agg (anac)
(acon, aloe, ars [Arsenic/Metals], bad, nux-v, psor)
- itching
- burning
- offensive
- philosopher - theorising, inquisitive
- suppression
- hunger <
- indifference
- egotism, feels insulted, embarrassed
- redness of eyes, lips, ears
Fungi & Lichens
- chorea
- incoordination
- prophesies
- makes verses
- coldness, icy cold
- diagonal effects
- tubercular
- spine affected
- malaria
- nightsweats
- indented, yellow tongue
- nausea
- yawning
- stretching
- hot, dry palms
- backache
- edema
- hemorrhage
- stringy
- naive
- palpitation
- stammering (stram)
- skin eruptions
- awkward, drops things (apis, nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- enlarged sensation
- acne < summer
- tight clothing <
- old people (bar-c)
- urticaria on excitement
- malaria (bol)
- pain in shin bones
- face hot and flushed
- headache <10 to 3 p.m.
- burning
- hot
- blackness
- leprosy
- uncovering amel
- involuntary stool
- hemorrhage, petechiae (phos)
- menorrhagia
- abortion
- old age (carb-v)
- emaciation
- formication
- ravenous appetite (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- thirsty
- sleepless
- smokers
- cholera, diarrhea, collapse
- coldness externally
- prolapse of anus
- offensive
- rectal tumors
- dreams of pools of blood
- stiff neck
- bronchial catarrh
- coryza
- feels as if floating
- loquacity
- fullness at root of nose (kali-bi)
- joints
- sudden change of temperature agg
- headache (bell)
- sunstroke (glon)
- bursting sensation
- throbbing
- sexual
- hairfall
- nails
- masturbation (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus], staph)
- climacteric
- eyeballs ache, lachrymation
- menorrhagia
- sens of boiling water along back
- boils
- muscular contractions
- psoriasis
- cancer - or family history
- perfectionism (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- cr chocolate
- loves thunder and lightning
- dancing (sep)
- knee-chest position (med)
- blue sclerae
- cafe-au-lait spots on body
- leprosy (sec, sulph)
- skin disease (hydroc)
- nerve conditions (anac)
- painless ulcers
- shame, disgust (sulph)
- hatred
- forsaken, outcast (hura)
(hyos, stram)
- nervous system
- abnormal sexual desire (bufo, hyos)
- fear of becoming mad (lil-t)
- emotions and bad news agg (tarent)
- hypersensitive senses (phys)
- constant spitting (tab)
- swallowing difficult, but urge to
- worse thinking of fluids, seeing running water
- worse dazzling or reflected light
- euptions like pocks (ant-t)
- a/f vaccination (thuj, mez, sil)
- chapping of skin in winter and from washing (sep)
- bone-like protuberance
- sycotic, h/o gonorrhea (thuj)
- warts (staph)
- hairy
- delusion behind him
- superstitious
- sore feet
- burning
- desire for air, fanning - esp in fever (carb-v)
- active in the evening
- better at seashore
- sleeps in knee-chest position
(sulph, tub)
- offensive
- chilly
- itching
- fears poverty
- despair
- never well since
- hunger - esp at night
- itching eruptions (sulph)
- flexures (graph)
- circular eruptions (tell)
- relapsing complaints (sulph)
- ciliary neuralgia
- eyes feel large, esp right
- glaucoma
- sacro-iliac pain (aesc)
- throbbing pains
- heat <
- erysipelas
- leprosy
- deep ulcers with hard edges
- left breast pain
- joints, ankles
- hemorrhage
- choking sensation
- varicose veins
- itching palms (anac)
- sunburn
- swelling of earlobes, lips
- occipital headache
- burning of tongue
- yearly aggravation
- headache, head bent forward
- eyes swollen shut, < under right eye
- nose red and shiny
- vesicles undersurface of tongue
- whitish morning diarrhea, pain in hypogastrium
- itching from cold > hot water
- erysipelas, skin dark red
- gloomy, no desire to live
- malaria
- diarrhea, painless
- empty sensation
- exhausting fevers
- anemia
- edema, dropsy, ascites
- pulse slow (dig)
- heart valves (naja)
- kidney, urinary (apis)
- sneezing
- snuffles (samb)
- vomiting
- amenorrhea
- menorrhagia at menopause
- worse cold drinks
- chilly
- thirsty
- painful crack in corner of lips
- cancer
- syphilis
- esophageal stricture
- vomiting
- ulceration, cracks (graph)
- paralytic effects
- slow perception
- melancholy
- constipation
- vertigo
- diplopia (gels)
- eruptions behind ear (graph)
- squint (hyos)
- hurried eating, hunger
- passes stool with flatus (aloe)
- easy chafing of skin
- itching of scalp
- palpitation with empty feeling in chest
- heart
- smokers (tab)
- urticaria
- asthma
- goitre (iod [Halogens/Iodine])
- obesity
- face flushed
- averse to alcohol
- nausea
- eczema, offensive odor
- hair sticks together (borx)
- vertigo
- itching of scalp
- alopecia (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- red tip of nose
- sores in nose
- seborrhea, esp upper lip
- sore-throat
- menorrhagia
- skin easily sore (olnd)
(nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum])
- itching of genitals, anus (cina, teucr)
- dread of motion (bry)
- craves tobacco (tab)
- noise startles from sleep
- impotency (agn)
