How To Use PhaseRep

In order to use PhaseRep, watch the help video twice and then read this information.

  1. PhaseRep is an objective repertory. It consists of about 450 rubrics. One does not search and select rubrics when using PhaseRep, but rather has to go through the entire list from top to bottom slowly and systematically.
  2. Read each rubric, see whether it corresponds to the patient's complaint. For example, if there is a word "attacks" as a rubric, consider if the complaints come in attacks, in paroxysms - like migraines, or vomiting etc. Similarly, malaria is a rubric which not only indicates the actual disease, but also the pace and progression such as described in Dr. Sankaran's miasms. A malarial miasm is one where there is a severe attack and then periods of relief - intermittency. This could be a relapsing / remission kind of condition.
  3. Go through all the rubrics. Do not worry about what is not there, but focus on what is there.
  4. There are two phases of repertorization. In the first phase, you choose rubrics. Let us say you have chosen fasting aggravates, hot, burning of souls, desire sweets, etc. and it comes to sulphur as the top drug.
  5. In the second phase of the repertorization, keynotes of the top drugs (from analysis of the first phase) are shown. Thus "itching with burning after scratching" or "Uncovers feet in bed at night" might be displayed for Sulphur. These keynotes of Sulph are mixed with the keynotes of the other top drugs.
  6. If you select "burning of the skin after scratching", Sulphur comes up much stronger than the others - it is further confirmed. But if you do not select that, and instead select the keynotes of another drug, that drug comes higher. So even if in the first phase sulphur was the most prominent drug, the other drug might be more prominent after you have selected the confirmatory keynotes.
  7. There are several other factors in the Expert system such as the weightage given to each rubric - mind, general rubrics versus particulars, smaller rubrics, small drugs etc.
  8. In addition to the standard repertorization process, there are direct combinations. So for example if you have headache + right side + vomiting ameliorates, then sanguinaria might be shown as a suggestion for the case analysis.
  9. PhaseRep gives you a group of remedies which can be then studied in the Materia Medica, and the final decision is up to the prescriber, to find the most similar remedy to the case in question.