How To Use KentRep Search

KentRep Search is based on Kent's Repertory (3rd Edition) modified to indicate keynotes.

It allows you to search Kent's Repertory using a combination of:

After entering the search word, press "search" to get the results. You can either click on a specific rubric to see the drugs in it, or click on the expand all. Keep all three grades checked to see drugs of all grades. If you want nat-m only in 3 marks, then select "nat-m" in included drug and tick only grade 3. If a drug is underlined, it indicates that this rubric is a keynote of the drug.

Include Drug and Exclude drug is a nice feature that allows you to compare two drugs. Let us say you think the patient might need either nat mur or ignatia. You can simply say - show keynotes of nat-m in which ignatia is not present. Thus, it will not show disappointment or grief, which are present in both drugs. In Nat-mur, it will show emaciation despite good appetite, or craving for salt. You can check/ confirm the presence of these in the patient. Or in Ignatia, if you exclude nat-mur, it will show aversion to fruit, sighing etc.

Try "include drug = ign, exclude nat-m" & tick the 3 marks only.

Please note that there are two other programs on this website that exclusively focus on differntiating drugs (Kent Comparisons and Distinctions).

The search section can have more than one word, but they need to be separated by a + sign. There is a checkbox to show only rubrics that have 6 drugs or less. These become very important rubrics for the drug. Thus, Headache might have any drug from aconite to zinc. But as a rubric gets very specific, there are fewer and fewer drugs, and these are highly individial features of the remedy - for e.g, fear of death - predicts the time of death.

If a drug is underlined, it means that this is a keynote of the drug. Thus, a drug may be in grade 1, but if it is underlined, it may be more significant that another drug which has the symptom in grade 3. For example, all-c or euphr have lachrymation as a keynote, whereas even if sulph has lachrymation in grade 3, it is not a keynote of sulphur. You can search for keynotes of a drug simply by choosing "Include Drug" and ticking Keynotes.

Try out different searches and get familiar with KentRep Search. If you search for Cocc and Mind and grade 3, you will see all the grade 3 Mind rubrics of Cocculus. KentRep Search has been designed keeping mobile phone usage as well as a regular browser search - and if the search yields more than 250 rubrics, it will give a message asking to modify the search criteria. So please don't just search for "Cocc + mind" or only "Fear" etc.

Rare drugs are those that are present in less than 500 rubrics or so in Kent's repertory. Polychrests like Sulph and Bry might be seen in many searches, so a special search for only rare drugs is useful.

Do note that if you make spelling errors, you will not get the search results you want. Also, it is better to type "desire + sweet" than to type "desire + sweets" - unless you are very sure it's given in plural. For example, "burning + soles" may not give you any results if in the repertory it is "Foot, sole, burning". Lastly, do look at the help for the keynote search and theraps search - to get an idea about the kind of searches possible.