- sweet sweat, attracts flies
- insect bites (culx)
- urticaria alternates with asthma (apis)
- asthma > stool
- asthma, dust < (lyc)
- cross, irritable
- saddle-like swelling across nose (sep)
- headache in single spots
- throbbing in temples
- asthma
- cough < lying down (crot-t)
- cough with rawness and burning behind sternum
- night-sweats (acet-ac)
- sensitive to draughts (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- acrid, copious nasal discharge (all-c)
- hayfever
- worse in first sleep
- acrid, offensive leucorrhea
- shooting between scapulae
- fever comes on during sleep (samb)
- sleepiness during headache
- hiccough
- lumbago
- sciatica
- tonsilitis (bell)
- stiff, contracted joints, rheumatism (caust)
- duodenal ulcer
- cataract
- bones
- depression
- leprosy (hura, sec)
- hypertrophy and induration of tissues
- profuse sweat (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- icthysosis, desquamation (sep)
- itching of soles
- pustules on chest
- itching and heat of vagina
- cancer of uterine cervix (aur-m-n [Aurum/Muriaticum/Natrum])
- calculi
- kidney
- liver
- radiating
- labor
- uterus
- joints
- thrush
- sinusitis
- despair
- bloated sensation
- heart
- palpitation
- nervous excitement
- liver
- vertigo
- choking
- lancinating pains
- breast
- heart
- flatulence
- sexual
- seborrhea
- pemphigus
- hayfever
- sore-throat
- sweat on upper lip
- cough
- noseblock
- hemorrhage
- gouty
- urinary
- menorrhagia
- craves buttermilk
- indelible stains
- visions
- trance
- hallucinations
- addiction
- heart
- constriction
- periodic, 11 a.m and 11 pm.
- hemorrhage
- thyroid
- industrious
- conscientious
- heart
- itching of skin
- irritable
- swears, abuses
- immoral
- sexual
- paralyzed feeling
- weakness of lower limbs
- dyspnea
- pleuritic pain
- left lung
- cancer
- rapid progress
- intestines (bism)
- abdominal colic
- dry skin and mucous membranes
- dry eczema of fingers
- averse to alcohol
- influenza
- prostration
- tongue white and paralyzed
- cannot keep eyes open
- headache between eyebrows
- heart beats feel loud
- drowsy
- sneezing
- influenza
- depressed
- diarrhea with tenesmus
- cannot take deep breath
- pain in left lower ribs
- delusions, illusions, hallucinations (op)
- exaggeration (agar)
- time seems too slow
- things seem larger, enlarged (stram)
- laughing, everything seems funny (nux-m)
- addiction (coca)
- forgetful (med)
- confusion (nux-m)
- theorising (sulph)
- duality (anac, naja)
- many fantastic ideas and thoughts (chin)
- a/f alcohol (agar)
- delirium tremens
- sleepless (coff)
- painful erections (pic-ac)
- formication, crawling (coca)
- twitching in muscles (hyos)
- vertigo (nux-v)
- profuse sweat (op)
- slow pulse (dig)
- seminal emissions
- convulsions
- uremia
- syphilis
- kidneys
- sopor
- asthma
- snuffles, noseblock
- profuse sweat
- nightsweats
- dry cough
- fever
- suffocation
- dropsy
- attacks
- fright
- vomiting in pregnancy
- constipation
- nausea
- motion agg
- lying on back amel
- averse to all food
- fever, flu
- diarrhea
- colic
- numbness of lower limbs
- urticaria
- cramps
- dysmenorrhea
- abortion
- sudden pains
- incontinence of urine
- neck and back pain
- marasmus, esp lower extremities (sanic)
- metastasis (lac-c)
- cruelty (anac)
- face, comedones, veins
- constipation alternating with diarrhea
- undigested stools
- vertigo
- confusion
- violence
- hayfever
- whooping cough
- diarrhea esp summer
- asthma
- lachrymation
- coryza
- cold things agg
- gooseflesh, coldness
- griping in abdomen
- convulsions
- puberty
- eye and vision complaints
- somnambulism
- sweat like garlic
- injuries
- cancer
- sprains
- getting chilled agg
- old gardeners
- left side
- eye complaints (euphr)
- cataract, corneal opacity
- injury to eye (led, symph)
- hemorrhage (ip)
- hematuria (canth)
- gonorrhea (thuj)
- dysentery
- malaria (chin)
- bone pains
- bilious vomiting (sang)
- gouty
- thirsty during chill
- diabetes
- bladder
- homesick
- impotency and sterility
- sciatica (coloc)
- numbness (plat)
- rheumatism
- dysmenorrhea
- gouty
- morning diarrhea (sulph)
- chronic bronchitis
- bearing down in uterus
- boils (bellis)
- skin eruptions
- polyuria
- female genitals
- styes (staph)
- jar agg (bell)
- hemorrhage
- injuries
- tubercular (tub)
- high fever (bell)
- piles
- cough
- chorea (agar)
- lassitude, tired
- hearing affected
- effects of poison ivy (rhus-t)
- liver
- mapped tongue (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- cancer of bladder
- jaundice (chel)
- heat on top of head
- restless legs (med, zinc)
- night-sweats
- knee pain
- gonorrhea (puls)
- urinary
- pylorus
- obesity
(alum, rhus-t)
- motion agg (chel)
- pressure amel
- fear poverty - talks business
- dryness - of all mucous membranes
- irritable, wants to be let alone (nux-v)
- thirst for large quantities at long intervals
(merc [Mercury/Metals])
- abdominal colic
- bending double amel
- effects of anger, mortification
- sciatica, neuralgia
