To simplify the use of PhaseRep, a few rubrics unique to this repertory – or having special meaning – are explained further. For all the rest, the standard use as in any repertory / dictionary is applicable. Only rubrics that require some explanation are listed below.
addiction: Addiction to substances including coffee, tea, tobacco, cannabis etc.
cheated: Feels cheated, deceived
control: Fears loss of self-control, or feeling of not being in control
exaggeration: Sensations, complaints or feelings are expressed in an exaggerated manner. e.g. acon, cann-i, verat
illusions, hallucinations: Only drugs with marked illusory / hallucinating states - e.g. bapt, cann-i, op, sabad
insecurity: Defined as - feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable in some way. e.g. ars, sep
monetary: Financial concerns, fear of poverty, talks about money matters
moral issues: Moral scruples, dilemmas. Much more than feeling guilty. e.g. anac, aur
self-injury: Pulls own hair, cuts self, bangs head against wall etc. does not include suicidal tendency
General Conditions
acute: Very acute, violent complaints or inflammations characterized by speed, intensity, violence. e.g. acon, glon, hydr-ac
alternation: Alternation of complaints, sides, moods.
attacks, paroxysms: Complaints in attacks or paroxysms - e.g. bism, dros, cupr
bathing, washing: Affinity for water = desire for bathing, or worse from washing... e.g. asar, am-c, rhus-t, sulph
bodyache: Aching, soreness in general. e.g. arn, pyrog, rhus-t
chronic complaints: Not just complaints dating from very long, but deep-seated, slow processes that don't yield easily. e.g. alum, bar-c
efforts, ineffectual, unsuccessful, repeated, fruitless: Same action is repeated without satisfaction or success - e.g. canth, merc, nux-v
holds part: Holds the affected part - head, chest, genitals. e.g. bry, petros
involuntary: Involuntary actions, movements, laughter etc. e.g. agar, apis, hell, ign
new growths: Includes polyps, cysts, bony growths and cancers.
offensive: Offensive discharges, breath, sweat etc.
oversensitive: Extremely sensitive mentally or physically... with fainting, overreaction etc. e.g. asar, hep
pains: Where severe pains are the main complaint. e.g. acon, cham
prolapse: Prolapse of anus, piles, uterus. Drugs with such a tendency - e.g. mur-ac, podo
rapid onset: Pace of disease without reference to intensity. Complaints developing in a short time.
rheumatism: Prominent complaints of the musculoskeletal system - tendons, joints, muscles, bones, synovium. The more of these affected, the more appropriate. Includes rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia etc. e.g. guaj, rhus-t
sexual complaints: Complaints pertaining to the sexual sphere. Nymphomania, Erectile dysfunction. e.g. agn, dios, orig, ph-ac
shock: Mental or physical shock - where the whole organism is affected by an external event, injury or news. e.g. carb-v, ign
skin complaints: Includes itching, eruptions without itching, discolorations etc.
slowness: Slow mental states - acts slowly. Not the same as dullness from fever etc. e.g. alum, cocc
sudden: Abrupt, unexpected onset. Similar to "rapid onset", however, more like acon than ars, the former characterized by suddenness.
swelling: Tendency to swelling of parts - e.g. apis
tired, fatigued, weary: Where the sensation of tiredness or weariness is predominant. Different from weakness, which is more physical. e.g. helon, onos, pic-ac
violent effects: Severity of complaints is marked. e.g. oena, tarent. There is some overlap in the rubrics "rapid onset", "sudden", "acute" and "violent effects". The analysis takes this overlap into account and corrects for it.
Physical Modalities
a/f cold: Getting chilled in any way, inspiring cold, drinking cold water etc.
hot: Thermal state hot, worse from heat in general, prefers cool air. e.g. fl-ac, iod, sec
stooling agg: Much trouble associated with the act of passing stools. e.g. nit-ac, nux-v
bluish: Includes cyanosis, blueness of single parts if this is a key feature. e.g. ail, carb-v, dig, hydr-ac
cracks: Cracks in lips, mucous membranes, skin
redness, flushing, congestion: Includes redness in single parts, if prominent e.g. ferr, sang
blackness: e.g. anthr, ars, bism, sec
whiteness: e.g. kali-m, lac-c
yellowness: e.g. card-m, chel, crot-h, kali-s
sweaty: Increased sweat in general. e.g. iod, merc
sticky: Includes stringy, viscid. e.g. kali-bi, hydr
profuse discharges: Includes coryza, diarrhea, leucorrhea. e.g. all-c, cop, jab
eye complaints: Includes complaints of the eye structures. e.g. arg-n, euphr
vision: Includes all visual disturbances - diplopia, hemiopia, colored vision, sparks, dim vision before headache etc. e.g, bell, onos, kali-p, phys
ear complaints: Complaints of internal and external ear, other than pain or problems with hearing. Obstructed feeling, otorrhea, otitis etc. e.g. kali-m, mang
Mouth and Teeth
tongue: Complaints affecting the tongue especially. e.g, mur-ac, tarax
teeth: Affinity for tissues including and about the teeth. e.g, fl-ac, hekla, mez
Digestive system
dyspepsia: Marked gastric and digestive disturbance. Drugs that strongly affect digestion, e.g. ant-c, ip, nux-v
Organs, Systems
urinary: All drugs having a particular affinity for the bladder and urethra. e.g. apis, canth, petros
urinating agg: Complaints (even in remote parts) esp. while urinating. e.g. borx, sars, thuj
calculi: Calculi anywhere - gall stone, kidney stone, gouty tophi, crystal depositions. e.g. berb, chel
Sleep and Dreams
on waking: Mental and physical complaints on waking. e.g. lyc, syph