
do you feel more hot or cold? where in the body do you feel the heat or cold
observe if body is hot or cold, or if parts are cold/hot
is there any sweat. where do you sweat more
what brings on the sweat - movement, covers, eating and drinking, or specific time - while sleeping, on waking, falling asleep
observe if there is sweat, and where - covered parts, on uncovering a part, part lain on, one side only
how is your energy? to what extent is it affected? Any dullness, sleepiness
what could have brought on this fever - any exposure to cold or heat, emotions, etc?
what gives you maximum relief?
what things make you feel much worse?
do you have any pains or any other complaints
how is your thirst compared to normal - is there any change
do you feel more or less hungry than usual?
any problem with urine, stool - or any complaints during these, like feeling cold during stool
do you have any of the following - Headache, Dizziness, Faint feeling, Spasms or Jerks
do you have any of the following Gastric issues - Nausea/Vomiting, Diarrhea, Cramps or Pain in abdomen
do you have any of the following - ENT complaints - Earache or sounds, Cold or Cough, Hoarse or painful voice, Dry throat

Symptoms: Chill begins, Chill/ chilliness, Concomitants, Heat, Modalities, Region, Sleep, Sweat, Thirst, Time, Type

Drugs: acon, ant-c, apis, arn, ars, bapt, bell, bry, calad, caps, carb-v, cham, chin, cina, coff, eup-per, ferr-p, gels, hep, hyos, ign, ip, lach, lyc, merc, mur-ac, nat-m, nux-v, op, ph-ac, phos, podo, puls, pyrog, rhus-t, samb, sep, stram, sulph, tub, zinc