- restless with pains
- autumnal dysentery
- malaria
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- dropsy
- urticaria
- wanders from home
- yawning and stretching
- skin orange color
- wet weather agg
- dysmenorrhea
- griping colic
- flatulence
- forward
- severe, painful abdominal colic (coloc)
- tea drinkers
- flatulence (raph)
- gallstone colic (chin)
- mistakes - calls things by wrong name
- bitter taste
- belching, with hiccough
- better standing erect or bending back
- pains shift to remote localities
- radiating pains (mag-p [Magnesium/Phosphorus])
- pain from sternum into arms
- seminal emissions
- felons (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- sciatica, > when perfectly still (bry)
(nux-v, sarr, tub)
- tubercular (mang)
- cough in violent attacks (cor-r, cupr)
- deep, hoarse voice
- loud, barking cough
- worse lying down or after midnight
- averse to acids
- cough with gagging, vomiting (ip)
- feels deceived, cheated (ruta)
- cystitis, urinary
- renal calculi
- rumbling in bowels
- rheumatism
- pleurisy
- sciatica
- prostate
- sexual excitement
- inflammation
- epigastric pain
- vomiting
- ravenous appetite
- burning skin, erythema, < cold bathing
- rheumatism
- shifting pains
- nausea
- slow pulse
- heart
- neuralgia
- pains shoot downwards
- continuous fever
- bodyache
- stiffness, drawing in eyes
- bending forward agg (dios)
- backache
- pain along ulnar nerve
- wakes early
- rheumatism
- complaints go upwards
- coldness
- heat agg
- punctured wounds, insect bites
- parts icy cold, esp if injured
- acne, red pimples on forehead and cheeks
- cough, double inspiration, sobbing breath
- anal fissures
- gout
- sprains
- itching of feet and ankles
- alcoholism
- ecchymosis
- feet in cold water amel
- rheumatism
- gouty
- worse before a storm, rough weather
- ciliary neuralgia
- orchitis
- sleeps with legs crossed
- tinnitus
- toothache
- pleuritis, sharp pains
- warmth amel
- incipient phthisis, tubercular
- hemoptysis
- hard, racking cough
- weak in the morning, better later
- progressive emaciation
- burning in pharynx, esophagus
- spluttering diarrhea
- diarrhea
- summer complaint
- skin complaints
- alternating skin with internal complaint (sulph)
- burning in esophagus
- eyes raw, red, inflamed (arg-n [Metals/Nitricum])
- pain drawing backwards (paris)
- diarrhea - gurgling, shoots out - worse eating or drinking
- asthma, cannot expand chest
- cough < lying down (dros)
- skin feels hidebound
- intense itching, but scratching painful
- edema of eyelids
- rheumatic pains < rest
- tip of nose inflamed
- erysipelas < open air, > closed room
- cough in attacks, sleepy in between
- profuse sweat on forehead
- icy coldness in stomach (sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur])
- increased sexual desire
- wrist - sprained (act-s)
- weak hands, fingers
- joints
- chorea
- weakness after growing too fast (phos, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- leprosy (hydroc)
- tense vesicles
- skin feels tense, drawn together
- feels despised, forsaken, alone (mag-c)
- laughing - from pain, from chill
- desire to break things
- diarrhea - gurgling, noisy (elat)
- evacuations thick, albuminous, lumpy
- hiccough
- very easy vomiting
- cramps in calves, feet (camph, verat)
- icy coldness of body, esp legs
- cold applications amel
- eczema, with oozing and crusting (graph, rhus-t)
- sadness at puberty and climacteric
- loss of vision
- pain in thumb
- fear of becoming insane (calc, lil-t)
- hairfall after acute sickness (carb-v, fl-ac [Acids/Fluorine])
- icy extremities
- blisters as from scalds (canth)
- pemphigus (bufo)
- scanty milk in nursing women
- vomiting and purging
- gastroenteritis, cholera
- painless diarrhea, with painful cramps in extremities
- anus inflamed
- stools green, slimy, bloody
- emaciation
- fever
- rheumatism
- gloomy forebodings
- hoarseness, speaker's throat
- urine milky and thick
- eruptions on hands and fingers
- glands enlarged - neck
- syphilis
- worse damp
- nervous system
- bewildered, confused (bapt)
- incoordination, paralysis
- diplopia
- sore throat with nausea
- cramps of muscles in front of legs
- restless
- cracked lower lip
- confused, scattered feeling (arag)
- delirium (petr)
- offensive
- rapid onset and progress
- painless sore-throat
- prostration (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- besotted, congested face (gels)
- answers - then sleeps (arn, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- typhoid
- fever (pyrog)
- bodyache (arn, rhus-t)
- gags eating solids, can swallow only liquids
- worse from beer (kali-bi)
- sense of suffocation (lach)
- craves air (carb-v)
- chills (eup-per)
- worse humid heat, indoors
- urinary tract
- urticaria (urt-u)
- sharp sounds agg (asar)
- postnasal discharge
- food tastes too salty
- mucous colitis, diarrhea
- piles
- testes sensitive, swollen
- bronchitis (stann)
- neuralgia
- headache
- critical, censorious
- right-side
- itching without eruption
- piles
- sore-throat
- splinter sensation
- painful gums
- herpes zoster
- frontal headache
- vertigo
- motion agg
- open air amel
- eating amel
- waterbrash
- itching eruption on elbows, knees, ankles
- dropsy
- gastroenteritis
- vomiting and diarrhea
- paleness of face
- anesthesia
- convulsions
- meningitis
- weakness (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- stiff neck, painful
- vertigo (gels)
- sleepless
- nausea
- green urine
- painless
- paralytic effects - spastic
- exhausting diseases (zinc)
- yawning
- tingling and numbness of lips and tongue (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- rigidity of legs (phos)
- knock knees
- cannot extend or cross legs when sitting
- emaciation of lower limbs
- sits bent forward
- congestion, flushed, red (bell)
- hemorrhage
- convulsions
- head injury (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- pain and debility
- weak memory (anac)
- wants to run away, suspicious (hyos)
- sick headache
- epistaxis
- eyes heavy, vision blurred
- throbbing in anus (aesc, mur-ac [Acids/Muriaticum])
- constipation without urge for long (alum)
- worse wet weather
- 4 pm (lyc)
- nervous system (cur)
- tetanus, trismus
- paralytic effects (gels)
- polio
- very sensitive vertebrae (agar, ther)
- cannot raise eyelids (caust, sep)
- vision affected (jab, bell)
- myopia
- fever blisters around nose (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- conscious of heart beat, felt in head and neck
- limbs jerk on falling asleep
- acidity
- frontal headache
- very acrid eructations (sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur])
- green vomitus
- sourness (rheum)
- nymphomania (grat, plat)
- flatulent colic (raph)
- flatulent colic (cham)
- constipation
- strangury with burning in anus
- urine sediment
- mumps (jab)
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- stiff neck
- eruptions on scalp
- sore-throat with hoarseness
- chills with cough at night
- cramps in sternocleidomastoid
- mumps
- salivation < lying down
- taste of blood
- feels heart will stop (gels)
- anxious worse when alone (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- cold sweat on face (ant-t)
- skin disease
- painful swelling, then suppuration
- glands inflamed
- sharp pains like arrows in brain
- scalp - ulcers, tumors
- wart on eyebrow
- tip of nose - growths, boils
- tongue cracked on edges
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- urinary - urging, incontinence
- nails deformed
- offensive footsweat (sil)
- suppuration (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- hayfever
- itching and burning
- catarrhal states
- itching of nostrils
- cracks in tongue, corners of mouth
- cr acids
- diarrhea of nursing children
- brainfag, tired states
- sexual debility
- parkinsons (agar, mang)
- a/f morphine habit
- poor concentration
- burning on vertex (sulph)
- female complaints
- headache
- sciatica
- vertigo, must close eyes
- diarrhea
- trembling of all limbs
- calves pain, feel bound
- spasmodic movements
- acidity
- anal itching (cina, teucr)
- obesity in children (calc)
- cross, peevish children
- headache every week
- dyuria, irritable bladder, cystitis (canth)
- always blowing the nose
- calcluli in urine (berb, sars)
- incontinence of urine
- enlarged prostate
- urinary symptoms
- weak heart, scanty urine, edema
- edema of lower extremities
- enlarged prostate
- retention of urine
- renal calculi (berb)
- venous congestion (aesc, carb-v)
- bruised soreness (arn)
- pain after surgery (staph)
- wants due respect shown (staph, plat)
- eyes bloodshot, sore
- epistaxis with tightness at root of nose
- varicose veins (zinc)
- traumatic inflammation (arn)
- lumbosacral backache
- back gives way (kali-c)
- veins congested - anus, eyes, throat
- fullness
- dry, swollen mucous membranes
- tongue coated thickly, feels scalded
- throat hot, dry, stitching pains (phyt)
- splinters in rectum (nit-ac [Acids/Nitricum], paeon, rat)
- chills up and down back (gels)
- worse in the morning on waking (lyc)
- sick headache (gels)
- glands - thyrid, pancreas
- profuse, acrid, sour secretions (rob)
- critical, censorious (nux-v)
- greasy taste, fatty stool, oily nose (hydr)
- sudden onset (kali-bi)
- vision affected with headache (cycl, lac-d)
- headache with vomiting or diarrhea (sang)
- tinnitus (chin)
- psoriasis (phos)
- periodic, 2-3 am (kali-bi)
- hot weather < (aloe)
- ropy saliva (epiph)
- appendicitis
- dry mouth (nux-m)
- deathly sensation in stomach (tab)
- homesick (caps)
- burning in mouth and throat
- worse on waking (lach)
- sexual weakness (lyc, sel)
- brainfag (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- slow comprehension (olnd)
- sprains (onos)
- repeats he will soon die (lac-d)
- absence of milk in breasts (lact-v)
- piles
- heart
- dropsy
- constipation in children
- bitter taste
- dysmenorrhea
- alternations
- mental excitement <
- female
- urinary tract
- headache with movements of head
- piles (coll)
- ulcer on heel (all-c)
- hemorrhage
- heart
- thyroid
- nosebleed
- wheezing
- pain in testes
- sleepless (coff)
- cold sensation in inspiration
- flatulent bloating
- husky voice
- dry cough
- sore-throat, pin sensation
- itching in suprasternal fossa (rumx)
- herpes zoster
- soreness on scratching
- urinary tract (sars)
- uric acid
- red sand in urine (lyc)
- renal calculi, colic (berb)
- left testicle
- nipples < touch
- glands - breasts, inguinal
- religious
- malaria
- yawning
- stretching
- sexual
- breasts
- desire for exercise
- impelled to run
- cough
- tubercular
- sweaty
- galactorrhea
- cold extremities (calc)
- headache
- nervous fear
- chorea
- dentition
- convulsions
- influenza
- fears some calamity
- nightmare
- polyuria
- impotency
- restless
- worms
- polypi
- excitement
- loquacity
- noseblock
- collapse (verat)
- icy coldness
- sudden sinking of strength (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- averse to covering (led, sec)
- shock (acon)
- convulsions
- nose cold and pinched (ant-t)
- eyes staring (stram)
- sleepless, with cold limbs (carb-v)
- congestive chill
- strangury, retention of urine
- cancer
- offensive
- hemorrhage (kreos)
- no desire for anything
- fingers seem swollen
- menorrhagia (ip, trill-p)
- prolapse of uterus
- fatigue, tired
(ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- dyspepsia
- hip and psoas pain
- tuberculosis
- bronchitis
- obesity
- ravenous appetite
- diarrhea
- constipation
- backache
- headache
- piles
- urinary
- heart
- dropsy
- rheumatism
- wants to be carried
- left shoulder
- uric acid
- nausea
- weakness
- sensitive to rudeness
- gout
- breathless
- sleepiness
- palpitation
- uterus - with heart
- diabetes
- occupation amel
- backache
- exhaustion
- prolapse of uterus
- contradiction agg
- prolapse uterus
- heart
- urinary
- sexual
- hurry
- conflict - religious
- sympathetic
- animals - cares for
- diarrhea
- psoriasis
- typhoid
- cancer of intestinal tract
- sleepless
- flatulence
- loquacity
- childish
- thread sensation
- hayfever
- chilly, > wrapped up (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- easily startled, timid
- illusions about body
- warm food and drinks amel, craves warm (lyc)
- thirstless (puls)
- intermittent, chill ascends - lachrymation during attack
- skin cracks below toes
- nails deformed (ant-c [Antimony/Sulphur])
(all-c, merc [Mercury/Metals], sep)
- skin eruptions < summer
- marasmus, skin hangs in folds
- urinary, renal complaints - painful
- cracks in fingers, toes
- nipples small, retracted
- menses scanty - eruptions before
- worse dampness
- cough
- lachrymation (euphr)
- incontinence of urine with cough (caust)
- irritated eyes - rubs them
- bronchitis
- kidneys
- sneezing (all-c)
- cold extremities (calc)
- sore, tender feet (med)
- edema (dig)
- menorrhagia
- backache
- tooth extraction
- binding >
- chloasma
- egotism
- religious
- busy
- collapse
- coldness
- blueness
- sunstroke
- pneumonia
- congested
- anticipation, bad news agg
- trembling
- fear or fright
- fears loss of self-control
- muscular incoordination
- weakness
- sleepiness
- nervous
- thirstless
- dizziness
(nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- a/f grief, shock, disappointment
- sighing
- averse to consolation
- contradictory, changing symptoms
- conscientious
- oversensitive
- irrational, erratic
- tobacco smoke agg
(kali-c, sep, sulph)
- anger, irritable, fiery
- fastidious
- convulsions
- effects of mental exertion, high-living, sleep loss
- chilly
- dyspepsia
- constipation
- ineffectual urging
- morning agg
- cr fats
- wakes 3 am
- neuralgia
- eye complaints
- heart, pericarditis, palpitation
- left-side
- absorbed about future
- worms
- sharp, stabbing pains
- better lying on right propped up
- muscular relaxation (gels)
- vertigo
- motion-sickness (petr, tab)
- empty, hollow sensation (phos)
- cramps (cupr)
- occiput
- weakness during menses (carb-an)
- loss of sleep < (nux-v)
- sad, taciturn (ign)
- paralysis
- diabetes
- indecision, no wish to think for herself
- lancinating pains in brain (tarent)
- head drawn back (nux-v)
- respiratory paralysis
- choking on falling asleep (lach)
- leprosy (anac)
- urinary complaints (oci-c, uva)
- prostate (sabal, staph)
- renal colic, pain goes down thigh
- must kneel to urinate
- inflammation of urethra (petr)
- gonorrhea (thuj)
- sleepiness
- dryness
- hysteria
- laughing immoderately (cann-i)
- fainting
- automatic actions
- wet weather, damp agg (rhus-t)
- thirstless (gels)
- dreamy, clairvoyant states
- flatulence (asaf)
- painless (op)
- vertigo
- liver
- right-side (lyc)
- yellowness (nat-p [Natrum/Phosphorus])
- pain under right scapula
- cr hot food and drinks, which amel
- pneumonia
- lethargy, averse to motion
- stools in balls (op)
- icy cold fingertips
- sleepiness
- snoring, stertorous breathing
- constipation
- tranquil
- painless (stram)
- reveries (cann-i)
- hot
- face congested
- sleep agg
- hears distant sounds
- liar
- sick headache (lac-d)
- right-side (chel)
- ascending headache
- flatus amel
- circumscribed red cheeks
- cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis (sang-nit, tub)
- climacteric
- cr spicy (phos)
- hayfever (all-c)
- dyspepsia
- constipation
- lump sensation in epigastrium
- choking, dyspnea
- malaria
- eating agg
- waterbrash after cough
- kidneys
- dropsy
- old age
- prostate
- cough with scanty urine
- weak ankles
- tardy walking
- emaciation of lower limbs
- rheumatism
- urticaria
- weak chest
- hemorrhage
- female organs
- warts, itching
- abortion
- joints
- pulsations
- craves fresh air
- pustules
- nightsweats
- rheumatism
- gouty
- hungry, empty feeling
- bleeding mucous surfaces
- urinary symptoms
- drowsiness
- tongue glistening, shining
- distension of abdomen
- inflammation
- purpura
- itching of skin > cold water
- offensive discharges
- postnasal catarrh with itching
- itching in and around ears, eyes
- acid, hot, scalding eructations
- throbbing
- yellow leucorrhea with itching
- renal colic
- renal calculi
- gangrene
- amenorrhea
- piles
- flatulent colic
- hips feel drawn together
- ulcers on lower extremities (card-m)
- climacteric
- renal colic
- lancinating pains along spine
- itching of hard palate
- burning of inner right foot and ankle
(bell, mag-c, sulph)
- children with diarrhea (podo)
- sour odor - child, sweat, diarrhea
- cold sweat on face, esp around mouth and nose
- constant, profuse headsweat (calc)
- dentition (cham)
- restless and irritable (cina)
- impatient and vehement (nux-v)
- capricious
- colic, worse uncovering (mag-p [Magnesium/Phosphorus])
- salivation (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- uncovering agg (rhus-t)
- pains, numerous and varied, changeable
- cough from tickling in throatpit (dros)
- cold air, exposure, inspiration agg
- uncovering agg, must cover completely (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- intense itching of skin (fago)
- lymph nodes
- meat <
- copious mucous discharges
- morning diarrhea (sulph)
- tubercular (tub)
- itching < undressing (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- left chest
- great itching and tingling
- expulsion of splinters
- warts
- great hilarity, laughing
- sick headache
- cramp in ball of thumb and fingers
- urine in split stream
- eruptions on palms, hands and fingers
- ulcers and swelling on joints
- anemia
- salty saliva
- sleepy, morose, lassitude
- cough without waking in children
- terrors of conscience (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- neglected duty (ign)
- flickering before eyes with headache (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- weeping, desire to be alone
- sneezing with itching in ears
- disturbed vision with gastric problems
- flickering of various colors
- cr lemonade (bell)
- diarrhea < coffee
- menses blackish, profuse, clotted (mag-c)
- hiccough - worse pregnancy
- burning, sore pain in heels
- acne in young women
- menses amel
- eczema esp index fingers and thumbs
- dermatitis, moist eczema, eryipelas
- intermittent complaints
- right-side
- blisters (bufo, canth)
- paralyzed sensation
- palms dry and hot
- eruptions between fingers
- itching < night
- rheumatic pains (rhus-t)
- skin complaints with fever
- neuralgia
- migraine
- rheumatism
- sensation of band around head (carb-ac)
- vertigo
- uriine smells of violets (terb)
- right axillary muscles painful
- shoulders feel tired, heavy
- bladder
- dysuria < end of urination (sars)
- enuresis in children (kreos, sep)
- incontinence of urine, stool (hyos)
- right side
- afternoon amel
(arn, coff, sulph)
- a/f exposure to extreme cold or heat - shock
- fear, fright, anxious
- restless, moaning, weeping
- childish, trifles agg
- formication - numb, swollen, tingling
- bright red hemorrhage (ferr-p)
- fear of death (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- sudden onset (bell)
- thirsty (cham)
- small joints - wrists, ankles
- oppressed breathing
- motion agg
- touch agg
- exertion agg
- heart
- urinary
- rheumatism
- anasarca, edema
- headache from occiput around temples to eyes
- dypnea
- desire to take a deep breath (bry)
- nightmare
- confused, wild feeling (lil-t)
- rheumatism
- cramps, jerks, spasms
- painful effects (cham)
- dream of impending evil
- loquacity (hyos)
- waving, opening and shutting sensation (cann-i, glon)
- aching in eyeballs (ruta)
- transverse pains (bell)
- acne in young women
- left-sided inframammary pain
- spine sensitive (agar, ther)
- stiff neck and upper back (rhus-t)
- worse during menses
- glands
- orchitis (puls)
- skin eruptions - esp near occiput
- urinary
- sleepiness
- neuralgia
- open air amel
- conjunctivitis (euphr)
- toothache < tobacco
- urine flow interrupted (con)
- washing agg (sulph)
- unconscious (op)
- stares without seeing
- sooty nostrils
- involuntary movements (zinc)
- serious brain disease
- 4-8 p.m.
- general muscular weakness
- slow, thoughtless (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- wrinkled forehead
- falling of lower jaw (bry, mur-ac [Acids/Muriaticum])
- jelly like stools, involuntary (aloe)
- urine suppressed (stram)
- sighing frequently (ign)
- shrieks (apis)
- cannot be fully aroused (arn)
- dropsy (apoc)
(cycl, kali-s [Kali/Sulphur], lyc, sil, sul-ac [Acids/Sulphur], tub)
- mild, gentle
- weeping > consolation
- obesity (calc)
- bland, thick, yellow-green discharges (stann)
- craves open air, < closed places
- complaints changeable (ign)
- cr cold, ice cream (phos)
- irresolute
- thirstless (ip)
- lies with head high, arms over head
- fat food agg, averse to butter
- menses delayed, late, scanty
- pleurodynia
- alcoholism
- sciatica
- herpes
- chest complaints - external and internal
- backache - esp inner scapula
- change of weather <, esp cold air
- itching eruptuons on palms (anac)
- corns
- chapped fingers, palms
(caust, coloc)
- a/f anger with reserved displeasure
- indignation
- anger with trembling and loss of voice
- throws things
- sexual thoughts (ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- fears loss of self-control (arg-n [Metals/Nitricum], gels)
- easily offended, insulted (cham)
- sense of injustice (caust)
- heart (dig, stroph)
- cross, irritable
- giddiness
- air-hunger
- sleepless
- pain in head and back of neck
- diabetes in children
- sweaty
- urticaria
- strawberry tongue, swollen (bell)
- strawberries agg (ox-ac)
- heart
- spasmodic tickling cough
- lack of reaction
- coldness not > external heat
- pain in stomach with loss of speech
- spasms of face, esophagus
- cyanosis, dyspnea, gasping
- puts hands on chest
- spells of deep sleep with snoring (op)
- toes and fingers become knotty, clubbing
- sore-throat
- pressure behind sternum
- sticking pain in rectum (aesc)
- urinary organs - urging, pain, weakness
- edema of foot
- sprain of ankle, foot
- ciliary neuralgia
- right eye and head
- backwards
- herpes zoster (ran-b)
- angina pectoris (lat-m)
- itching of tips of fingers as if frozen (agar)
- palpitation < least motion (aur [Aurum/Metals])
- failing heart (crat)
- cough < lying down at night
- old age
- chronic bronchitis
- irritation of eyes (squill [Liliaceae/Sea Creatures])
- constriction around waist
- cold sensation in stomach, up to esophagus
- gouty pains
- hayfever
- eustachian tube
- deafness
- tinnitus
- morbidly conscientious (ign, carc)
- urinary organs
- spasmodic effects, convulsions
- bites of mad animals, rabies (lyss)
- heat in various parts
- sleepless
- oversensitive
- neuralgia
- remorse
- benevolence
- dysmenorrhea
- urinary irritation
- menorrhagia
- cr coffee
- bitterness
- bones
- rancour, bitter feelings
- rheumatism
- paralysis
- stiff muscles and joints
- oversensitive
- jaw pain, cramp
- eructations with cough (ambr [Mammals/Sea Creatures])
- cracking in joints
- ulcers over bones
- facial neuralgia, right side
- yawning
- headache
- sleep disturbed
- salivation
- sweat greatly increased
- nausea
- hot flushes
- mumps
- exophthalmic goitre
- eye strain
- flushed face
- sighing
- dryness of skin
- liver
- lying on left side agg
- root of nose
- frontal headache
- salivation
- bitter taste
- tongue coated, papillae prominent
- stomach and liver complaints assoc with limb pains
- asthma
- nightmare
- eating sour things amel
- injuries
- strains
- flexor tendons
- deposits around joints
- lassitude
- vision, eye complaints
- bruised bones
- cancer of rectum
- prolapse of anus
- backache
- legs give out
- worse cold, wet weather
- variola
- visual disorders
- sick headache
- throbbing, bursting
- reproaches himself
- hungry
- scapulae between
- fresh air amel
- heart - failure (crat)
- slow, intermittent, irregular pulse
- liver
- feels heart will stop beating (gels)
- venous states
- dropsy (apoc)
- fainting
- as if falling, wakes from sleep (thuj)
- bluish (carb-v, laur)
- shock felt in epigastrium (kali-c, mez)
- a/f pride
- chronic catarrhs
- leucorrhea (sep)
- gonorrhea (med)
- obstinate ulcers
- tightness in forehead
- dysphagia for liquids (lach)
- nymphomania (plat)
- worse drinking too much water
- facial neuralgia (coloc)
- very painful (cham)
- catarrhs and colds
- otalgia and deafness
- painful piles (lept)
- voice harsh, hoarse (dros)
- enuresis, incontinence of urine
- stiff, sore joints
- worse 9 a.m to 4 p.m.
- pains < motion, change of temperature
- otitis media - herbal literature
- cough - herbal literature
- great weakness (ars [Arsenic/Metals])
- skin livid, purplish (am-c)
- hemorrhagic diathesis
- sore-throat, swollen purple
- diarrhea, dysentery
- stupor, with sighing (op)
- confused mind (bapt)
- suffused, dilated eyes
- neck tender and swollen (lach)
- sleep heavy, disturbed, unrefreshing
- large blisters filled with dark serum
- typhoid states (rhus-t)
- periodicity (chin)
- malaria
- neuralgia (spig)
- stings, bites (led)
- headache - numbing
- pain around eyes, radiating, shooting
- scalding lachrymation
- pain extends up the limb
- shingles (ran-b)
- numbness of limbs
- red eyes in fever (bell)
- cataract
- weak vision
- pain around liver region
- acidity, heartburn, gastralgia
- regurgitation of food (ferr, phos)
- dyspepsia after infectious disease
- cirrhosis of liver
- nocturnal enuresis (kreos, sep)
- yawning, stretching (amyl-n)
- cold extremities with cold sensation
- weakness, with hunger (sulph)
- acuteness of senses
- congested hot head, cold extremities
- delirium
- dilated pupils, visual effects
- erect posture amel
- exposure of head, haircut agg
- fever, intense burning heat
- hot hemorrhages
- in sleep, jerking, grinds teeth
- jar, touch agg
- pain causes delirium, redness
- redness, congestion, inflammation
- right side
- strawberry tongue (arum-t)
- sudden effects (acon)
- sun <
- throbbing
- burning pains (canth)
- homesickness (carb-an, ph-ac [Acids/Phosphorus])
- dirtiness (am-c, sulph)
- peevish (cina)
- mastoid
- otorrhea
- stomatitis
- craves stimulants (nux-v)
- dysentery
- thirsty
- tip of tongue burns
- explosive cough
- pain in distant parts on coughing
- chill in back > external heat
- shudders on drinking
- pharyngitis
- sees red spots before eyes
- vertigo with pale face
- goitre
- silly, nonsensical (paris)
- conjunctivitis (euphr)
- hoarse voice
- staggering gait
(bar-c, calc, kali-s [Kali/Sulphur], sulph)
- wet weather, dampness agg (nat-s [Natrum/Sulphur])
- complaints from getting chilled
- change of temperature agg (ran-b)
- paralytic effects (gels)
- icy coldness (camph)
- eruptions at menstrual period
- ringworm esp scalp
- noseblock < cold rains
- thirst for cold drinks (phos)
- diarrhea < wet weather
- must urinate when chilled
- warts on hands (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- rheumatism alternates with diarrhea (abrot)
- suspicious
- jealousy
- sexual, uncovers self
- talkative
- twitchings
- picks at things
- typhoid
- involuntary stool
- cough, spasmodic, dry
- sleepless
- will not be covered
- rheumatism
- influenza
- bodyache
- hayfever (all-c)
- bursting headache begins in occiput
- right side
- restless
- desire for sleep
- periodicity
- convulsions
- hydrophobia
- urinary irritation (apis)
- urinary calculi (berb, sars)
- languor, weakness
- talkative (hyos)
- facial paralysis (caust)
- jar agg
- stiff limbs
- incontinence of urine, enuresis (kreos, sep)
- excoriation between fingers and toes
- pustules
- tetany (cic, nux-v)
- spasms
- mania
- meningitis
- restless
- formication (sec)
- contraction of extremities
- delirium (bell)
- night terrors (stram, kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- alternating effects
- fear of dark, animals - dogs (calc)
- expression of terror
- nightmare (borx, cina, kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- shrieking (apis)
- desire for light and company
- brilliant eyes (bell)
- praying, religious
- violent action
- chorea, gyratory, graceful motions
- hallucinations (anac, cann-i)
- objects look large
- urine suppressed
- hands on genitals
- pain in left hip
- high fever (bell)
- vertigo
- hiccough
- salivation
- heart and arteries
- collapse
- profuse cold sweat
- open air amel (carb-v, puls)
- vomiting (ip)
- uncovering abdomen amel
- seasickness
- renal colic, left side
- palpitation
- trembling limbs
- sleepless
- cancer
- craves tobacco (staph)
- sudden jerking in different parts
- offensive breath, sweat
- parts of body feel separated (bapt)
- tongue coated on one side only (mez)
- urine like rotten eggs
- cold feeling on buttocks
- sleepless (coff)
- dreams of cats
- starting on falling asleep
- salivation
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- neuralgia
- depression
- palpitation
- dyspnea
- skin complaints
- bones
- neuralgia > near hot stove
- teeth - caries, pains (merc [Mercury/Metals])
- chilly, sensitive to air (hep [Calcium/Sulphur])
- eruptions after vaccination (sil, thuj)
- pains shoot upward (led)
- headache < talking
- eruptions with thick, leathery white scabs, sticky liquid under
- bores fingers in ear (cina, nat-p [Natrum/Phosphorus])
- mouth waters
- intolerable itching, with chilliness
- ulcers with fiery areolas
- children
- convulsions
- vomiting
- brainfag
- linea nasalis
- summer <
- exhaustion
- crying, uneasiness
- milk agg
- eyes drawn downwards
- eruptions on tip of nose
- regurgitation of food
- speechless from pain
- swelling of lymph nodes (bar-c)
- startled, jerks in sleep
- bones
- offensive
- flatulence
- hysteria
- syphilis
- extreme sensitiviness
- night <
- complaining
- otorrhea
- pushing out sensation
- regurgitation
- milk in breast, or lack of
- convulsions
- skin eruptions, large pustules - without itching, form crust
- hiccough
- frightful distortions, contractions of muscles
- violent, strange desires
- does absurd things, gestures
- confusion, stupid feeling
- sudden, spasmodic effects
- suppression
- touch agg
- paralytic effects
- complaints go upward (led)
- vertigo < turning eyes or head
- injuries - to glands (bellis)
- sexual abstinence (apis)
- hanging part >
- yellow nails
- cancer
- prostate (staph)
- trembling
- photophobia
- breasts before menses
- convulsions
- worse during menses, pregnancy
- leprosy
- icthyosis (sep)
- twitching
- yawning
- urinary
- itching piles
- gonorrhea
- perineum
- biting deep in urethra
- appetite or thirst - lost on eating or drinking
- offensive expectoration
- bronchitis, emphysema
- tubercular
- hectic fever
- vertex heavy, crushing
- ciliary neuralgia
- sticking pain through right breast extending to back
- pain between nursing
- cr acids
- hysteria
- neuralgia
- numbness on becoming cold
- insomnia
- fidgety
- comedones
- palpitation
- left side
- sensation of water drops on spine
- asthma
- chorea < sleep
- convulsions
- body seems pale, white, puffy
- cr acids
- leucorrhea
- restless legs
- tired feeling